Medium Nib
原价 ¥2,600.00 - 原价 ¥2,600.00原价 ¥2,600.00¥3,547.00¥3,547.00 - ¥3,547.00现价 ¥3,547.00| /
Sailor 中 21K Veilio Violet Ct 兩用鋼筆超細 EF 11-5046-150
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货體驗 Sailor Medium 21K Veilio 紫羅蘭鋼筆的優雅和精準。它具有雙重用途功能和超細 EF 筆尖,適合專業級書寫。非常適合鋼筆愛好者。
原价 ¥2,600.00 - 原价 ¥2,600.00原价 ¥2,600.00¥3,547.00¥3,547.00 - ¥3,547.00现价 ¥3,547.00| / -
原价 ¥301.00 - 原价 ¥301.00原价 ¥301.00¥327.00¥327.00 - ¥327.00现价 ¥327.00| /
Sailor 鋼筆 Profit 休閒中型金色鑲邊黑色設計型號 11-0570-420
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货使用 Profit Casual 中型水手鋼筆體驗奢華。其金色鑲邊與黑色設計形成優雅對比,打造出時尚、精緻的書寫工具。型號:11-0570-420。
原价 ¥301.00 - 原价 ¥301.00原价 ¥301.00¥327.00¥327.00 - ¥327.00现价 ¥327.00| / -
原价 ¥454.00 - 原价 ¥454.00原价 ¥454.00¥619.00¥619.00 - ¥619.00现价 ¥619.00| /
Sailor 鋼筆 Profit 淺金色鑲邊閃亮紅色中型筆尖 11-1038-430
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货“使用我們的 Sailor 鋼筆 Profit 淺金鑲邊閃亮紅色中號筆尖 11-1038-430 體驗流暢優雅的書寫體驗。其工藝保證了使用壽命和風格。”
原价 ¥454.00 - 原价 ¥454.00原价 ¥454.00¥619.00¥619.00 - ¥619.00现价 ¥619.00| / -
原价 ¥1,224.00 - 原价 ¥1,224.00原价 ¥1,224.00¥1,301.00¥1,301.00 - ¥1,301.00现价 ¥1,301.00| /
Sailor 鋼筆 Profit 21 中型筆尖銀黑 - 型號 11-2024-420
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货“使用 Sailor 鋼筆 Profit 21(型號 11-2024-420)體驗奢華。這款中等筆尖的銀黑色鋼筆工藝精湛,書寫流暢。專業人士的理想選擇。”
原价 ¥1,224.00 - 原价 ¥1,224.00原价 ¥1,224.00¥1,301.00¥1,301.00 - ¥1,301.00现价 ¥1,301.00| / -
原价 ¥322.00 - 原价 ¥322.00原价 ¥322.00¥352.00¥352.00 - ¥352.00现价 ¥352.00| /
Sailor 鋼筆 Profit 休閒款式搭配金邊紅色中型筆尖 11-0570-430
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货體驗 Sailor 中尖利潤休閒鋼筆(帶有金色飾邊)的奢華。濃鬱的紅色調使其脫穎而出,而優質的日本工藝確保書寫持久流暢。非常適合日常優雅。
原价 ¥322.00 - 原价 ¥322.00原价 ¥322.00¥352.00¥352.00 - ¥352.00现价 ¥352.00| / -
原价 ¥639.00 - 原价 ¥639.00原价 ¥639.00¥731.00¥731.00 - ¥731.00现价 ¥731.00| /
Sailor 鋼筆 Profit 標準中型黑色 11-1219-420
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货探索 Sailor 鋼筆 Profit Standard 中號黑色 11-1219-420 的優雅感。它非常適合精確書寫,提供流暢的線條和無與倫比的書寫體驗。這款筆將傳統、時尚和舒適融為一體,是滿足您所有書寫需求的完美工具。
原价 ¥639.00 - 原价 ¥639.00原价 ¥639.00¥731.00¥731.00 - ¥731.00现价 ¥731.00| / -
原价 ¥1,764.00原价 ¥1,764.00 - 原价 ¥1,764.00原价 ¥1,764.00现价 ¥1,662.00¥1,662.00 - ¥1,662.00现价 ¥1,662.00| /
Sailor 鋼筆 Profit Realo 中型筆尖黑 11-3924-420
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货使用 Sailor 鋼筆 Profit Realo Medium Point Black 11-3924-420 探索流暢書寫的樂趣。其時尚的設計彰顯您的風格,同時確保強大的性能。
原价 ¥1,764.00原价 ¥1,764.00 - 原价 ¥1,764.00原价 ¥1,764.00现价 ¥1,662.00¥1,662.00 - ¥1,662.00现价 ¥1,662.00| /节省6% 节省% -
原价 ¥495.00 - 原价 ¥495.00原价 ¥495.00¥538.00¥538.00 - ¥538.00现价 ¥538.00| /
Sailor 鋼筆 Profit,中尖,金色鑲邊,黑色型號 11-1038-420
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货使用 Sailor 鋼筆 Profit 體驗書寫的優雅。這款黑色中型書寫器擁有金色飾邊,營造出奢華的感覺。型號 11-1038-420 重新定義了流暢、整齊的書法。
原价 ¥495.00 - 原价 ¥495.00原价 ¥495.00¥538.00¥538.00 - ¥538.00现价 ¥538.00| / -
原价 ¥612.00 - 原价 ¥612.00原价 ¥612.00¥673.00¥673.00 - ¥673.00现价 ¥673.00| /
Sailor 鋼筆 Profit 標準中型象牙型號 11-1219-417
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货Sailor 鋼筆 Profit 標準中尖象牙型號 11-1219-417 專為精準打造,結合了奢華的設計和流暢的書寫。鋼筆愛好者的首選。
原价 ¥612.00 - 原价 ¥612.00原价 ¥612.00¥673.00¥673.00 - ¥673.00现价 ¥673.00| / -
原价 ¥1,922.00原价 ¥1,922.00 - 原价 ¥1,922.00原价 ¥1,922.00现价 ¥1,815.00¥1,815.00 - ¥1,815.00现价 ¥1,815.00| /
水手鋼筆六十歲生日中型紅色 - 型號 10-3360-432
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货使用水手六十歲生日中尖紅色鋼筆重新發現書寫的樂趣。其精準耐用的設計確保流暢、奢華的書寫體驗。非常適合任何熱心的抄寫員或鋼筆收藏家。型號 10-3360-432。
原价 ¥1,922.00原价 ¥1,922.00 - 原价 ¥1,922.00原价 ¥1,922.00现价 ¥1,815.00¥1,815.00 - ¥1,815.00现价 ¥1,815.00| /节省6% 节省% -
原价 ¥4,334.00 - 原价 ¥4,334.00原价 ¥4,334.00¥4,617.00¥4,617.00 - ¥4,617.00现价 ¥4,617.00| /
Sailor 鋼筆 Fika 中號 Kop World Tea Time 型號 11-7020-440
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货使用 Sailor 鋼筆 Fika 中 Kop 世界下午茶時間型號 11-7020-440 體驗優雅的手寫體驗。非常適合日常書寫或書法,其中等筆尖確保平滑滑動。
原价 ¥4,334.00 - 原价 ¥4,334.00原价 ¥4,334.00¥4,617.00¥4,617.00 - ¥4,617.00现价 ¥4,617.00| / -
原价 ¥344.00 - 原价 ¥344.00原价 ¥344.00¥393.00¥393.00 - ¥393.00现价 ¥393.00| /
Sailor 鋼筆中尖 Reglas 黑色 11-0700-420
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货使用 Sailor 鋼筆中型 Reglas 黑色 11-0700-420,體驗精緻與功能的融合。其流暢的墨水性能和符合人體工學設計的筆筒使其成為任何書寫者的完美選擇。
原价 ¥344.00 - 原价 ¥344.00原价 ¥344.00¥393.00¥393.00 - ¥393.00现价 ¥393.00| / -
原价 ¥2,099.00 - 原价 ¥2,099.00原价 ¥2,099.00¥2,247.00¥2,247.00 - ¥2,247.00现价 ¥2,247.00| /
水手鋼筆世界下午茶時間聖誕香料中尖筆 11-2921-473
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货使用 Sailor 鋼筆 World Tea Time Christmas Spice Medium Point 11-2921-473 擁抱節日氣氛。它不僅僅是一支筆,它是一種節日的歡樂,帶來流暢的書寫和一絲聖誕魔法。
原价 ¥2,099.00 - 原价 ¥2,099.00原价 ¥2,099.00¥2,247.00¥2,247.00 - ¥2,247.00现价 ¥2,247.00| / -
原价 ¥3,935.00 - 原价 ¥3,935.00原价 ¥3,935.00¥5,388.00¥5,388.00 - ¥5,388.00现价 ¥5,388.00| /
水手鋼筆硬橡膠雕刻中尖 Yokasumi 10-8087-420 型號
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货使用 Sailor 鋼筆硬橡膠雕刻 Yokasumi 10-8087-420 型號體驗終極工藝品質。對於作家和藝術家來說,它是一種樂趣,它的中點確保了流暢和優雅的寫作。
原价 ¥3,935.00 - 原价 ¥3,935.00原价 ¥3,935.00¥5,388.00¥5,388.00 - ¥5,388.00现价 ¥5,388.00| / -
原价 ¥3,935.00 - 原价 ¥3,935.00原价 ¥3,935.00¥5,388.00¥5,388.00 - ¥5,388.00现价 ¥5,388.00| /
水手鋼筆中型夜風硬橡膠雕刻型號 10-8085-420
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货使用 Sailor 鋼筆中型夜風硬橡膠雕刻型號 10-8085-420 體驗終極書寫優雅。其烏木琴體經過精雕細琢,可確保流暢而引人注目的筆觸。
原价 ¥3,935.00 - 原价 ¥3,935.00原价 ¥3,935.00¥5,388.00¥5,388.00 - ¥5,388.00现价 ¥5,388.00| / -
原价 ¥3,935.00 - 原价 ¥3,935.00原价 ¥3,935.00¥4,038.00¥4,038.00 - ¥4,038.00现价 ¥4,038.00| /
水手鋼筆硬橡膠夜光中尖雕刻型號 10-8086-420
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货“使用 Sailor 鋼筆硬橡膠夜光中點雕刻型號 10-8086-420 釋放您的創造力。完美的簽名,精緻的雕刻,並擁有流暢的墨水流動。”
原价 ¥3,935.00 - 原价 ¥3,935.00原价 ¥3,935.00¥4,038.00¥4,038.00 - ¥4,038.00现价 ¥4,038.00| / -
原价 ¥6,077.00 - 原价 ¥6,077.00原价 ¥6,077.00¥6,220.00¥6,220.00 - ¥6,220.00现价 ¥6,220.00| /
Sailor 鋼筆 Christmas Spice Kop M/中號 World Tea Time #2
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货使用 Sailor 鋼筆 Christmas Spice Kop M/中號筆體驗書寫的樂趣,它是 World Tea Time #2 系列的一部分。送給紙愛好者的完美聖誕禮物!
原价 ¥6,077.00 - 原价 ¥6,077.00原价 ¥6,077.00¥6,220.00¥6,220.00 - ¥6,220.00现价 ¥6,220.00| / -
原价 ¥21.00 - 原价 ¥21.00原价 ¥21.00¥37.00¥37.00 - ¥37.00现价 ¥37.00| /
水手鋼筆中尖 - 酷風花福德與美風格
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货使用 Sailor 鋼筆 - 中尖 - 酷風花 Fude Nagomi 風格釋放您的創造力。它是專業人士和業餘愛好者的理想選擇,可確保筆跡流暢銳利,筆跡如涼風般柔和。
原价 ¥21.00 - 原价 ¥21.00原价 ¥21.00¥37.00¥37.00 - ¥37.00现价 ¥37.00| / -
原价 ¥5,171.00原价 ¥5,171.00 - 原价 ¥5,171.00原价 ¥5,171.00现价 ¥4,683.00¥4,683.00 - ¥4,683.00现价 ¥4,683.00| /
Sailor 鋼筆 Naginata 中型筆尖 21K 銀色鑲邊黑色型號 10-7122-420
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货使用 Sailor 鋼筆 21K Naginata Medium Point 體驗奢華。黑色型號 10-7122-420 配有銀色飾邊,打造精緻外觀。您寫作之旅的理想伴侶。
原价 ¥5,171.00原价 ¥5,171.00 - 原价 ¥5,171.00原价 ¥5,171.00现价 ¥4,683.00¥4,683.00 - ¥4,683.00现价 ¥4,683.00| /节省9% 节省% -
原价 ¥1,605.00 - 原价 ¥1,605.00原价 ¥1,605.00¥2,211.00¥2,211.00 - ¥2,211.00现价 ¥2,211.00| /
Sailor 鋼筆中型 Keisan 11-2922-430 摩洛哥薄荷茶色
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货使用 Sailor 鋼筆中號 Keisan 11-2922-430 體驗卓越的書寫之旅。享受其摩洛哥薄荷茶色調、時尚的設計和無縫的墨水流動,將您的想法變為現實。非常適合鑑賞家和新手。
原价 ¥1,605.00 - 原价 ¥1,605.00原价 ¥1,605.00¥2,211.00¥2,211.00 - ¥2,211.00现价 ¥2,211.00| / -
原价 ¥3,272.00 - 原价 ¥3,272.00原价 ¥3,272.00¥3,651.00¥3,651.00 - ¥3,651.00现价 ¥3,651.00| /
水手鋼筆 Profit 蒔江紅富士和鶴中型筆尖 11-5010-420
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货使用紅富士和鶴蒔繪設計的 Sailor 鋼筆,享受卓越的書寫體驗。中等水平,它將傳統工藝與現代實用性無縫融合。每次都非常適合精確書寫。
原价 ¥3,272.00 - 原价 ¥3,272.00原价 ¥3,272.00¥3,651.00¥3,651.00 - ¥3,651.00现价 ¥3,651.00| / -
原价 ¥2,869.00原价 ¥2,869.00 - 原价 ¥2,869.00原价 ¥2,869.00现价 ¥2,405.00¥2,405.00 - ¥2,405.00现价 ¥2,405.00| /
水手鋼筆 Veilio 珍珠薄荷 GT 21K 中兩用音樂 11-5045-967
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货探索 Sailor 鋼筆 Veilio Pearl Mint GT 的優雅,它是風格與功能的完美融合。憑藉其時尚的設計、21K 中型筆尖和兩用音樂功能,它將每個書寫任務變成一種樂趣。用這個精緻的工具犒賞自己吧。
原价 ¥2,869.00原价 ¥2,869.00 - 原价 ¥2,869.00原价 ¥2,869.00现价 ¥2,405.00¥2,405.00 - ¥2,405.00现价 ¥2,405.00| /节省16% 节省% -
原价 ¥1,976.00 - 原价 ¥1,976.00原价 ¥1,976.00¥1,976.00¥1,976.00 - ¥1,976.00现价 ¥1,976.00| /
Sailor 鋼筆 Profit Makie Tsuru 中型筆尖型號 10-3052-440
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货使用 Sailor Profit Makie Tsuru 中尖鋼筆體驗書寫的優雅。它非常適合鋼筆愛好者,它將風格與日本工藝的精確性融為一體。
原价 ¥1,976.00 - 原价 ¥1,976.00原价 ¥1,976.00¥1,976.00¥1,976.00 - ¥1,976.00现价 ¥1,976.00| / -
原价 ¥3,492.00 - 原价 ¥3,492.00原价 ¥3,492.00¥3,492.00¥3,492.00 - ¥3,492.00现价 ¥3,492.00| /
水手鋼筆 秋葉蒔江中尖 10-4052-440 利潤系列
Sailor Fountain Pen有存货使用 Sailor 鋼筆 Autumn Leaves Makie Medium Point 體驗日本工藝的優雅。這款 Profit 系列產品採用獨特的蒔繪藝術裝飾,體現了秋葉的寧靜之美。它是流暢、精確書寫的完美選擇。
原价 ¥3,492.00 - 原价 ¥3,492.00原价 ¥3,492.00¥3,492.00¥3,492.00 - ¥3,492.00现价 ¥3,492.00| /
Discover the Art of Writing with Medium Nib Fountain Pens
Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Japanese medium nib fountain pens, where elegance meets functionality. These exquisite writing instruments have long been revered for their unparalleled craftsmanship and ability to elevate the art of writing to new heights. Whether you're a seasoned scribe or a budding wordsmith, exploring the realm of Japanese medium nib pens promises an enriching journey of self-expression and artistic fulfillment.
Why Choose a Medium Nib Fountain Pen?
In the world of writing instruments, medium nib fountain pens are celebrated for their perfect balance of precision and style. Neither too fine nor too bold, a medium nib pen allows for smooth, elegant strokes, making it ideal for both professional and personal use. At Kiichin.com, we offer a carefully curated collection of medium nib fountain pens that bring together Japanese craftsmanship and quality.
Platinum 3776 Century Heart Shape Fountain Pen Medium M 14K Ink Dual
Shop now: Platinum 3776 Century Heart Shape Fountain Pen Medium M 14K Ink Dual-Use Chai Latte
What Sets Medium Nib Fountain Pens Apart?
A medium nib fountain pen offers a versatile experience, suitable for writers who want a consistent ink flow without overwhelming the page. It’s a favorite choice among writers, artists, and collectors alike for its ability to adapt to various writing styles, making it an essential tool for both work and creativity.
Sailor Professional Gear Slim Silver Black Fountain Pen Medium Point
Try it: Sailor Professional Gear Slim Silver Black Fountain Pen Medium Point 11-1222-420
Explore the Best Medium Nib Fountain Pens
At Kiichin, we feature a range of medium nib pens from top brands known for their attention to detail and commitment to quality. Our selection includes popular Japanese brands that have a legacy of producing premium writing instruments with unmatched craftsmanship.
Enhanced Writing Experience
Our medium nib fountain pens provide a smooth and even ink flow that ensures a comfortable writing experience. These pens glide effortlessly, adding a touch of sophistication to every stroke.
Elegant Designs and Durable Build
From sleek, minimalist designs to more ornate options, our medium nib pens are crafted with style and durability in mind. Using premium materials, they are built to last while looking stunning on any desk or in any pocket.
Sailor Profit Black Luster Medium Point Fountain Pen
Get your here: Sailor Profit Black Luster Medium Point Fountain Pen Model 11-3048-420
Perfect for All Writing Styles
Whether you’re jotting down notes or working on calligraphy, a medium nib fountain pen offers flexibility in your writing. The ink flows smoothly, and the nib shape provides just the right amount of contact with the paper.
Caring for Your Medium Nib Fountain Pen
To ensure your pen provides the best writing experience, it's important to maintain it properly. Clean the nib regularly and avoid using low-quality inks that can clog or damage the nib over time. With proper care, your pen can provide years of reliable service.
Sailor Veilio Pearl Mint GT Medium Point Fountain Pen 21K Dual-Use
Add to cart: Sailor Veilio Pearl Mint GT Medium Point Fountain Pen 21K Dual-Use Model 11-5045-467
Shop Kiichin for Premium Medium Nib Fountain Pens
At Kiichin, we’re passionate about delivering only the best in Japanese stationery. Browse our collection of medium nib fountain pens and discover the perfect tool to elevate your writing experience. With options from top Japanese brands, you’re sure to find a pen that matches your style and needs.