



  • 原价 ¥526.00 - 原价 ¥526.00
    原价 ¥526.00
    ¥618.00 - ¥618.00
    现价 ¥618.00

    Zojirushi SL-GF18-BA 黑鋼午餐罐便當(3 碗)

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    這款 Zojirushi SL-GF18-BA 黑鋼午餐罐 O-Ben-To(3 碗)是一款多功能午餐罐,可為不同種類的食物提供充足的空間。它由不含 BPA 的材料製成,配有三個帶蓋碗,可讓您的午餐保持新鮮和安全。 Zojirushi 午餐罐還配有折疊手柄,方便攜帶。它非常適合在旅途中用餐。

    原价 ¥526.00 - 原价 ¥526.00
    原价 ¥526.00
    ¥618.00 - ¥618.00
    现价 ¥618.00
  • 原价 ¥166.00
    原价 ¥166.00 - 原价 ¥166.00
    原价 ¥166.00
    现价 ¥155.00
    ¥155.00 - ¥155.00
    现价 ¥155.00

    Zojirushi SM-EC20-VC 0.2L 不鏽鋼馬克杯紫水晶不可拆卸

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    這款 Zojirushi SM-EC20-VC 0.2L 不鏽鋼馬克杯紫水晶不可拆卸是在旅途中保持水分的好方法。其時尚的不銹鋼設計確保杯子耐用、防漏且時尚。紫水晶顏色為您的日常生活增添樂趣。該杯子不可拆卸,易於清潔。用這款不銹鋼杯享用您最喜歡的飲料。

    原价 ¥166.00
    原价 ¥166.00 - 原价 ¥166.00
    原价 ¥166.00
    现价 ¥155.00
    ¥155.00 - ¥155.00
    现价 ¥155.00
  • 原价 ¥696.00 - 原价 ¥696.00
    原价 ¥696.00
    ¥696.00 - ¥696.00
    现价 ¥696.00

    像印 SV-GWE50 不鏽鋼馬克杯

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    這款 Zojirushi SV-GWE50 不鏽鋼馬克杯非常適合您早晨喝咖啡。它採用不銹鋼製成,可讓您的飲料保溫長達 6 小時,內部易於清潔。其纖薄的設計和輕巧的結構使其成為旅行的理想選擇。無論您走到哪裡,都可以享用一杯咖啡!

    原价 ¥696.00 - 原价 ¥696.00
    原价 ¥696.00
    ¥696.00 - ¥696.00
    现价 ¥696.00
  • 原价 ¥431.00
    原价 ¥431.00 - 原价 ¥431.00
    原价 ¥431.00
    现价 ¥373.00
    ¥373.00 - ¥373.00
    现价 ¥373.00

    像印保溫便當盒 0.5 杯粉紅色 Sz-Ja02-Pa

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    這款像印保溫午餐盒是外出攜帶食物的完美選擇。它的容量為 0.5 杯,呈現時尚的粉紅色。 Sz-Ja02-Pa 型號設計有防漏蓋,並配有易於攜帶的手柄。無論您走到哪裡,使用這款 Zojirushi 熱午餐盒都可以享受時尚的餐點。

    原价 ¥431.00
    原价 ¥431.00 - 原价 ¥431.00
    原价 ¥431.00
    现价 ¥373.00
    ¥373.00 - ¥373.00
    现价 ¥373.00
  • 原价 ¥393.00
    原价 ¥393.00 - 原价 ¥393.00
    原价 ¥393.00
    现价 ¥381.00
    ¥381.00 - ¥381.00
    现价 ¥381.00

    Zojirushi 1.55L Sd-Eb15-Bb 不鏽鋼冷卻瓶

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    這款 Zojirushi 1.55L Sd-Eb15-Bb 不鏽鋼冷瓶是一款耐用且時尚的容器,非常適合保持飲料熱或冷。該瓶子採用真空密封的不銹鋼內部和防汗外部,可讓您的飲料全天保持完美溫度。它非常適合隨身攜帶您最喜歡的飲料,並配有易於清潔的蓋子。

    原价 ¥393.00
    原价 ¥393.00 - 原价 ¥393.00
    原价 ¥393.00
    现价 ¥381.00
    ¥381.00 - ¥381.00
    现价 ¥381.00
  • 原价 ¥1,878.00
    原价 ¥1,878.00 - 原价 ¥1,878.00
    原价 ¥1,878.00
    现价 ¥711.00
    ¥711.00 - ¥711.00
    现价 ¥711.00

    像印真空瓶 907G SS Sm-Vs95XA

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    這款 Zojirushi 真空瓶 907G SS Sm-Vs95XA 非常適合保持飲料熱或冷。該瓶子由不銹鋼製成,具有雙層結構和真空隔熱,以確保最大程度的溫度保持。放心享用您的飲料 - 這款瓶子設計耐用且防漏。

    原价 ¥1,878.00
    原价 ¥1,878.00 - 原价 ¥1,878.00
    原价 ¥1,878.00
    现价 ¥711.00
    ¥711.00 - ¥711.00
    现价 ¥711.00
  • 原价 ¥266.00
    原价 ¥266.00 - 原价 ¥266.00
    原价 ¥266.00
    现价 ¥247.00
    ¥247.00 - ¥247.00
    现价 ¥247.00

    像印 SM-LA36-NM 直飲 360ml 玫瑰金馬克杯

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    這款時尚的玫瑰金像印 SM-LA36-NM 直飲杯可容納 360 毫升,非常適合隨身攜帶。它具有保溫雙層結構和鎖蓋,可提供最大的便利性和便攜性。隨時隨地享用您最喜歡的熱飲或冷飲!

    原价 ¥266.00
    原价 ¥266.00 - 原价 ¥266.00
    原价 ¥266.00
    现价 ¥247.00
    ¥247.00 - ¥247.00
    现价 ¥247.00
  • 原价 ¥219.00 - 原价 ¥219.00
    原价 ¥219.00
    ¥250.00 - ¥250.00
    现价 ¥250.00


    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    Zojirushi 的電池供電垃圾處理器 CB-AA10-WB 旨在讓廚房清理變得輕而易舉。其卓越的設計和強大的電機使其成為快速輕鬆處理不需要的廚房垃圾的完美解決方案。憑藉其電池供電功能,它可以隨時隨地滿足您的需求。立即獲得完美的清潔解決方案!

    原价 ¥219.00 - 原价 ¥219.00
    原价 ¥219.00
    ¥250.00 - ¥250.00
    现价 ¥250.00
  • 原价 ¥372.00 - 原价 ¥372.00
    原价 ¥372.00
    ¥380.00 - ¥380.00
    现价 ¥380.00

    像印平板/BG476804G Mahobin 電熱板

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    ! 這款 Zojirushi 平板/BG476804G Mahobin 電爐是快速輕鬆烹飪任何菜餚的好方法。這款電爐具有可調節的溫度設定、不沾黏表面和時尚的設計,讓烹飪變得輕而易舉。適合任何廚房,是任何家庭廚師的必備品。

    原价 ¥372.00 - 原价 ¥372.00
    原价 ¥372.00
    ¥380.00 - ¥380.00
    现价 ¥380.00
  • 原价 ¥271.00
    原价 ¥271.00 - 原价 ¥271.00
    原价 ¥271.00
    现价 ¥252.00
    ¥252.00 - ¥252.00
    现价 ¥252.00

    像印 500mL SV-GG50-AH 不鏽鋼瓶 Mahobin - 金屬藍

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    這款 Zojirushi 500mL SV-GG50-AH 不鏽鋼瓶 Mahobin 金屬藍色是在旅途中保持水分的完美方式。它由耐用的不銹鋼製成,重量輕,防漏,可使飲料更長時間地保持在所需的溫度。非常適合戶外活動和日常使用。

    原价 ¥271.00
    原价 ¥271.00 - 原价 ¥271.00
    原价 ¥271.00
    现价 ¥252.00
    ¥252.00 - ¥252.00
    现价 ¥252.00
  • 原价 ¥239.00
    原价 ¥239.00 - 原价 ¥239.00
    原价 ¥239.00
    现价 ¥223.00
    ¥223.00 - ¥223.00
    现价 ¥223.00

    Zojirushi SD-ED10-AG 1.03L 不鏽鋼冷卻瓶 - 石灰藍

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    這款 Zojirushi SD-ED10-AG 1.03L 檸檬藍不鏽鋼冷瓶非常適合保持您的飲料涼爽和新鮮。憑藉其雙壁隔熱不銹鋼結構,它可以讓您的飲料保持涼爽長達 24 小時。方便的翻蓋和防漏設計使其易於運輸。今天就購買這款時尚又實用的瓶子吧!

    原价 ¥239.00
    原价 ¥239.00 - 原价 ¥239.00
    原价 ¥239.00
    现价 ¥223.00
    ¥223.00 - ¥223.00
    现价 ¥223.00
  • 原价 ¥211.00 - 原价 ¥211.00
    原价 ¥211.00
    ¥450.00 - ¥450.00
    现价 ¥450.00

    Zojirushi Mahobin SD-CB50-AA 520ml 不鏽鋼吸管瓶 藍色

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    透過對該產品的簡短而甜蜜的描述向讀者介紹自己。 這款Zojirushi Mahobin SD-CB50-AA 520ml不鏽鋼吸管瓶藍色是一款大容量520ml的不鏽鋼吸管瓶。它的設計旨在讓您的飲料全天保持冷或熱,並採用時尚的藍色。它非常適合外出攜帶,輕鬆滿足您的補水需求。

    原价 ¥211.00 - 原价 ¥211.00
    原价 ¥211.00
    ¥450.00 - ¥450.00
    现价 ¥450.00
  • 原价 ¥317.00
    原价 ¥317.00 - 原价 ¥317.00
    原价 ¥317.00
    现价 ¥235.00
    ¥235.00 - ¥235.00
    现价 ¥235.00

    Zojirushi SW-ED35-PA 0.35L 粉紅鋼食品罐

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    這款 Zojirushi SW-ED35-PA 0.35L 粉鋼食品罐非常適合保持食物溫暖和新鮮長達六個小時。其不銹鋼結構非常耐用,其真空隔熱技術有助於保持內容物溫暖或寒冷。寬口開口非常適合輕鬆填充和清潔。非常適合野餐、學校午餐或旅行。

    原价 ¥317.00
    原价 ¥317.00 - 原价 ¥317.00
    原价 ¥317.00
    现价 ¥235.00
    ¥235.00 - ¥235.00
    现价 ¥235.00
    节省26% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥309.00
    原价 ¥309.00 - 原价 ¥309.00
    原价 ¥309.00
    现价 ¥293.00
    ¥293.00 - ¥293.00
    现价 ¥293.00

    Zojirushi 不鏽鋼咖啡機伺服器/Serecjs-Hw



    原价 ¥309.00
    原价 ¥309.00 - 原价 ¥309.00
    原价 ¥309.00
    现价 ¥293.00
    ¥293.00 - ¥293.00
    现价 ¥293.00
  • 原价 ¥194.00
    原价 ¥194.00 - 原价 ¥194.00
    原价 ¥194.00
    现价 ¥178.00
    ¥178.00 - ¥178.00
    现价 ¥178.00

    像印 SM-JC48A-BA 不鏽鋼馬克杯 直飲型 黑色

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    這款 Zojirushi SM-JC48A-BA 不銹鋼馬克杯直飲型黑色是一種時尚便捷的方式,讓您在旅途中享用您最喜愛的熱飲!憑藉其時尚的不銹鋼設計,它可以讓您的飲料保溫數小時,其直飲設計可確保您可以啜飲而不會溢出。非常適合通勤、上班甚至露營!

    原价 ¥194.00
    原价 ¥194.00 - 原价 ¥194.00
    原价 ¥194.00
    现价 ¥178.00
    ¥178.00 - ¥178.00
    现价 ¥178.00
    节省8% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥297.00
    原价 ¥297.00 - 原价 ¥297.00
    原价 ¥297.00
    现价 ¥276.00
    ¥276.00 - ¥276.00
    现价 ¥276.00

    像印 0.5 杯保溫盒 Sz-Ja02-Ba 黑色

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    這款 Zojirushi 0.5 杯保溫午餐盒 Sz-Ja02-BA 黑色是一款非常適合外出用餐的午餐盒。它可以讓食物保持熱或冷,並由耐用的不含 BPA 的材料製成。其緊密貼合的蓋子為您的食物提供額外的隔熱,並且易於攜帶和運輸。非常適合需要在旅途中吃快餐的人。

    原价 ¥297.00
    原价 ¥297.00 - 原价 ¥297.00
    原价 ¥297.00
    现价 ¥276.00
    ¥276.00 - ¥276.00
    现价 ¥276.00
  • 原价 ¥261.00
    原价 ¥261.00 - 原价 ¥261.00
    原价 ¥261.00
    现价 ¥176.00
    ¥176.00 - ¥176.00
    现价 ¥176.00

    像印 Mahobin SM-WS36-GM 360ml 鋼杯 水綠 3 件 水洗一體包裝

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    這款 Zojirushi Mahobin SM-WS36-GM 鋼杯是時尚與便利的完美結合。它具有 360 毫升容量、水綠色和 3 項整合式洗滌系統。這是保持水分和時尚的完美方式。

    原价 ¥261.00
    原价 ¥261.00 - 原价 ¥261.00
    原价 ¥261.00
    现价 ¥176.00
    ¥176.00 - ¥176.00
    现价 ¥176.00
    节省33% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥193.00 - 原价 ¥193.00
    原价 ¥193.00
    ¥227.00 - ¥227.00
    现价 ¥227.00

    像印 SM-JE36-RC 0.36L 不鏽鋼馬克杯

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    這款 Zojirushi SM-JE36-RC 0.36L 不鏽鋼馬克杯採用高級不鏽鋼製成,強度高、耐用。雙層隔熱材料可使飲料保溫長達 6 小時,保冷長達 24 小時。防漏蓋和舒適的手柄使這款馬克杯非常適合隨身攜帶。用這款時尚實用的杯子享用您最喜歡的熱飲或冷飲。

    原价 ¥193.00 - 原价 ¥193.00
    原价 ¥193.00
    ¥227.00 - ¥227.00
    现价 ¥227.00
  • 原价 ¥497.00 - 原价 ¥497.00
    原价 ¥497.00
    ¥648.00 - ¥648.00
    现价 ¥648.00

    Zojirushi SM-KHE48AG 16盎司不鏽鋼馬克杯煙藍色

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    隆重介紹 Zojirushi SM-KHE48AG 16 盎司不銹鋼馬克杯煙藍色 - 早晨喝咖啡或茶的完美伴侶。這款馬克杯採用耐用的不銹鋼製成,採用煙藍色的時尚設計,並配有防漏真空隔熱蓋,可讓您的飲料保持熱或冷。使用這款時尚實用的杯子隨時隨地享用飲品。

    原价 ¥497.00 - 原价 ¥497.00
    原价 ¥497.00
    ¥648.00 - ¥648.00
    现价 ¥648.00
  • 原价 ¥38.00
    原价 ¥38.00 - 原价 ¥38.00
    原价 ¥38.00
    现价 ¥32.00
    ¥32.00 - ¥32.00
    现价 ¥32.00

    Zojirushi 567773-01 不鏽鋼涼瓶塞蓋

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    這款 Zojirushi 567773-01 瓶塞蓋由不鏽鋼製成,持久耐用。它可以使飲料保持涼爽並防止溢出。經典設計適合任何廚房或餐桌佈置。這款塞子蓋是任何家庭的理想補充。

    原价 ¥38.00
    原价 ¥38.00 - 原价 ¥38.00
    原价 ¥38.00
    现价 ¥32.00
    ¥32.00 - ¥32.00
    现价 ¥32.00
    节省16% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥298.00
    原价 ¥298.00 - 原价 ¥298.00
    原价 ¥298.00
    现价 ¥288.00
    ¥288.00 - ¥288.00
    现价 ¥288.00

    像印 SM-SD36-AM 水瓶直飲一鍵開啟不鏽鋼馬克杯 360ml 霧面藍色

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    這款 Zojirushi SM-SD36-AM 水瓶非常適合直接飲用。其一鍵打開不銹鋼馬克杯設計和 360 毫升容量使其成為忙碌日子的絕佳選擇。霧面藍色表面給人一種優雅的感覺。使用這款時尚實用的水瓶,隨時隨地享受補水的樂趣。

    原价 ¥298.00
    原价 ¥298.00 - 原价 ¥298.00
    原价 ¥298.00
    现价 ¥288.00
    ¥288.00 - ¥288.00
    现价 ¥288.00
  • 原价 ¥430.00
    原价 ¥430.00 - 原价 ¥430.00
    原价 ¥430.00
    现价 ¥402.00
    ¥402.00 - ¥402.00
    现价 ¥402.00

    Zojirushi Mahobin SM-SA36-BA 360ml 黑鋼水瓶

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    Zojirushi Mahobin SM-SA36-BA 360ml 黑鋼水瓶是尋求時尚耐用的選擇的完美選擇。它具有迷人的黑色表面和 360 毫升容量,非常適合日常使用。不銹鋼機身確保持久的性能,防漏蓋使其非常適合隨身攜帶。用這款時尚實用的水瓶享用飲品。

    原价 ¥430.00
    原价 ¥430.00 - 原价 ¥430.00
    原价 ¥430.00
    现价 ¥402.00
    ¥402.00 - ¥402.00
    现价 ¥402.00
    节省7% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥360.00
    原价 ¥360.00 - 原价 ¥360.00
    原价 ¥360.00
    现价 ¥359.00
    ¥359.00 - ¥359.00
    现价 ¥359.00

    像印 2L 水瓶 SD-BC20-BB 藍色/黑色

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    這款 Zojirushi 2L 水瓶 SD-BC20-BB 藍色/黑色是在旅途中保持水分的完美選擇。憑藉大容量和隔熱的機身,它可以將飲料保冷長達 24 小時。它還具有防漏蓋和易於攜帶的手柄。將其帶到海灘、小徑或任何需要可靠水瓶的地方。

    原价 ¥360.00
    原价 ¥360.00 - 原价 ¥360.00
    原价 ¥360.00
    现价 ¥359.00
    ¥359.00 - ¥359.00
    现价 ¥359.00
  • 原价 ¥664.00
    原价 ¥664.00 - 原价 ¥664.00
    原价 ¥664.00
    现价 ¥625.00
    ¥625.00 - ¥625.00
    现价 ¥625.00


    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    像印壓力 IH 電鍋 B421-6B 提供了技術、便利性和性能的完美結合。其壓力感應加熱 (IH) 功能可讓您快速均勻地煮飯,而其先進的功能(例如保溫功能)可確保您在需要時準備好美味的飯菜。憑藉其易於使用的菜單設置和直觀的設計,該炊具是忙碌的廚師和經驗豐富的廚師的理想選擇。

    原价 ¥664.00
    原价 ¥664.00 - 原价 ¥664.00
    原价 ¥664.00
    现价 ¥625.00
    ¥625.00 - ¥625.00
    现价 ¥625.00
    节省6% 节省%


Upgrade Your Kitchen with the Best Zojirushi Products

In the ever-evolving world of kitchen appliances and cookware, one brand has consistently stood out as a beacon of innovation, quality, and unparalleled performance – Zojirushi. Originating from the Land of the Rising Sun, this Japanese powerhouse has been captivating the hearts and minds of culinary enthusiasts worldwide, redefining the way we approach our culinary endeavors.

This article will delve into the remarkable story of Zojirushi, exploring the brand's unwavering commitment to excellence, its game-changing kitchen appliances, and the reasons why it has become a must-have for discerning home chefs and professional cooks alike. Prepare to embark on a journey that will leave you inspired and eager to incorporate Zojirushi's cutting-edge technology into your own kitchen.

Why Choose Zojirushi for Your Home?

Zojirushi is a trusted name in households worldwide, known for delivering premium kitchen appliances with advanced technology and user-friendly features. Established in Japan, Zojirushi has over a century of expertise in producing high-quality, durable, and innovative kitchen appliances, from rice cookers to coffee makers and vacuum-insulated bottles. At Kiichin, we’re proud to offer a curated selection of Zojirushi products, making it easier than ever to bring quality, convenience, and Japanese innovation into your home.

Whether you're looking to make perfectly cooked rice, keep your coffee warm, or enjoy hot meals on the go, Zojirushi has a solution to meet your needs. Let’s take a closer look at some of the top Zojirushi products available at Kiichin and see how they can transform your kitchen routine.

Essential Zojirushi Products to Elevate Your Kitchen

1. Zojirushi Rice Cookers: Perfect Rice Every Time

Zojirushi rice cookers are famous for their versatility, quality, and ability to cook perfect rice consistently. These rice cookers incorporate advanced technology, including fuzzy logic and induction heating, to precisely adjust cooking times and temperatures. From white and brown rice to sushi and porridge settings, Zojirushi rice cookers handle it all.

Zojirushi Pressure IH Rice Cooker B426-6B Nanbu Tekki Extreme Hagama

Add to cart: Zojirushi Pressure IH Rice Cooker B426-6B Nanbu Tekki Extreme Hagama

2. Zojirushi Vacuum-Insulated Bottles and Mugs: Keep Beverages Hot or Cold for Hours

Zojirushi’s vacuum-insulated bottles and mugs are designed to maintain the temperature of your drinks for hours, making them perfect for anyone with a busy lifestyle. Whether you’re heading to work, the gym, or an outdoor adventure, these bottles and mugs are lightweight, leak-proof, and keep beverages at the desired temperature.

Zojirushi Vacuum Mug 480ml SM-KA48-PT Lavender Pink

Bring it home: Zojirushi Vacuum Mug 480ml SM-KA48-PT Lavender Pink

3. Zojirushi Coffee Makers: Brew Barista-Quality Coffee at Home

For coffee enthusiasts, Zojirushi coffee makers are designed to deliver a rich, flavorful cup of coffee every time. With features like temperature control and programmable brewing, Zojirushi coffee makers are perfect for anyone who wants high-quality coffee without the need for a coffee shop.

Zojirushi EC-Ks50-RA Red Coffee Maker 1-5 Cups

Shop now: Zojirushi EC-Ks50-RA Red Coffee Maker 1-5 Cups

Key Benefits of Zojirushi Products

  • Superior Japanese Craftsmanship: Zojirushi products are designed and manufactured with the highest standards, offering longevity, durability, and top-notch performance.

  • Cutting-Edge Technology: Zojirushi incorporates innovative technology like fuzzy logic and induction heating in its products to ensure consistent, high-quality results.

  • Energy Efficiency: Many Zojirushi appliances, including their water boilers and rice cookers, come with energy-saving features that reduce power consumption without compromising performance.

  • User-Friendly Designs: From easy-to-read control panels to ergonomic designs, Zojirushi products prioritize usability, making it easy for everyone to enjoy their kitchen time.

  • Stylish and Space-Saving: Zojirushi products are known for their sleek, modern designs that complement any kitchen. Many products are also compact, making them ideal for smaller spaces.

Why Buy Zojirushi from Kiichin ?

When you purchase Zojirushi products from Kiichin, you’re not just buying appliances—you’re investing in reliable, high-quality kitchen tools that make daily life easier and more enjoyable. Here’s why shopping at Kiichin is the best choice for Zojirushi products:
  • Curated Selection: Kiichin offers a handpicked collection of Zojirushi products, ensuring you have access to the brand’s best and most popular items.

  • Competitive Pricing: Our store provides competitive pricing on premium Zojirushi products, giving you great value for quality kitchen essentials.

  • Convenient Shopping Experience: With detailed product descriptions, high-quality images, and a user-friendly website, shopping for Zojirushi at Kiichin is easy and enjoyable.

  • Customer Support: Our team is here to answer any questions you may have and provide support, ensuring you find the right Zojirushi products for your needs.


Zojirushi products bring efficiency, quality, and innovation to every kitchen, making daily tasks easier and more enjoyable. From preparing perfect rice to brewing barista-quality coffee and keeping drinks at the ideal temperature, Zojirushi is a brand trusted by households around the world. At Kiichin, we’re excited to offer a selection of top Zojirushi products that cater to various kitchen needs.

Explore our Zojirushi collection today and experience the difference these products can make in your cooking and daily routine. Embrace Japanese innovation and bring a new level of convenience and quality to your home with Zojirushi, only at Kiichin !