- Able To Do (1)
- Aderia (18)
- Agc Techno Glass (18)
- Aito (245)
- Akebono (13)
- Akebono Sangyo (2)
- Aoosy (1)
- Aoto (1)
- Aoyama Glass (4)
- Aoyoshi (5)
- Arita Ware Pottery Market (4)
- Asahi (23)
- Asahi Koyo (1)
- Asano Mokkosho (1)
- Can Do (1)
- Can Do (Nousaku) (3)
- Cb Japan (Cb Japan) (1)
- Craftsman House (1)
- Ctoc Japan (1)
- Daikoku Industry (1)
- Daiwa (5)
- Dohichu (1)
- Dtkmkj (3)
- Ebe Seisakusho (1)
- Ebematsu (7)
- Ebm (33)
- Endo Shoji (23)
- Entec (20)
- Fukui Craft (9)
- Generic Product (2)
- Ginpo (1)
- Hario (40)
- Harry (2)
- Hiracle (1)
- Hirota Glass (8)
- Hounen Kihan (6)
- Ikeda (3)
- Ikenaga (1)
- Ishida (4)
- Ishikawa Jyushi (1)
- Iwachu (2)
- Izumo Chikuzai Industry (1)
- Japan With Love (2)
- Kai Corporation (8)
- Katariki (1)
- Kawai (2)
- Kihara (1)
- Kiichin (1)
- Kimoto Glassware (9)
- Kinto (1)
- Kobayashi Lacquerware (4)
- Laugh Wrinkles (1)
- Le Creuset (22)
- M-Taka (1)
- Manyo (1)
- Marui Ceramics (1)
- Miffy (2)
- Min (1)
- Minagawa (1)
- Miranda Style (1)
- Mitani (1)
- Mitani Electric (1)
- Mitani Yamanaka Lacquerware (1)
- Miyabi Urushi Kogei (9)
- Motoshige Ceramic (3)
- Mujirushi Ryohin (3)
- Nagao (1)
- Narumi (2)
- Nihon Yoshokki (6)
- Nishiyama (2)
- Nonoji (8)
- Nousaku (17)
- Osk (1)
- Peaks&Trees (1)
- Pokemon (1)
- Riedel (1)
- Riveret (3)
- Rokuhan (7)
- Saikai Pottery (Saikaitoki) (1)
- Sato Trading (2)
- Schick (5)
- Setomono Honpo (2)
- Shimojima Mokko (1)
- Skater (34)
- Snow Peak (3)
- Sun Art (10)
- Suntory Marketing & Commerce (2)
- Swanson (3)
- Sxrc (1)
- Taburō Koubou (3)
- Tajima Glass (1)
- Teshigoto Club (4)
- The Light (17)
- Todai (4)
- Toyo Sasaki Glass (15)
- Wadasuke Seisakusho (2)
- Yamaco (18)
- Yamacoh (6)
- Ziyue Kiln (3)
- Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi) (2)
原价 ¥78.00原价 ¥78.00 - 原价 ¥78.00原价 ¥78.00现价 ¥57.00¥57.00 - ¥57.00现价 ¥57.00| /
福井工藝木製茶托 - 茶道用高級木碟
Fukui Craft有存货隆重介紹福井工藝木製茶托 - 茶道用的優質木碟。這款精美的漆器採用優質材料手工製作,經久耐用。其獨特的設計使其適合任何場合,並為任何家庭增添令人驚嘆的魅力。易於使用和護理,使用後只需清洗並徹底乾燥後即可存放。福井工藝株式會社是業界先驅,提供安全、環保的優質產品。使用這款茶杯碟體驗最高品質。
原价 ¥78.00原价 ¥78.00 - 原价 ¥78.00原价 ¥78.00现价 ¥57.00¥57.00 - ¥57.00现价 ¥57.00| /节省27% 节省% -
原价 ¥182.00原价 ¥182.00 - 原价 ¥182.00原价 ¥182.00现价 ¥176.00¥176.00 - ¥176.00现价 ¥176.00| /
Mujirushi Ryohin 日本 A4 木質文件托盤 - 2 層
Mujirushi Ryohin有存货使用 Mujirushi Ryohin Japan A4 木質文件托盤整理您的文件。這款兩層托盤由天然木材製成,為您的辦公桌增添了一抹精緻感。它非常適合存放 A4 文件、紙張和資料夾,讓您的辦公室保持整潔。憑藉其輕巧的設計,您可以根據需要輕鬆移動它。使用這款多功能文件托盤保持井井有條且時尚。
原价 ¥182.00原价 ¥182.00 - 原价 ¥182.00原价 ¥182.00现价 ¥176.00¥176.00 - ¥176.00现价 ¥176.00| /节省3% 节省% -
原价 ¥623.00原价 ¥623.00 - 原价 ¥623.00原价 ¥623.00现价 ¥572.00¥572.00 - ¥572.00现价 ¥572.00| /
Toyo Sasaki 玻璃冷清酒套裝 - 日本藍色玻璃水瓶 3 件裝
Toyo Sasaki Glass有存货這款精美的 Toyo Sasaki 玻璃冷清酒套裝非常適合享用您最喜愛的清酒。套裝包括一個容量為 300 毫升的藍色玻璃水瓶以及兩個 55 毫升的玻璃杯。這款眼鏡採用獨特而現代的設計,帶有淺藍色調。它肯定會成為您的酒吧用品收藏中的絕妙補充。享用這款日本製造的精緻套裝,享受冰鎮清酒的順滑口感,帶...
查看完整细节原价 ¥623.00原价 ¥623.00 - 原价 ¥623.00原价 ¥623.00现价 ¥572.00¥572.00 - ¥572.00现价 ¥572.00| /节省8% 节省% -
原价 ¥92.00 - 原价 ¥92.00原价 ¥92.00¥113.00¥113.00 - ¥113.00现价 ¥113.00| /
高鑫可愛熊貓筷架套裝 - 日本 San2021
Sun Art有存货使用高鑫可愛熊貓筷架套裝為您的餐桌增添一絲樂趣和風格。這些來自日本的可愛熊貓設計獨特且富有創意,使每一件都成為任何餐點的令人愉悅的補充。這些筷架由輕質耐用的塑膠製成,非常適合日常使用。無論作為禮物還是個人使用,這些迷人的筷架一定會為您每次使用時帶來微笑。
原价 ¥92.00 - 原价 ¥92.00原价 ¥92.00¥113.00¥113.00 - ¥113.00现价 ¥113.00| / -
原价 ¥104.00 - 原价 ¥104.00原价 ¥104.00¥109.00¥109.00 - ¥109.00现价 ¥109.00| /
Kawai 日本 5 件組木製筷子套裝 - 可放入洗碗機清洗,原廠白色
Kawai有存货使用 Kawai Japan 5 件組木製筷子套裝為您的餐桌增添一抹時尚。這些筷子由優質木材製成,經久耐用。優雅的白色增添了精緻感,而可用洗碗機清洗的功能確保輕鬆清潔。此套裝包含五根筷子,非常適合盛裝各種菜餚。無論是日常使用還是特殊場合,這套套裝都一定會成為話題的開端。用這款原創而時尚的筷子套...
查看完整细节原价 ¥104.00 - 原价 ¥104.00原价 ¥104.00¥109.00¥109.00 - ¥109.00现价 ¥109.00| / -
原价 ¥103.00原价 ¥103.00 - 原价 ¥103.00原价 ¥103.00现价 ¥102.00¥102.00 - ¥102.00现价 ¥102.00| /
Craftsman House缺货使用 Craftsman House Nekomachi 貓筷架套裝 - Aomuke Trio 為您的餐桌增添一抹魅力和奇思妙想。這套三個可愛的貓形休息架由高品質陶瓷製成,展示了傳統的日本“nekomachi”風格。每隻貓都有獨特的面部表情,使它們成為任何一餐的令人愉悅的補充。無論您擁有傳統...
查看完整细节原价 ¥103.00原价 ¥103.00 - 原价 ¥103.00原价 ¥103.00现价 ¥102.00¥102.00 - ¥102.00现价 ¥102.00| /售罄 -
原价 ¥153.00 - 原价 ¥153.00原价 ¥153.00¥185.00¥185.00 - ¥185.00现价 ¥185.00| /
Aderia 4L 梅花瓶 - 復古日式收納罐,附長柄勺,可盛裝米酒、果酒和咖啡豆
Aderia有存货隆重介紹 Aderia 4L 梅花瓶 - 一款復古日式收納罐,可為任何廚房增添一抹時尚氣息。這款密封瓶非常適合存放米酒、果酒、咖啡豆等。憑藉其獨特的復古設計和充滿活力的梅子色,它一定會脫穎而出。瓶子配有一個長柄勺,方便拿取,確保您存放的物品保持新鮮。使用 Aderia 4L 梅花瓶提升您的廚房...
查看完整细节原价 ¥153.00 - 原价 ¥153.00原价 ¥153.00¥185.00¥185.00 - ¥185.00现价 ¥185.00| / -
原价 ¥1,492.00原价 ¥1,492.00 - 原价 ¥1,492.00原价 ¥1,492.00现价 ¥1,438.00¥1,438.00 - ¥1,438.00现价 ¥1,438.00| /
Teshigoto Club Moon Katakuchi Tsuki 金箔清酒套裝
Teshigoto Club有存货Teshigoto Club Moon Katakuchi Tsuki 金葉清酒套裝是您娛樂收藏中的奢華而獨特的補充。這款傳統套裝包括帶有鉑金和金箔飾面的 Moon Katakuchi 清酒瓶,以及帶有金箔裝飾的 Tsuki Tin 清酒杯。這些單品憑藉其華麗而優雅的設計,為任何聚會增添了精緻...
查看完整细节原价 ¥1,492.00原价 ¥1,492.00 - 原价 ¥1,492.00原价 ¥1,492.00现价 ¥1,438.00¥1,438.00 - ¥1,438.00现价 ¥1,438.00| /节省4% 节省% -
原价 ¥220.00 - 原价 ¥220.00原价 ¥220.00¥262.00¥262.00 - ¥262.00现价 ¥262.00| /
Riedel O Daiginjo 清酒品嚐器 - 正品日本產品
Riedel有存货Riedel O Daiginjo 清酒品嚐器 O To Go 白葡萄酒管罐 375 毫升是您在旅途中享用您喜愛的白葡萄酒的便捷時尚方式。這款純正產品於日本製造,採用不銹鋼結構,具有雙層真空隔熱功能,可讓您的葡萄酒保持完美溫度。這款品酒器擁有時尚的設計和易於傾倒的噴嘴,是娛樂的理想選擇。使...
查看完整细节原价 ¥220.00 - 原价 ¥220.00原价 ¥220.00¥262.00¥262.00 - ¥262.00现价 ¥262.00| / -
原价 ¥327.00 - 原价 ¥327.00原价 ¥327.00¥329.00¥329.00 - ¥329.00现价 ¥329.00| /
日本製造 Can Do Nousaku Kuzushi Yure 小清酒杯 - H4.5Cm Φ6.6Cm,70Cc 罐裝
Can Do (Nousaku)有存货隆重介紹精緻的 Can Do Nousaku Kuzushi Yure 小清酒杯,這是日本製作的傑作。這款頂級杯子高 4.5 厘米,直徑 6.6 厘米,容量約為 70cc。它由錫製成,展示了一種獨特的設計,一定會令人著迷。這款杯子擁有精緻的細節,非常適合品嚐您最喜歡的清酒或任何其他飲料。用這款...
查看完整细节原价 ¥327.00 - 原价 ¥327.00原价 ¥327.00¥329.00¥329.00 - ¥329.00现价 ¥329.00| / -
原价 ¥920.00 - 原价 ¥920.00原价 ¥920.00¥1,206.00¥1,206.00 - ¥1,206.00现价 ¥1,206.00| /
Can Do (Nousaku) 豪華禮盒裝 2 件日本傳統工藝清酒杯
Can Do (Nousaku)有存货這套精美的 Nousaku Katakuchi 清酒杯套裝是適合任何場合的令人愉悅的禮物。這些傳統的日本杯子由熟練的工匠精心製作,由錫製成,具有受清酒飲用藝術啟發的獨特設計。此套裝採用豪華禮盒包裝,還包含三個額外驚喜,是送給特別之人的完美禮物。無論是作為謝意還是感謝禮物,這套套裝都一定會帶給收...
查看完整细节原价 ¥920.00 - 原价 ¥920.00原价 ¥920.00¥1,206.00¥1,206.00 - ¥1,206.00现价 ¥1,206.00| / -
原价 ¥111.00 - 原价 ¥111.00原价 ¥111.00¥114.00¥114.00 - ¥114.00现价 ¥114.00| /
Yamacoh Seto-Ware Suribachi 研缽和 Surikogi 杵 - 傳統的日本廚房工具
Yamacoh有存货使用這套 Yamacoh Seto-Ware Suribachi 研缽和 Surikogi 杵體驗日本傳統研磨藝術。此套裝由擁有超過 15 年經驗的 Yamacoh Co., Ltd. 製作,非常適合研磨芝麻。使用這款獨特且製作精美的廚房工具,為您的烹飪帶來傳統日本藝術的氣息。立即購買您的套餐...
查看完整细节原价 ¥111.00 - 原价 ¥111.00原价 ¥111.00¥114.00¥114.00 - ¥114.00现价 ¥114.00| / -
原价 ¥210.00 - 原价 ¥210.00原价 ¥210.00¥226.00¥226.00 - ¥226.00现价 ¥226.00| /
Yamacoh 豆腐機套件 - 道地日本木製產品
Yamacoh有存货使用 Yamacoh 豆腐製作套件製作美味的自製木門豆腐。這款正宗的日本木製產品包括 8 袋 Nigari、一塊過濾布、一塊整理布和製作豆腐的說明。有了這套易於使用的套裝,您可以製作兩塊具有 Nigari 獨特風味的自製豆腐。使用後請仔細清洗並確保在存放前完全乾燥,以保持豆腐機的良好狀態。 Y...
查看完整细节原价 ¥210.00 - 原价 ¥210.00原价 ¥210.00¥226.00¥226.00 - ¥226.00现价 ¥226.00| / -
原价 ¥1,299.00 - 原价 ¥1,299.00原价 ¥1,299.00¥1,405.00¥1,405.00 - ¥1,405.00现价 ¥1,405.00| /
木本玻璃器皿東京黑子江戶切子老式玻璃 - 正宗日本工藝
Kimoto Glassware缺货隆重介紹木本玻璃器皿東京黑子江戶切子老式玻璃,是日本傳統工藝的傑作。這款正宗的江戶切子玻璃由熟練的工匠採用江戶時代開發的卓越技術精心手工製作而成。憑藉兩層彩色玻璃和複雜的設計,這種玻璃能夠美麗地反射光線,創造出令人驚嘆的視覺體驗。這款黑色 Edo Kiriko 玻璃杯非常適合盛裝單一麥芽威士忌...
查看完整细节原价 ¥1,299.00 - 原价 ¥1,299.00原价 ¥1,299.00¥1,405.00¥1,405.00 - ¥1,405.00现价 ¥1,405.00| /售罄 -
原价 ¥855.00原价 ¥855.00 - 原价 ¥855.00原价 ¥855.00现价 ¥673.00¥673.00 - ¥673.00现价 ¥673.00| /
Yamakiikai 常滑陶器 Dobin 茶壺 - 傳統日式茶沖泡必備品
Yamakiikai缺货隆重介紹 Yamakiikai Tokoname 陶器 Dobin 茶壺,是日本傳統泡茶必備品。這款茶壺採用超耐熱陶瓷製成,確保泡藥湯時能達到最佳效果。遠紅外線效果增強茶的風味。請遵循建議的使用和保養說明以保持其性能。這款茶壺相容於直火和電磁爐,用途廣泛且使用安全。山木:Ikai Co., L...
查看完整细节原价 ¥855.00原价 ¥855.00 - 原价 ¥855.00原价 ¥855.00现价 ¥673.00¥673.00 - ¥673.00现价 ¥673.00| /售罄 -
原价 ¥68.00原价 ¥68.00 - 原价 ¥68.00原价 ¥68.00现价 ¥54.00¥54.00 - ¥54.00现价 ¥54.00| /
Sori Yanagi 不銹鋼咖哩勺 - 18.3 公分優質餐具
Nihon Yoshokki有存货隆重介紹 Sori Yanagi 不銹鋼咖哩勺 - 18.3 厘米,這是著名的 Sori Yanagi 廚房用具系列中的優質餐具。這款湯匙由工業設計師 Sori Yanagi 設計,非常適合享用咖哩飯,其特殊形狀的尖端易於舀取。採用頂級不鏽鋼製成,確保流暢舒適的用餐體驗。使用後,只需徹底清洗並...
查看完整细节原价 ¥68.00原价 ¥68.00 - 原价 ¥68.00原价 ¥68.00现价 ¥54.00¥54.00 - ¥54.00现价 ¥54.00| /节省21% 节省% -
原价 ¥83.00原价 ¥83.00 - 原价 ¥83.00原价 ¥83.00现价 ¥72.00¥72.00 - ¥72.00现价 ¥72.00| /
Iwaki 玻璃調味瓶 300ml - 耐熱且時尚
Agc Techno Glass有存货隆重介紹 Iwaki 玻璃調味瓶 300 毫升 - 時尚耐用的盛裝和儲存調味料選擇。該瓶子由耐熱玻璃製成,可用於微波爐和冰箱。憑藉其防污和防臭特性,非常適合長期使用。請記住用柔軟的海綿和洗潔精手洗,以保持其品質。 Iwaki Glass 成立於 1883 年,是一個以製造特殊玻璃而聞名的值得信...
查看完整细节原价 ¥83.00原价 ¥83.00 - 原价 ¥83.00原价 ¥83.00现价 ¥72.00¥72.00 - ¥72.00现价 ¥72.00| /节省13% 节省% -
原价 ¥33.00 - 原价 ¥33.00原价 ¥33.00¥140.00¥140.00 - ¥140.00现价 ¥140.00| /
Iwaki 240ml 耐熱玻璃布丁杯
Agc Techno Glass有存货隆重介紹 Iwaki 240 毫升耐熱玻璃布丁杯,簡約與品質的完美融合。這款杯子由耐熱玻璃製成,非常適合盛裝糖果、甜點和開胃菜。其防污/防臭功能可確保長期使用,同時與微波爐、烤箱和洗碗機相容,使清潔變得輕而易舉。 Iwaki Glass 的悠久歷史可以追溯到 1883 年,以其生產特殊玻璃器皿...
查看完整细节原价 ¥33.00 - 原价 ¥33.00原价 ¥33.00¥140.00¥140.00 - ¥140.00现价 ¥140.00| / -
原价 ¥190.00原价 ¥190.00 - 原价 ¥190.00原价 ¥190.00现价 ¥181.00¥181.00 - ¥181.00现价 ¥181.00| /
Yamacoh 21 公分高腳蕎麥盤 - 優質餐具
Yamacoh有存货隆重介紹 Yamacoh 21 公分高腳蕎麥盤 - 一款優質上菜盤,展示了 Yamacoh Co Ltd 獨特而傳統的設計。這道菜非常適合蕎麥麵餐廳和家庭使用,是日本中津川豐富歷史和工藝的證明。為了保持其原始狀態,我們建議洗手。使用 Yamacoh 21 公分高腳蕎麥盤提升您的用餐體驗。
原价 ¥190.00原价 ¥190.00 - 原价 ¥190.00原价 ¥190.00现价 ¥181.00¥181.00 - ¥181.00现价 ¥181.00| /节省5% 节省% -
原价 ¥0.00 - 原价 ¥0.00原价 ¥0.00¥291.00¥291.00 - ¥291.00现价 ¥291.00| /
Le Creuset Pet Bowl Natural Pink Stain Resistant Microwave Safe for Pets
Le Creuset有存货Bring elegance to your pet's mealtime with the Le Creuset Pet Bowl in Natural Pink. Crafted to resist stains and safe for the microwave, this durab...
查看完整细节原价 ¥0.00 - 原价 ¥0.00原价 ¥0.00¥291.00¥291.00 - ¥291.00现价 ¥291.00| / -
原价 ¥0.00 - 原价 ¥0.00原价 ¥0.00¥345.00¥345.00 - ¥345.00现价 ¥345.00| /
Le Creuset Pet Bowl Deep Soleil Stain Resistant Microwave Safe Japan
Le Creuset有存货Elevate pet feeding with the Le Creuset Pet Bowl Deep Soleil. This stain-resistant bowl, microwave-safe and crafted in Japan, combines functionalit...
查看完整细节原价 ¥0.00 - 原价 ¥0.00原价 ¥0.00¥345.00¥345.00 - ¥345.00现价 ¥345.00| / -
原价 ¥0.00 - 原价 ¥0.00原价 ¥0.00¥288.00¥288.00 - ¥288.00现价 ¥288.00| /
Le Creuset Orange High Stand Pet Bowl for Dogs and Cats Stain Resistant
Le Creuset有存货Upgrade your pet's dining with the Le Creuset Orange High Stand Pet Bowl. Perfect for dogs and cats, this bowl is stain-resistant and offers a styl...
查看完整细节原价 ¥0.00 - 原价 ¥0.00原价 ¥0.00¥288.00¥288.00 - ¥288.00现价 ¥288.00| / -
原价 ¥0.00 - 原价 ¥0.00原价 ¥0.00¥70.00¥70.00 - ¥70.00现价 ¥70.00| /
Miffy Space Joy Ramen Bowl 50Ft - Miffy And Friends Dining Collection
Miffy有存货Elevate your dining experience with the Miffy Space Joy Ramen Bowl from the Miffy And Friends Collection. This 50Ft bowl is perfect for fans and ad...
查看完整细节原价 ¥0.00 - 原价 ¥0.00原价 ¥0.00¥70.00¥70.00 - ¥70.00现价 ¥70.00| / -
原价 ¥0.00 - 原价 ¥0.00原价 ¥0.00¥50.00¥50.00 - ¥50.00现价 ¥50.00| /
Miffy Space Joy Rice Bowl with Friends 7cm Body - Colorful Kids Dishware
Miffy有存货Brighten up mealtime with the Miffy Space Joy Rice Bowl featuring charming illustrations of Miffy and her friends. Perfect for kids, this colorful ...
查看完整细节原价 ¥0.00 - 原价 ¥0.00原价 ¥0.00¥50.00¥50.00 - ¥50.00现价 ¥50.00| /
Elevate Your Dining Experience with Exquisite Japanese Tableware
Enhance every meal with beautifully crafted Japanese tableware available at Kiichin. Combining tradition and elegance, our selection offers a range of high-quality pieces designed to make each meal memorable. From traditional ceramic bowls to artful plates, Japanese tableware brings a timeless beauty and functionality to any table setting.
Discover the Art of Japanese Tableware
Japanese tableware is celebrated for its minimalist yet elegant designs, emphasizing simplicity, form, and utility. With a rich history of craftsmanship, each piece in our collection is carefully crafted to reflect the spirit of Japanese aesthetics. These items aren’t just practical—they’re an expression of art that makes dining an immersive experience.
Why Choose Japanese Tableware?
Timeless Aesthetics: Japanese tableware combines form and function, with each piece showcasing minimalistic beauty, clean lines, and thoughtful design.
Durability: Crafted with high-quality materials, Japanese ceramics and porcelain are built to last, making them a worthwhile investment for any dining table.
Enhancing the Dining Experience: Every piece of Japanese tableware is designed to elevate the presentation of food, bringing out colors and textures to enrich your dining experience.
Explore Premium Japanese Tableware Collection
Japanese Rice Bowls
Rice bowls are a staple in Japanese dining, designed with comfortable size and shape, allowing for easy handling and perfect portions. Our rice bowls come in various designs, from simple whites to intricate patterns, ensuring there’s something for every table setting.
Aito Navy Minoyaki Rice Bowl
Add to your tableware collection: Aito 517317 Navy Minoyaki Rice Bowl
Traditional Japanese Plates
Our Japanese plates are both practical and aesthetically pleasing, making them perfect for serving sushi, appetizers, or main courses. Available in an array of sizes and styles, these plates are perfect for any culinary presentation.
Nousaku Tinware Small Plate Shikaku
Japanese Teacups and Saucers
Tea is an essential part of Japanese culture, and our collection of teacups and saucers are crafted to enhance this ritual. Made from fine ceramics and porcelain, these pieces combine simplicity with functionality, allowing you to enjoy tea as it’s meant to be.
Aito Lien Coffee Tea Cup & Saucer
Shop now: Aito Lien Coffee Tea Cup & Saucer
Ramen and Soup Bowls
Our ramen bowls are crafted with care, featuring wide, deep designs perfect for holding soups, noodles, and ramen. These bowls are both practical and visually striking, making them an excellent addition to any tableware collection.
Skater Wood Grain Soup Bowl
Add to bag: Skater Wood Grain Soup Bowl
Chopsticks and Utensil Sets
Japanese chopsticks and utensils are elegant and practical, crafted to provide a smooth dining experience. With various designs available, our chopsticks complement any table setting and make meals more enjoyable.
Akebono Brown Noodle Chopsticks
Shop now: Akebono Brown Noodle Chopsticks
Benefits of Investing in Quality Japanese Tableware
Brings Beauty to Everyday Meals: Japanese tableware transforms ordinary meals into elegant presentations, adding a touch of art to daily life.
High Durability: Made from materials like ceramic and porcelain, these pieces are crafted to withstand daily use.
Complements Any Kitchen Decor: With its minimalist design, Japanese tableware blends seamlessly with various decor styles.
How to Care for Your Japanese Tableware
Hand Wash Recommended: Hand washing is ideal to preserve the design and finish of each piece.
Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Use gentle detergents to maintain the quality of the materials.
Handle with Care: Japanese ceramics are durable, but treating them with care can prevent accidental damage.
Why Shop at Kiichin?
At Kiichin, we’re passionate about bringing authentic, high-quality Japanese tableware to your home. Each piece in our collection is chosen for its beauty, craftsmanship, and practicality, ensuring you receive items that elevate every dining experience. Whether you’re setting the table for a special occasion or a casual meal, our Japanese tableware will add a touch of elegance and authenticity.