原价 ¥3,177.00 - 原价 ¥3,177.00原价 ¥3,177.00¥4,081.00¥4,081.00 - ¥4,081.00现价 ¥4,081.00| /
白金出雲鐵人光澤 B 粗體鋼筆 Piz-50000T 21-4 兩用
Platinum Fountain Pen有存货使用 Platinum Izumo Tetsutogi Gloss B Bold 鋼筆體驗精緻的書寫體驗。它是手工製作的,注重細節,兩用性強,用途廣泛,並採用鉑金製成,給人一種優質的感覺。
原价 ¥3,177.00 - 原价 ¥3,177.00原价 ¥3,177.00¥4,081.00¥4,081.00 - ¥4,081.00现价 ¥4,081.00| / -
原价 ¥638.00原价 ¥638.00 - 原价 ¥638.00原价 ¥638.00现价 ¥625.00¥625.00 - ¥625.00现价 ¥625.00| /
白金 3776 世紀賽璐珞金魚筆與原子筆 24 支常規進口
Platinum Fountain Pen有存货“使用 Platinum 3776 世紀賽璐珞金魚鋼筆和圓珠筆套裝體驗奢華書寫。精心製作,擁有 24k 金飾面,帶來卓越的優雅和流暢的墨水流動,帶來無與倫比的書寫體驗。”
原价 ¥638.00原价 ¥638.00 - 原价 ¥638.00原价 ¥638.00现价 ¥625.00¥625.00 - ¥625.00现价 ¥625.00| /节省2% 节省% -
原价 ¥756.00 - 原价 ¥756.00原价 ¥756.00¥1,343.00¥1,343.00 - ¥1,343.00现价 ¥1,343.00| /
鉑金鋼筆 #3776 世紀超細筆尖黑色主體尺寸 139.5x15.4 mm 20.5 公克
Platinum Fountain Pen有存货使用 Platinum #3776 Century 超細筆尖鋼筆體驗流暢、乾淨的書寫體驗。這款鋼筆採用別緻的黑色筆身和精密超細筆尖,將風格與性能融為一體。非常適合清晰、精確的刻字。
原价 ¥756.00 - 原价 ¥756.00原价 ¥756.00¥1,343.00¥1,343.00 - ¥1,343.00现价 ¥1,343.00| / -
原价 ¥190.00 - 原价 ¥190.00原价 ¥190.00¥199.00¥199.00 - ¥199.00现价 ¥199.00| /
鉑金鋼筆 Professional 171 0.5 毫米藍色自動鉛筆
Platinum Fountain Pen有存货來認識令人印象深刻的「白金鋼筆專業 171 藍色,0.5 毫米自動鉛筆」。對於優雅、細緻的筆跡和草圖,這部傑作提供了無與倫比的精確度。堅固耐用,精心打造,帶來舒適感。重新發現寫作的樂趣。
原价 ¥190.00 - 原价 ¥190.00原价 ¥190.00¥199.00¥199.00 - ¥199.00现价 ¥199.00| / -
原价 ¥86.00 - 原价 ¥86.00原价 ¥86.00¥128.00¥128.00 - ¥128.00现价 ¥128.00| /
Platinum Plaisir Pgb-1000#70 亮紅色鋼筆
Platinum Fountain Pen有存货使用充滿活力的紅色 Platinum Plaisir Pgb-1000#70 鋼筆體驗流暢書寫。它採用時尚精緻的設計,提供持久、高品質的墨水流動。
原价 ¥86.00 - 原价 ¥86.00原价 ¥86.00¥128.00¥128.00 - ¥128.00现价 ¥128.00| / -
原价 ¥92.00原价 ¥92.00 - 原价 ¥92.00原价 ¥92.00现价 ¥90.00¥90.00 - ¥90.00现价 ¥90.00| /
Platinum Plaisir PGB-1000#1 光滑黑色鋼筆
Platinum Fountain Pen有存货使用光滑黑色 Platinum Plaisir PGB-1000#1 鋼筆體驗更高層次的書寫體驗。它具有流暢的流動性、耐用的設計和精緻的表面處理,是每個作家工具包的終極選擇。
原价 ¥92.00原价 ¥92.00 - 原价 ¥92.00原价 ¥92.00现价 ¥90.00¥90.00 - ¥90.00现价 ¥90.00| /节省2% 节省% -
原价 ¥187.00原价 ¥187.00 - 原价 ¥187.00原价 ¥187.00现价 ¥185.00¥185.00 - ¥185.00现价 ¥185.00| /
白金金牌多功能雙動筆 - 黑色 Mwbs-1500#1 適用於筆記本
Platinum Fountain Pen有存货使用 Platinum 品牌多功能雙動黑色鋼筆掌握優雅的書寫體驗。其卓越的設計確保書寫流暢、輕鬆,是筆記型電腦的理想選擇。 Mwbs-1500#1 完美!
原价 ¥187.00原价 ¥187.00 - 原价 ¥187.00原价 ¥187.00现价 ¥185.00¥185.00 - ¥185.00现价 ¥185.00| /节省1% 节省% -
原价 ¥2,308.00 - 原价 ¥2,308.00原价 ¥2,308.00¥3,068.00¥3,068.00 - ¥3,068.00现价 ¥3,068.00| /
Platinum Century 金澤箔風神雷神粗體鋼筆 Pnb-35000H#3-4
Platinum Fountain Pen有存货使用 Platinum Century Kanazawa 鋁箔 Fujin Raijin Bold 鋼筆體驗奢華書寫。它採用金箔和銀箔圖案裝飾,結合了日本藝術和流暢、大膽的墨水流動,帶來一流的書寫體驗。
原价 ¥2,308.00 - 原价 ¥2,308.00原价 ¥2,308.00¥3,068.00¥3,068.00 - ¥3,068.00现价 ¥3,068.00| / -
原价 ¥83.00 - 原价 ¥83.00原价 ¥83.00¥104.00¥104.00 - ¥104.00现价 ¥104.00| /
白金陽光黃色混合鋼筆 - Inkm-1200#30 書寫工具
Platinum Fountain Pen有存货使用 Platinum Sunny Yellow Mixfree 筆體驗精緻書寫的樂趣。它是一款持久、引人注目的工具,集舒適性、時尚性和流暢的墨水輸送於一體,是任何作家的樂趣。
原价 ¥83.00 - 原价 ¥83.00原价 ¥83.00¥104.00¥104.00 - ¥104.00现价 ¥104.00| / -
原价 ¥209.00 - 原价 ¥209.00原价 ¥209.00¥263.00¥263.00 - ¥263.00现价 ¥263.00| /
白金鋼筆多功能雙 4 動紅色 Mwb-3000F 型號
Platinum Fountain Pen有存货使用白金鋼筆多功能雙 4 動紅色 Mwb-3000F 型號體驗流暢書寫。其卓越的設計和鉑金飾面意味著奢華和耐用。非常適合有成就的抄寫員!
原价 ¥209.00 - 原价 ¥209.00原价 ¥209.00¥263.00¥263.00 - ¥263.00现价 ¥263.00| / -
原价 ¥6,344.00 - 原价 ¥6,344.00原价 ¥6,344.00¥6,850.00¥6,850.00 - ¥6,850.00现价 ¥6,850.00| /
白金鋼筆出雲八雲油漆中尖兩用常規進口 Piz-100000
Platinum Fountain Pen缺货“使用 Platinum Izumo Yakumo 鋼筆體驗無與倫比的優雅。其兩用中尖設計提供卓越的書寫效果,使每一筆都成為藝術品。進口 Piz-100000 帶來非凡的品味。”
原价 ¥6,344.00 - 原价 ¥6,344.00原价 ¥6,344.00¥6,850.00¥6,850.00 - ¥6,850.00现价 ¥6,850.00| /售罄 -
原价 ¥41.00原价 ¥41.00 - 原价 ¥41.00原价 ¥41.00现价 ¥31.00¥31.00 - ¥31.00现价 ¥31.00| /
白金鋼筆墨水 - 日本藍黑色,10 支裝
Platinum Fountain Pen有存货使用白金鋼筆芯墨水日本藍黑色體驗書寫的樂趣。這款精緻的墨水採用高品質的日本配方,提供流暢、美麗的書寫體驗。這種墨水俱有深飽和度、快速乾燥時間和鮮豔的色彩,非常適合書寫、繪畫和素描。其防水和防褪色特性確保了持久的品質。立即購買白金鋼筆墨芯日本藍黑色,享受前所未有的流暢書寫體驗。
原价 ¥41.00原价 ¥41.00 - 原价 ¥41.00原价 ¥41.00现价 ¥31.00¥31.00 - ¥31.00现价 ¥31.00| /节省24% 节省% -
原价 ¥38.00 - 原价 ¥38.00原价 ¥38.00¥45.00¥45.00 - ¥45.00现价 ¥45.00| /
白金鋼筆日本紅墨芯 - Spsq-400#2
Platinum Fountain Pen有存货白金鋼筆日本墨芯紅色 10 Spsq-400#2 提供卓越的書寫品質和便利性。憑藉其時尚的設計和可靠的供墨系統,這款筆可提供流暢一致的書寫體驗。細尖的日本墨盒墨水色彩豐富且乾燥快,可呈現明亮生動的色彩。其輕巧緊湊的尺寸使其易於攜帶,而符合人體工學的握把確保輕鬆書寫。非常適合重視風格和功能的嚴肅作家。
原价 ¥38.00 - 原价 ¥38.00原价 ¥38.00¥45.00¥45.00 - ¥45.00现价 ¥45.00| / -
原价 ¥59.00原价 ¥59.00 - 原价 ¥59.00原价 ¥59.00现价 ¥54.00¥54.00 - ¥54.00现价 ¥54.00| /
鉑金 DPQ-700A#10 鋼筆,採用時尚的紅色筆身設計
Platinum Fountain Pen有存货體驗 Platinum DPQ-700A#10 鋼筆的優雅。其時尚的紅色機身將吸引每個人的眼球,而流暢的書寫將提高您的創造力和專業水平。非常適合藝術和辦公室工作。
原价 ¥59.00原价 ¥59.00 - 原价 ¥59.00原价 ¥59.00现价 ¥54.00¥54.00 - ¥54.00现价 ¥54.00| /节省8% 节省% -
原价 ¥260.00 - 原价 ¥260.00原价 ¥260.00¥267.00¥267.00 - ¥267.00现价 ¥267.00| /
鉑金鋼筆中號 Harepane A AS-700BN 散裝套裝 - 10 支
Platinum Fountain Pen有存货使用我們的 10 件裝 Harepane AS-700BN 白金中型鋼筆套裝體驗卓越的書寫精度。專為流暢的墨水流動而設計,享受輕鬆的書法和筆記。非常適合禮品套裝或個人使用。
原价 ¥260.00 - 原价 ¥260.00原价 ¥260.00¥267.00¥267.00 - ¥267.00现价 ¥267.00| / -
原价 ¥567.00 - 原价 ¥567.00原价 ¥567.00¥616.00¥616.00 - ¥616.00现价 ¥616.00| /
Platinum Takuho 鋼筆,紅色高級墨芯鋼筆,Platinum 出品
Platinum Fountain Pen有存货使用 Platinum Takuho 鋼筆體驗卓越的書寫精度。它採用奢華的紅色設計,配備優質墨盒,可實現流暢、一致的腳本和無與倫比的性能。每一次劃動都盡享白金工藝。
原价 ¥567.00 - 原价 ¥567.00原价 ¥567.00¥616.00¥616.00 - ¥616.00现价 ¥616.00| / -
原价 ¥1,651.00 - 原价 ¥1,651.00原价 ¥1,651.00¥1,756.00¥1,756.00 - ¥1,756.00现价 ¥1,756.00| /
白金鋼筆中尖 Bikou 現代 Makie 月亮與兔子設計
Platinum Fountain Pen有存货使用白金鋼筆中尖 Bikou Modern Makie 體驗奢華書寫。精緻的月亮和兔子設計令人眼花繚亂,非常適合優雅的書法。
原价 ¥1,651.00 - 原价 ¥1,651.00原价 ¥1,651.00¥1,756.00¥1,756.00 - ¥1,756.00现价 ¥1,756.00| / -
原价 ¥9,511.00 - 原价 ¥9,511.00原价 ¥9,511.00¥9,511.00¥9,511.00 - ¥9,511.00现价 ¥9,511.00| /
白金出雲八雲塗中尖鋼筆 - 八雲白團風格
Platinum Fountain Pen有存货使用 Platinum Izumo Yakumo Nuri 中尖鋼筆盡情享受書寫藝術。體驗八雲白團風格的精緻。傳統與奢華的融合。
原价 ¥9,511.00 - 原价 ¥9,511.00原价 ¥9,511.00¥9,511.00¥9,511.00 - ¥9,511.00现价 ¥9,511.00| / -
原价 ¥4,444.00原价 ¥4,444.00 - 原价 ¥4,444.00原价 ¥4,444.00现价 ¥3,866.00¥3,866.00 - ¥3,866.00现价 ¥3,866.00| /
白金出雲鐵時中尖鋼筆霧面塔谷山飾面 PIZ-50000T#20
Platinum Fountain Pen有存货使用 Platinum Izumo Tetsutoki 中尖鋼筆享受豐富的書寫體驗。這款筆採用 Matt Tagayasan 表面處理,可提供流暢的精準度,將每一篇文字提升為藝術品。
原价 ¥4,444.00原价 ¥4,444.00 - 原价 ¥4,444.00原价 ¥4,444.00现价 ¥3,866.00¥3,866.00 - ¥3,866.00现价 ¥3,866.00| /节省13% 节省% -
原价 ¥2,876.00原价 ¥2,876.00 - 原价 ¥2,876.00原价 ¥2,876.00现价 ¥2,430.00¥2,430.00 - ¥2,430.00现价 ¥2,430.00| /
鉑金筆 3776 世紀鋼筆中尖鍍銠飾面月桂綠帶愛心貼紙
Platinum Pen有存货體驗白金筆 3776 世紀鋼筆的奢華,採用引人注目的月桂綠和銠飾面。非常適合藝術表達、簽名或優雅的禮物。附贈愛心貼紙。
原价 ¥2,876.00原价 ¥2,876.00 - 原价 ¥2,876.00原价 ¥2,876.00现价 ¥2,430.00¥2,430.00 - ¥2,430.00现价 ¥2,430.00| /节省16% 节省% -
原价 ¥3,190.00原价 ¥3,190.00 - 原价 ¥3,190.00原价 ¥3,190.00现价 ¥2,903.00¥2,903.00 - ¥2,903.00现价 ¥2,903.00| /
鉑金筆 3776 世紀超細鋼筆鍍銠飾面月桂綠帶愛心貼紙
Platinum Pen有存货使用優雅的月桂綠鉑金筆 3776 Century Extra Fine 鋼筆體驗流暢、精準的書寫體驗。鍍銠飾面增添別緻觸感,而愛心貼紙則體現您獨特的個性。功能與風格的巧妙融合。
原价 ¥3,190.00原价 ¥3,190.00 - 原价 ¥3,190.00原价 ¥3,190.00现价 ¥2,903.00¥2,903.00 - ¥2,903.00现价 ¥2,903.00| /节省9% 节省% -
原价 ¥2,936.00原价 ¥2,936.00 - 原价 ¥2,936.00原价 ¥2,936.00现价 ¥2,892.00¥2,892.00 - ¥2,892.00现价 ¥2,892.00| /
白金鋼筆 #3776 世紀圖表藍色超細鋼筆搭配愛心貼紙
Platinum Pen有存货使用 Platinum Pen #3776 Century Chart Blue Extra Fine 鋼筆享受輕鬆書寫的樂趣。飾有愛心貼紙,對於敏銳的抄寫員和時尚的專業人士來說,這是一個無可挑剔的選擇。
原价 ¥2,936.00原价 ¥2,936.00 - 原价 ¥2,936.00原价 ¥2,936.00现价 ¥2,892.00¥2,892.00 - ¥2,892.00现价 ¥2,892.00| /节省1% 节省% -
原价 ¥104.00原价 ¥104.00 - 原价 ¥104.00原价 ¥104.00现价 ¥83.00¥83.00 - ¥83.00现价 ¥83.00| /
白金 Plaisir 中黑墨水鋼筆 Pgb-1000#1-3
Platinum Fountain Pen有存货使用 Platinum Plaisir 中型黑色墨水鋼筆 Pgb-1000#1-3 體驗更順暢的書寫體驗。其引人注目的設計和增強的耐用性提供了持久的使用。藝術家和專業人士的理想選擇。
原价 ¥104.00原价 ¥104.00 - 原价 ¥104.00原价 ¥104.00现价 ¥83.00¥83.00 - ¥83.00现价 ¥83.00| /节省20% 节省% -
原价 ¥52.00原价 ¥52.00 - 原价 ¥52.00原价 ¥52.00现价 ¥46.00¥46.00 - ¥46.00现价 ¥46.00| /
白金品牌 #75 鋼筆軟記號紅筆 SN-800C 套裝
Platinum Fountain Pen有存货使用 Platinum Brand #75 鋼筆體驗卓越的書寫體驗。 SN-800C 系列的柔和刻痕可確保紅色墨水持久流暢、充滿活力。非常適合突出文本和藝術品。
原价 ¥52.00原价 ¥52.00 - 原价 ¥52.00原价 ¥52.00现价 ¥46.00¥46.00 - ¥46.00现价 ¥46.00| /节省12% 节省%
Explore the Elegance of Platinum Pens
For those who appreciate the art of fine writing, Platinum pens offer an unparalleled experience in quality and craftsmanship. At Kiichin, our collection of Platinum pens showcases the best Japanese pen-making, delivering pens that combine functionality, elegance, and precision. Known for their innovative ink flow technology and sleek design, Platinum pens have become a staple for pen enthusiasts and professionals alike.
Why Choose Platinum Pens?
With a history dating back to 1919, Platinum has established itself as a leader in the world of luxury and high-performance pens. Each Platinum pen is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, making it both a reliable writing tool and a beautiful piece of art. From the smooth ink flow to the comfortable grip, Platinum pens offer a writing experience that’s hard to match.
Key Features of Platinum Pens
Innovative Ink Technology: Platinum pens are known for their unique "Slip & Seal" mechanism, which prevents the ink from drying out even after long periods of non-use. This ensures that your pen is always ready to write.
Quality Materials: Platinum uses only the finest materials in their pens, from premium metals to high-quality resins. This commitment to quality gives Platinum pens their durability and timeless appeal.
Smooth Writing Experience: Designed for optimal ink flow and minimal resistance, Platinum pens provide a smooth, consistent writing experience, making them ideal for both everyday use and artistic writing.
Platinum Plaisir Medium Point Black Ink Fountain Pen
Discover Platinum Plaisir Medium Point Black Ink Fountain Pen
Elegant Design: From classic styles to modern innovations, Platinum pens come in a variety of designs that cater to different tastes. Their sleek and sophisticated appearance makes them a standout accessory for any professional or enthusiast.
Variety of Options: Platinum offers a wide range of writing instruments, including fountain pens, ballpoint pens, and mechanical pencils, to meet all your writing needs.
Top Platinum Products Available at Kiichin
Platinum Preppy Fountain Pen: Known for its affordability and quality, the Preppy series is a fantastic introduction to Platinum’s fountain pens. With vibrant ink options and a transparent body, it’s perfect for everyday use.
Platinum Preppy Fountain Pen
Buy it: Platinum Preppy Fountain Pen
Platinum 3776 Century Fountain Pen: This iconic model features the "Slip & Seal" mechanism, a 14k gold nib, and a range of beautiful finishes. It’s a must-have for serious pen collectors and writing enthusiasts.
Platinum Pen 3776 Century Fountain Pen
Add to your pen collection: Platinum Pen 3776 Century Fountain Pen
- Platinum Desk Pens: Perfect for office use. These desk pens come with a sleek stand and provide a smooth, fluid writing experience, ideal for professionals.
Pilot Black Medium Point Desk Pen Model
Add to wishlist: Pilot Black Medium Point Desk Pen Model
Why Buy Platinum Pens from Kiichin?
When you shop at Kiichin, you’re choosing authenticity and quality. Our Platinum collection is carefully selected to ensure that each pen meets our high standards for craftsmanship and performance. Plus, with our fast shipping and dedicated customer service, buying Platinum pens from Kiichin is a smooth and enjoyable experience.
The Perfect Gift for Pen Lovers
Platinum pens make an excellent gift for anyone who values fine writing instruments. Whether it’s for a loved one, a colleague, or yourself, Platinum pens are a symbol of sophistication and thoughtfulness. Their blend of traditional Japanese craftsmanship and modern innovation makes them a prized possession in any pen collection.
Elevate Your Writing Experience with Platinum
Choosing a Platinum pen means choosing a writing instrument that delivers reliability, elegance, and a seamless writing experience. With the range of Platinum pens available at Kiichin, you can find the perfect pen to suit your style and needs. Explore our collection and discover the artistry and functionality that only Platinum can offer.