

Pruning Shears

Pruning Shears

  • 原价 ¥344.00
    原价 ¥344.00 - 原价 ¥344.00
    原价 ¥344.00
    现价 ¥309.00
    ¥309.00 - ¥309.00
    现价 ¥309.00

    Ars LPB-30S 树枝剪 修枝剪

    Ars Corporation

    Ars LPB-30S 树枝修剪剪可让您快速安全地修剪植物。这款修剪剪的刀片坚固耐用,锋利无比,可轻松剪断粗树枝。其符合人体工程学的手柄提供最大的舒适度和可操作性,可实现高效、精确的修剪。

    原价 ¥344.00
    原价 ¥344.00 - 原价 ¥344.00
    原价 ¥344.00
    现价 ¥309.00
    ¥309.00 - ¥309.00
    现价 ¥309.00
    节省10% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥280.00
    原价 ¥280.00 - 原价 ¥280.00
    原价 ¥280.00
    现价 ¥238.00
    ¥238.00 - ¥238.00
    现价 ¥238.00

    Ars V-7Pro 修枝剪

    Ars Corporation

    Ars V-7Pro 修枝剪是修剪树木和灌木的完美工具。我们的剪刀采用轻巧耐用的设计,提供卓越的切割控制和舒适度。这些剪刀具有锋利的刀片,可实现平滑、干净的切割,非常适合专业园丁和家庭园丁。使用 Ars V-7Pro 修枝剪,您可以快速轻松地完成修剪。

    原价 ¥280.00
    原价 ¥280.00 - 原价 ¥280.00
    原价 ¥280.00
    现价 ¥238.00
    ¥238.00 - ¥238.00
    现价 ¥238.00
    节省15% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥139.00
    原价 ¥139.00 - 原价 ¥139.00
    原价 ¥139.00
    现价 ¥126.00
    ¥126.00 - ¥126.00
    现价 ¥126.00

    Ars Corporation 140Dx-Y 家庭轻型园艺剪(豪华黄色)

    Ars Corporation

    Ars Corporation 的这款豪华黄色 140Dx-Y 家庭轻型园艺剪刀性能可靠耐用,适合户外园艺任务。其轻巧的设计确保使用方便舒适。这些剪刀非常适合修剪粗树枝和树篱。

    原价 ¥139.00
    原价 ¥139.00 - 原价 ¥139.00
    原价 ¥139.00
    现价 ¥126.00
    ¥126.00 - ¥126.00
    现价 ¥126.00
    节省9% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥299.00
    原价 ¥299.00 - 原价 ¥299.00
    原价 ¥299.00
    现价 ¥286.00
    ¥286.00 - ¥286.00
    现价 ¥286.00

    Ars V-8Pro 修枝剪

    Ars Corporation

    Ars V-8Pro 修枝剪是任何工作的完美工具。这些剪刀具有舒适的人体工程学手柄和重型不锈钢刀片,旨在让您的修剪工作更轻松、更快捷。轻松精确地剪断树枝和茎,留下整齐、专业的剪痕。非常适合认真的园丁或专业景观设计师。

    原价 ¥299.00
    原价 ¥299.00 - 原价 ¥299.00
    原价 ¥299.00
    现价 ¥286.00
    ¥286.00 - ¥286.00
    现价 ¥286.00
    节省4% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥134.00
    原价 ¥134.00 - 原价 ¥134.00
    原价 ¥134.00
    现价 ¥120.00
    ¥120.00 - ¥120.00
    现价 ¥120.00

    Ars Corporation 140Dx-G 家庭轻型园艺剪(豪华绿)

    Ars Corporation

    这款 Deluxe Green Ars Corporation 140Dx-G 家庭轻型园艺剪刀具备您园艺项目所需的所有功能。采用轻质材料,易于操作,锋利的刀片可进行精确切割,您可以快速高效地完成工作。非常适合日常家庭园艺和小规模景观美化项目。

    原价 ¥134.00
    原价 ¥134.00 - 原价 ¥134.00
    原价 ¥134.00
    现价 ¥120.00
    ¥120.00 - ¥120.00
    现价 ¥120.00
    节省10% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥229.00
    原价 ¥229.00 - 原价 ¥229.00
    原价 ¥229.00
    现价 ¥222.00
    ¥222.00 - ¥222.00
    现价 ¥222.00

    Ars Corporation 修枝剪 黑色 120B

    Ars Corporation

    Ars Corporation Pruner Black 120B 是修剪树木和其他植物的完美工具。它重量轻,但足够耐用,可以处理重型工作。这款修剪器的人体工程学设计使其使用起来很舒适,其强大的刀片可以快速轻松地剪断树枝。使用 Ars Corporation Pruner Black 120B...

    原价 ¥229.00
    原价 ¥229.00 - 原价 ¥229.00
    原价 ¥229.00
    现价 ¥222.00
    ¥222.00 - ¥222.00
    现价 ¥222.00
    节省3% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥270.00
    原价 ¥270.00 - 原价 ¥270.00
    原价 ¥270.00
    现价 ¥235.00
    ¥235.00 - ¥235.00
    现价 ¥235.00

    Ars Corporation 修枝剪 S 型 120S-7 7 英寸

    Ars Corporation

    Ars Corporation 修枝剪 S 型 120S-7 7 英寸非常适合修剪坚硬的树枝和细枝。这些剪刀采用 7 英寸不锈钢结构和符合人体工程学的手柄,设计更加舒适和耐用。使用这些可靠而高效的剪刀,可以轻松完成各种修剪任务。

    原价 ¥270.00
    原价 ¥270.00 - 原价 ¥270.00
    原价 ¥270.00
    现价 ¥235.00
    ¥235.00 - ¥235.00
    现价 ¥235.00
    节省13% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥276.00
    原价 ¥276.00 - 原价 ¥276.00
    原价 ¥276.00
    现价 ¥255.00
    ¥255.00 - ¥255.00
    现价 ¥255.00

    Ars Corporation 园艺剪 150-0.6D

    Ars Corporation

    “使用 Ars Corporation 园艺剪刀 150-0.6D 让园艺变得简单。这些优质剪刀旨在实现最高效率和舒适度。它们采用轻量级设计和不锈钢刀片,每次都能实现精确切割。”

    原价 ¥276.00
    原价 ¥276.00 - 原价 ¥276.00
    原价 ¥276.00
    现价 ¥255.00
    ¥255.00 - ¥255.00
    现价 ¥255.00
  • 原价 ¥70.00
    原价 ¥70.00 - 原价 ¥70.00
    原价 ¥70.00
    现价 ¥56.00
    ¥56.00 - ¥56.00
    现价 ¥56.00

    Ars Corporation 修枝剪 S 型 2 件 SP-120S-B1

    Ars Corporation

    “我们推出 Ars Corporation 修枝剪 S 型 SP-120S-B1,这是进行精确修剪和切割的完美工具。这套 2 把剪刀重量轻,但非常耐用,可长期使用。其符合人体工程学的设计让手感舒适且易于使用。快速完成您的园艺工作并获得专业效果!”

    原价 ¥70.00
    原价 ¥70.00 - 原价 ¥70.00
    原价 ¥70.00
    现价 ¥56.00
    ¥56.00 - ¥56.00
    现价 ¥56.00
    节省20% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥294.00
    原价 ¥294.00 - 原价 ¥294.00
    原价 ¥294.00
    现价 ¥279.00
    ¥279.00 - ¥279.00
    现价 ¥279.00

    Ars Vs-9Z 修枝剪

    Ars Corporation

    Ars VS-9Z 修枝剪旨在让修剪变得轻松高效。它们采用高品质不锈钢刀片,可实现平滑、干净的切割,并配有舒适的聚合物手柄,可实现最大程度的控制和抓握。这些剪刀非常适合用于中小型树枝,非常适合修剪和塑造任何花园。

    原价 ¥294.00
    原价 ¥294.00 - 原价 ¥294.00
    原价 ¥294.00
    现价 ¥279.00
    ¥279.00 - ¥279.00
    现价 ¥279.00
    节省5% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥285.00 - 原价 ¥285.00
    原价 ¥285.00
    ¥312.00 - ¥312.00
    现价 ¥312.00

    Ars Corporation K-900 轻型修枝剪

    Ars Corporation

    Ars Corporation 的 K-900 轻型修枝剪专为精确、高效的修剪而设计。这些剪子重量轻、耐用且易于使用,是园丁、景观设计师和其他专业人士的理想选择。它们具有符合人体工程学的手柄和锋利的刀片,可轻松进行精确、准确的修剪。

    原价 ¥285.00 - 原价 ¥285.00
    原价 ¥285.00
    ¥312.00 - ¥312.00
    现价 ¥312.00
  • 原价 ¥139.00
    原价 ¥139.00 - 原价 ¥139.00
    原价 ¥139.00
    现价 ¥126.00
    ¥126.00 - ¥126.00
    现价 ¥126.00

    Ars Corporation Mini Choki 修枝剪 130Dx-P(豪华版/粉色)

    Ars Corporation

    Ars Corporation Mini Choki 修枝剪 130Dx-P 是进行精确修剪的完美工具。这些豪华粉色剪刀具有锋利的不锈钢刀片、舒适的人体工程学手柄和易于使用的安全锁,可增加安全性。非常适合在花园或外出时使用!

    原价 ¥139.00
    原价 ¥139.00 - 原价 ¥139.00
    原价 ¥139.00
    现价 ¥126.00
    ¥126.00 - ¥126.00
    现价 ¥126.00
    节省9% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥458.00 - 原价 ¥458.00
    原价 ¥458.00
    ¥555.00 - ¥555.00
    现价 ¥555.00

    Ars KR-1000L 轻型剪板机(带可更换刀片)

    Ars Corporation

    这款轻巧、符合人体工程学的 Ars 剪裁机非常适合快速高效地剪裁布料和其他材料。KR-1000L 经久耐用,刀片可更换,是业余和专业裁缝的绝佳选择。立即购买 Ars KR-1000L,体验顶级布料剪裁机带来的便利。

    原价 ¥458.00 - 原价 ¥458.00
    原价 ¥458.00
    ¥555.00 - ¥555.00
    现价 ¥555.00
  • 原价 ¥271.00 - 原价 ¥271.00
    原价 ¥271.00
    ¥271.00 - ¥271.00
    现价 ¥271.00

    Ars V-8Pro-1 修枝剪替换刀片

    Ars Corporation

    Ars 的这款替换刀片专为 V-8Pro-1 修枝剪而设计。它采用耐用材料制成,非常适合进行干净、精确的切割。更换刀片,重新开始,使用最适合这项工作的工具继续修剪!

    原价 ¥271.00 - 原价 ¥271.00
    原价 ¥271.00
    ¥271.00 - ¥271.00
    现价 ¥271.00
  • 原价 ¥282.00
    原价 ¥282.00 - 原价 ¥282.00
    原价 ¥282.00
    现价 ¥278.00
    ¥278.00 - ¥278.00
    现价 ¥278.00

    Ars Corporation S 型修枝剪 8 英寸 120S-8

    Ars Corporation

    : Ars Corporation 的 S 型修枝剪 8 英寸 120S-8 坚固耐用,是各种修剪和园艺任务的理想选择。它配有 8 英寸的切割刀片,非常适合剪断顽固的树枝和细枝。此外,它采用时尚且符合人体工程学的设计,使用起来非常舒适。使用这些优质剪刀,您可以快速高效地完成修剪工作。

    原价 ¥282.00
    原价 ¥282.00 - 原价 ¥282.00
    原价 ¥282.00
    现价 ¥278.00
    ¥278.00 - ¥278.00
    现价 ¥278.00
    节省1% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥209.00
    原价 ¥209.00 - 原价 ¥209.00
    原价 ¥209.00
    现价 ¥202.00
    ¥202.00 - ¥202.00
    现价 ¥202.00

    Ars Corporation WD-30L 修枝锯 30 厘米 可更换刀片 粗粒

    Ars Corporation

    这款 Ars Corporation WD-30L 修枝锯配有 30 厘米可更换刀片,表面粗糙。非常适合在粗枝上进行干净、精确的切割,是任何修剪工作的可靠工具。其符合人体工程学的手柄提供舒适的抓握和控制,而锋利的刀片确保快速轻松的切割。这款耐用且高效的修枝锯每次都能获得完美的切割效果。

    原价 ¥209.00
    原价 ¥209.00 - 原价 ¥209.00
    原价 ¥209.00
    现价 ¥202.00
    ¥202.00 - ¥202.00
    现价 ¥202.00
    节省3% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥158.00
    原价 ¥158.00 - 原价 ¥158.00
    原价 ¥158.00
    现价 ¥143.00
    ¥143.00 - ¥143.00
    现价 ¥143.00

    Ars Corporation 修枝锯 Deluxe 210Dx

    Ars Corporation

    Ars Corporation 的这款 210Dx 豪华修枝锯旨在让修剪工作更轻松、更高效。其符合人体工程学的设计和耐用的钢制刀片使其成为修剪各种植物和灌木的完美工具。使用这款修枝锯,您可以快速轻松地完成工作。

    原价 ¥158.00
    原价 ¥158.00 - 原价 ¥158.00
    原价 ¥158.00
    现价 ¥143.00
    ¥143.00 - ¥143.00
    现价 ¥143.00
    节省9% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥231.00
    原价 ¥231.00 - 原价 ¥231.00
    原价 ¥231.00
    现价 ¥194.00
    ¥194.00 - ¥194.00
    现价 ¥194.00

    Ars VS-7Z 修枝剪

    Ars Corporation

    Ars VS-7Z 修枝剪是一款功能强大且有效的工具,可用于修剪和塑造树木和灌木。这些剪刀采用轻质铝制手柄和防滑手柄,旨在让修剪工作更加轻松。精密研磨的切割刀片确保每次都能干净、精确地切割。使用 Ars VS-7Z 修枝剪,您可以放心修剪您的花园。

    原价 ¥231.00
    原价 ¥231.00 - 原价 ¥231.00
    原价 ¥231.00
    现价 ¥194.00
    ¥194.00 - ¥194.00
    现价 ¥194.00
    节省16% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥140.00
    原价 ¥140.00 - 原价 ¥140.00
    原价 ¥140.00
    现价 ¥127.00
    ¥127.00 - ¥127.00
    现价 ¥127.00

    Chikamasa 修枝剪 200 PS-20R


    Chikamasa 修枝剪 200 PS-20R 为所有园丁提供可靠的解决方案。耐用的刀片由日本不锈钢制成,确保持久耐用。符合人体工程学的设计使其即使长时间使用也易于使用。使用这些修枝剪,您可以享受精确的剪枝、修剪和其他园艺任务。

    原价 ¥140.00
    原价 ¥140.00 - 原价 ¥140.00
    原价 ¥140.00
    现价 ¥127.00
    ¥127.00 - ¥127.00
    现价 ¥127.00
    节省9% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥101.00 - 原价 ¥101.00
    原价 ¥101.00
    ¥110.00 - ¥110.00
    现价 ¥110.00

    Chikamasa CRI-161SP 园艺剪


    Chikamasa CRI-161SP 园艺剪是追求精准和品质的园丁和园艺家的完美工具。这些剪刀采用不锈钢刀片,具有最大的耐用性和卓越的切割性能。符合人体工程学的手柄提供舒适的握持感,适合长时间使用,可调节刀片可实现精确修剪。凭借其卓越的品质和耐用的结构,Chikamasa CRI-161SP...

    原价 ¥101.00 - 原价 ¥101.00
    原价 ¥101.00
    ¥110.00 - ¥110.00
    现价 ¥110.00
  • 原价 ¥146.00 - 原价 ¥146.00
    原价 ¥146.00
    ¥207.00 - ¥207.00
    现价 ¥207.00

    Kaneshika 工具修枝剪 - 优质碳钢剪刀

    Kaneshika Tool

    想要一把完美的修枝剪吗?Kaneshika Tool Co., Ltd. 就是您的不二之选!Kaneshika Tool Co., Ltd. 位于以制造工艺闻名的新潟县三条市,生产用于精细修剪任务的高品质修枝剪。通过精心的规划和生产流程,这些剪刀经久耐用。请记住小心处理,使用后彻底清洗和干燥,...

    原价 ¥146.00 - 原价 ¥146.00
    原价 ¥146.00
    ¥207.00 - ¥207.00
    现价 ¥207.00
  • 原价 ¥0.00 - 原价 ¥0.00
    原价 ¥0.00
    ¥244.00 - ¥244.00
    现价 ¥244.00

    Miki Kajiya Village Brown Leather Pruning Shears Case TS082 Durable Tool Holder

    Miki Kajiya Village

    Keep your pruning shears safe and secure with the Miki Kajiya Village Brown Leather Pruning Shears Case TS082. Crafted from durable leather, this t...

    原价 ¥0.00 - 原价 ¥0.00
    原价 ¥0.00
    ¥244.00 - ¥244.00
    现价 ¥244.00
  • 原价 ¥225.00
    原价 ¥225.00 - 原价 ¥225.00
    原价 ¥225.00
    现价 ¥176.00
    ¥176.00 - ¥176.00
    现价 ¥176.00

    Ars V-7Pro-1 修枝剪替换刀片

    Ars Corporation

    Ars V-7Pro-1 修枝剪替换刀片。采用优质钢材制成,可确保干净、精确地切割。适用于所有类型的修剪任务,是家庭或专业园丁的理想选择。

    原价 ¥225.00
    原价 ¥225.00 - 原价 ¥225.00
    原价 ¥225.00
    现价 ¥176.00
    ¥176.00 - ¥176.00
    现价 ¥176.00
    节省22% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥151.00 - 原价 ¥151.00
    原价 ¥151.00
    ¥156.00 - ¥156.00
    现价 ¥156.00

    Ars Corp G 经典园艺剪 GC-140

    Ars Corporation

    : 介绍 Ars Corp G Classic 园艺剪刀 GC-140 - 满足您所有园艺需求的完美选择。这些剪刀采用轻巧的设计和符合人体工程学的手柄,在修剪植物时提供卓越的舒适性和控制力。它们由耐用的不锈钢制成,经久耐用。使用锋利的刀片,您可以轻松精确地修剪树枝和树枝。每次使用 Ars ...

    原价 ¥151.00 - 原价 ¥151.00
    原价 ¥151.00
    ¥156.00 - ¥156.00
    现价 ¥156.00


Master the Art of Pruning with Japanese Pruning Shears: The Ultimate Guide to Pruning Shears and How to Choose the Best Ones

Gardening is a beloved hobby for many, and one of the most essential tools in a gardener's arsenal is the humble pruning shears. These versatile tools are crucial for maintaining the health and aesthetics of your plants, trees, and shrubs. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of Japanese pruning shears, exploring their benefits, recommending top models, and guiding you on how to choose the best pruning shears for your gardening needs.

What is pruning shears and why is it important?

Pruning shears, also known as secateurs, are a type of hand-held cutting tool used to trim, shape, and maintain various plants, trees, and shrubs. Proper pruning is essential for several reasons:
  • Promotes Plant Health: Removing dead, damaged, or overgrown foliage allows your plants to focus their energy on healthy growth, improving their overall vigor and resilience.

  • Enhances Aesthetics: Careful pruning can shape and sculpt your plants, creating visually appealing forms and maintaining the desired size and shape of your garden.

  • Increases Productivity: Pruning can stimulate new growth and encourage the production of flowers, fruits, or other desirable plant parts.

  • Prevents Damage: Timely pruning can prevent the spread of disease, reduce the risk of branches breaking under heavy loads, and mitigate the impact of pests.

The benefits of using Japanese pruning shears

While there are many types of pruning shears available on the market, Japanese pruning shears have gained a reputation for their exceptional quality, precision, and durability. Here are some of the key benefits of using Japanese pruning shears:
  • Superior Cutting Performance: Japanese pruning shears are renowned for their sharp, high-quality blades that can effortlessly slice through even the toughest stems and branches.

  • Ergonomic Design: Many Japanese pruning shears feature ergonomic handles and a balanced weight distribution, reducing hand fatigue and strain during extended pruning sessions.

Ars VA-7Z Pruning Shears 180mm

Buy now: Ars VA-7Z Pruning Shears 180mm

  • Exceptional Precision: The precise, clean cuts made by Japanese pruning shears minimize damage to plants and promote faster healing and regrowth.

  • Longevity: Japanese pruning shears are often made with high-quality materials and crafted with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring they can withstand years of heavy use.

  • Versatility: Japanese pruning shears come in a variety of sizes and styles, allowing you to tackle a wide range of pruning tasks, from delicate bonsai trimming to heavy-duty branch removal.

Recommended Top Must-have Pruning Shears

  • Ars Pruning Shears: Known for their sharp, high-quality blades made from high-carbon steel, Ars shears offer durability and precise cuts. They often have ergonomic handles, providing comfort during extended use.

Ars VS-7Z Pruning Shears

Shop now: Ars VS-7Z Pruning Shears

  • Chikamasa Pruning Shears: These Japanese shears are crafted with precision, often featuring non-stick coated blades ideal for sap-heavy plants. They’re popular for delicate tasks like bonsai and flower pruning.

Chikamasa Pruning Shears 200 PS-20R


Add to your collection: Chikamasa Pruning Shears 200 PS-20R


  • Kaneshika Pruning Shears: Kaneshika are premium Japanese gardening tools renowned for their sharp precision and exceptional craftsmanship. Designed for both professional and home gardeners, Kaneshika shears often feature high-carbon steel blades and ergonomic handles for comfort and durability. These shears are ideal for delicate tasks such as pruning bonsai trees, flowers, and small branches. Their attention to detail and quality construction make them a favorite among gardeners seeking reliable and long-lasting tools.


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How to choose the best pruning shears for your needs

Selecting the right pruning shears for your gardening needs can be a daunting task, given the wide range of options available. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing the best pruning shears:
  • Blade Material and Design: Look for pruners with high-quality, precision-ground blades made of materials like high-carbon steel or forged steel. The blade design (straight, curved, or bypass) should be suited to the types of plants you'll be pruning.

  • Handle Ergonomics: Choose pruners with comfortable, ergonomic handles that fit your hand well and reduce hand fatigue during extended use.

  • Size and Cutting Capacity: Consider the size and thickness of the branches and stems you'll be cutting, and select pruners with a cutting capacity that can handle your gardening needs.

  • Additional Features: Look for pruners with extra features like shock-absorbing mechanisms, locking mechanisms, or sap grooves that can enhance their performance and ease of use.

  • Intended Use: Determine whether you need pruners for light, delicate tasks or heavy-duty branch removal, and choose accordingly.

By considering these factors, you can find the perfect Japanese pruning shears that will elevate your gardening experience and help you achieve the best results.

Where to buy Japanese pruning shears: our Kiichin

At Kiichin, we pride ourselves on curating a selection of high-quality Japanese pruning shears that cater to the diverse needs of gardeners. Our online store offers a wide range of top-of-the-line models from renowned Japanese brands, ensuring you can find the perfect pruning shears to suit your gardening requirements.

Whether you're a seasoned green thumb or a budding gardener, our knowledgeable team is here to guide you through the selection process and help you find the best Japanese pruning shears for your needs. Visit our online store today and explore our comprehensive collection to elevate your gardening game.


Pruning is an art form that requires the right tools to achieve the best results. By investing in high-quality Japanese pruning shears, you can transform your gardening experience, unlocking the full potential of your plants and creating a visually stunning outdoor oasis.

Remember, the key to successful pruning lies not only in the shears you choose but also in the proper techniques and timing. Familiarize yourself with the best pruning practices, and let your Japanese pruning shears be the extension of your green thumb. With the right tools and knowledge, you'll be well on your way to becoming a true master of the art of pruning.

Discover the perfect Japanese pruning shears for your gardening needs at Kiichin. Browse our curated collection and elevate your outdoor space with precision and style. Shop now and transform your gardening experience!