




  • 原价 ¥13,367.00
    原价 ¥13,367.00 - 原价 ¥13,367.00
    原价 ¥13,367.00
    现价 ¥12,040.00
    ¥12,040.00 - ¥12,040.00
    现价 ¥12,040.00

    Endo Shoji Kiso 檜木木菜板 - 正宗日本工藝 - 150X45Cm

    Endo Shoji

    隆重介紹 Endo Shoji Kiso Hinoki 柏木切菜板,它是正宗日本工藝的證明。這款切菜板採用耐用的膠合板和木曾檜木製成,非常適合家庭和商業廚房使用。優先考慮清潔和衛生,使用前用水潤濕板並輕輕擦拭。使用後,用刷子或海綿沿著紋理方向徹底清洗兩面。讓它在陰涼處完全乾燥。 Endo Sh...

    原价 ¥13,367.00
    原价 ¥13,367.00 - 原价 ¥13,367.00
    原价 ¥13,367.00
    现价 ¥12,040.00
    ¥12,040.00 - ¥12,040.00
    现价 ¥12,040.00
    节省10% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥89.00
    原价 ¥89.00 - 原价 ¥89.00
    原价 ¥89.00
    现价 ¥88.00
    ¥88.00 - ¥88.00
    现价 ¥88.00

    Ebm 日本不鏽鋼鋼包 - 36 毫升,用於烹飪和盛菜


    隆重介紹 Ebm 日本不鏽鋼鋼包 - 36 毫升,一款用於烹飪和盛菜的多功能廚房工具。這款長柄湯匙由 50 多年來值得信賴的廚房工具品牌 Ebematsu Co., Ltd 製造,設計方便易用。其無縫一體式結構使其易於清潔和維護,而附帶的掛鉤則方便存放。為確保其使用壽命,只需在使用後清洗並乾燥...

    原价 ¥89.00
    原价 ¥89.00 - 原价 ¥89.00
    原价 ¥89.00
    现价 ¥88.00
    ¥88.00 - ¥88.00
    现价 ¥88.00
  • 原价 ¥125.00
    原价 ¥125.00 - 原价 ¥125.00
    原价 ¥125.00
    现价 ¥124.00
    ¥124.00 - ¥124.00
    现价 ¥124.00

    Akebono 日本 45 厘米黑色聚丙烯米飯鏟 - 優質


    隆重介紹 Akebono Japan 45 公分黑色聚丙烯米飯鏟 - 優質廚房用具,具有不沾黏雙壓花表面。這款抹刀非常適合專業用途,有 16 公分和 19 公分尺寸可供選擇,無掛鉤孔。藍色確保異物清晰可見,降低污染風險。每次使用後徹底清洗並乾燥,或為了方便起見,將其放入洗碗機中。曙工業株式會社...

    原价 ¥125.00
    原价 ¥125.00 - 原价 ¥125.00
    原价 ¥125.00
    现价 ¥124.00
    ¥124.00 - ¥124.00
    现价 ¥124.00
    节省1% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥84.00
    原价 ¥84.00 - 原价 ¥84.00
    原价 ¥84.00
    现价 ¥68.00
    ¥68.00 - ¥68.00
    现价 ¥68.00

    Akebono 日本 21 厘米黑色聚丙烯米飯鏟 - 用戶友好的廚房必備品


    隆重介紹 Akebono Japan 21 公分黑色聚丙烯飯鏟,一款用戶友好的廚房必備品。這款抹刀由 Akebono Industry Co., Ltd. 製造,具有不沾黏雙壓花表面,方便處理米飯。與其他尺寸不同,這款 21 公分抹刀沒有掛鉤孔,非常適合專業使用。其藍色確保可見度並防止混合米飯...

    原价 ¥84.00
    原价 ¥84.00 - 原价 ¥84.00
    原价 ¥84.00
    现价 ¥68.00
    ¥68.00 - ¥68.00
    现价 ¥68.00
  • 原价 ¥56.00
    原价 ¥56.00 - 原价 ¥56.00
    原价 ¥56.00
    现价 ¥38.00
    ¥38.00 - ¥38.00
    现价 ¥38.00

    Akebono 日本 24 公分白色聚丙烯飯鏟


    隆重介紹 Akebono 日本 24 公分白色聚丙烯米飯鏟,這是 Akebono Industry Co., Ltd 的高品質家居用品。專為專業用途設計,沒有掛鉤孔,可用洗碗機清洗。藍色確保可見度並防止大米污染。 Akebono Industry Co., Ltd. 秉承對工藝的承諾,多年來一...

    原价 ¥56.00
    原价 ¥56.00 - 原价 ¥56.00
    原价 ¥56.00
    现价 ¥38.00
    ¥38.00 - ¥38.00
    现价 ¥38.00
    节省32% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥48.00
    原价 ¥48.00 - 原价 ¥48.00
    原价 ¥48.00
    现价 ¥37.00
    ¥37.00 - ¥37.00
    现价 ¥37.00

    Akebono 日本 19 厘米白色聚丙烯米飯鏟 - 優質


    隆重介紹 Akebono 日本 19 公分白色聚丙烯米飯鏟 - 品質優良。這款抹刀由 Akebono Industry Co., Ltd. 製造,具有不沾黏雙壓花表面,有兩種尺寸。特殊的藍色可以輕鬆發現異物,確保混米不受污染。為了保持其質量,請在每次使用後徹底清洗並乾燥。這款可用洗碗機清洗的抹...

    原价 ¥48.00
    原价 ¥48.00 - 原价 ¥48.00
    原价 ¥48.00
    现价 ¥37.00
    ¥37.00 - ¥37.00
    现价 ¥37.00
    节省23% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥54.00
    原价 ¥54.00 - 原价 ¥54.00
    原价 ¥54.00
    现价 ¥50.00
    ¥50.00 - ¥50.00
    现价 ¥50.00

    Akebono 日本 16 公分白米鏟 - 聚丙烯材質


    我們的 Akebono Industry Co. 米鏟是無污染攪拌米的完美解決方案。雙壓花不沾表面可防止沾黏和殘留物堆積。 16公分和19公分型號沒有掛鉤孔,而藍色抹刀能夠使異物清晰可見,適合專業用途。 為了最大限度地使用和保養,請確保每次使用後清洗並擦乾抹刀。它還可用洗碗機清洗,更易於使用...

    原价 ¥54.00
    原价 ¥54.00 - 原价 ¥54.00
    原价 ¥54.00
    现价 ¥50.00
    ¥50.00 - ¥50.00
    现价 ¥50.00
    节省7% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥47.00
    原价 ¥47.00 - 原价 ¥47.00
    原价 ¥47.00
    现价 ¥30.00
    ¥30.00 - ¥30.00
    现价 ¥30.00

    Akebono 16 公分黑色聚丙烯飯鏟 - 使用者友好的廚房工具


    隆重介紹 Akebono 16 公分黑色聚丙烯飯鏟 - 一款用戶友好的廚房工具,是專業廚師和家庭廚師的必備品。這款抹刀具有不沾黏雙壓花表面,確保輕鬆清潔和釋放食物。與其他抹刀不同,它沒有用於掛鉤的孔,非常適合專業使用。藍色抹刀特別有用,因為上面的異物很容易看到,可以防止攪拌米飯時污染。為了正確...

    原价 ¥47.00
    原价 ¥47.00 - 原价 ¥47.00
    原价 ¥47.00
    现价 ¥30.00
    ¥30.00 - ¥30.00
    现价 ¥30.00
    节省36% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥3,290.00 - 原价 ¥3,290.00
    原价 ¥3,290.00
    ¥4,087.00 - ¥4,087.00
    现价 ¥4,087.00

    正品日本 Endo Shoji Kiso 扁柏菜板 - 90X39Cm

    Endo Shoji

    隆重介紹正宗日本 Endo Shoji Kiso Hinoki 切菜板 - 90X39Cm,是任何廚房的完美選擇。這款切菜板採用優質膠合板和木曾檜木製成,可為您的所有切割和切菜需求提供理想的表面。為了保持其質量,只需在使用前潤濕表面,並在使用後用擦洗器或海綿清洗兩側即可。 Endo Shoji...

    原价 ¥3,290.00 - 原价 ¥3,290.00
    原价 ¥3,290.00
    ¥4,087.00 - ¥4,087.00
    现价 ¥4,087.00
  • 原价 ¥182.00
    原价 ¥182.00 - 原价 ¥182.00
    原价 ¥182.00
    现价 ¥174.00
    ¥174.00 - ¥174.00
    现价 ¥174.00

    Akebono 日本 60 公分黑色聚丙烯飯鏟


    隆重介紹 Akebono 日本 60 公分黑色聚丙烯米飯鏟 - 您廚房的必備品!這款抹刀採用獨特的不沾表面製成,非常適合專業用途。其藍色確保異物清晰可見,防止污染。這款抹刀可用洗碗機清洗且易於清潔,是廚房工具的便利補充。 Akebono Industry Co., Ltd. 是一家值得信賴的高...

    原价 ¥182.00
    原价 ¥182.00 - 原价 ¥182.00
    原价 ¥182.00
    现价 ¥174.00
    ¥174.00 - ¥174.00
    现价 ¥174.00
  • 原价 ¥47.00 - 原价 ¥47.00
    原价 ¥47.00
    ¥71.00 - ¥71.00
    现价 ¥71.00

    Ebm 不銹鋼芥末湯匙 - 78 毫米優質


    隆重介紹 Ebm 不銹鋼芥末湯匙 - 一款用於舀取日本芥末的優質工具。這款調味瓶由專門生產廚房工具的值得信賴的品牌 Ebematsu Co., Ltd 製造,方便易用。使用後只需清洗並乾燥即可獲得持久的性能。使用這款必備的廚房配件增強您的烹飪體驗。

    原价 ¥47.00 - 原价 ¥47.00
    原价 ¥47.00
    ¥71.00 - ¥71.00
    现价 ¥71.00
  • 原价 ¥44.00
    原价 ¥44.00 - 原价 ¥44.00
    原价 ¥44.00
    现价 ¥36.00
    ¥36.00 - ¥36.00
    现价 ¥36.00

    Nonoji 美國湯匙抹刀 - 優質不銹鋼器具,輕鬆烹飪


    隆重介紹 Nonoji US 湯匙抹刀 - 一款優質不銹鋼器具,可增強您的烹飪體驗。這款多功能湯匙非常適合盛裝正餐和甜點,帶來舒適和享受。每次使用後,只需清洗並確保乾燥即可存放。野野寺有限​​公司是一家以用戶友好和功能性設計而聞名的日本公司,為您帶來這款非凡的湯匙。信託野野寺有限​​公司提供舒...

    原价 ¥44.00
    原价 ¥44.00 - 原价 ¥44.00
    原价 ¥44.00
    现价 ¥36.00
    ¥36.00 - ¥36.00
    现价 ¥36.00
    节省18% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥411.00
    原价 ¥411.00 - 原价 ¥411.00
    原价 ¥411.00
    现价 ¥372.00
    ¥372.00 - ¥372.00
    现价 ¥372.00

    Seitaro 鐵縫紉剪刀 - 用於縫紉和布料切割的高級工藝剪刀


    隆重介紹 Seitaro 鐵縫紉剪刀,這是一款完美的優質工藝剪刀,可滿足您所有縫紉和布料切割需求。這些剪刀在設計時考慮到了布料,可以輕鬆地剪斷任何類型的布料。為了保持其鋒利度,請小心處理並避免切割織物以外的材料。一次切割大量織物可能會降低其清晰度,指紋和污漬也會影響其性能。使用後,使用縫紉機油...

    原价 ¥411.00
    原价 ¥411.00 - 原价 ¥411.00
    原价 ¥411.00
    现价 ¥372.00
    ¥372.00 - ¥372.00
    现价 ¥372.00
  • 原价 ¥152.00 - 原价 ¥152.00
    原价 ¥152.00
    ¥189.00 - ¥189.00
    现价 ¥189.00

    高級 Allex 縫紉剪刀 - 高碳不銹鋼,性能卓越

    Hayashi Cutlery

    隆重介紹 Hayashi Cutlery Co 的高級 Allex 縫紉剪刀。它們具有耐用且鋒利的刀片,可用於各種織物和材料。無論您是初學者還是經驗豐富的下水工,請遵循這些使用和護理提示,以確保您的織物剪刀經久耐用。 Hayashi Cutlery Co. 是一家著名的刃具製造商,以其優質產品...

    原价 ¥152.00 - 原价 ¥152.00
    原价 ¥152.00
    ¥189.00 - ¥189.00
    现价 ¥189.00
  • 原价 ¥154.00
    原价 ¥154.00 - 原价 ¥154.00
    原价 ¥154.00
    现价 ¥139.00
    ¥139.00 - ¥139.00
    现价 ¥139.00

    Kaneshika 碳園藝剪刀 - 適合您花園的耐用鋼工具

    Kaneshika Tool

    隆重介紹 Kaneshika 碳園藝剪刀 - 滿足您所有園藝需求的完美工具。這些剪刀由耐用的鋼材製成,專為園藝和插花而設計。憑藉其長刀片,您也可以輕鬆切割葉子和根。使用後,請記得徹底清洗並乾燥,以確保其使用壽命。由 Kaneshika Tool Co., Ltd. 精心打造,這是一家以其細緻的...

    原价 ¥154.00
    原价 ¥154.00 - 原价 ¥154.00
    原价 ¥154.00
    现价 ¥139.00
    ¥139.00 - ¥139.00
    现价 ¥139.00
    节省10% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥152.00
    原价 ¥152.00 - 原价 ¥152.00
    原价 ¥152.00
    现价 ¥142.00
    ¥142.00 - ¥142.00
    现价 ¥142.00



    使用 Kyocera 陶瓷剪刀磨刀器增強您的切割體驗。這款功能強大的磨刀器非常適合恢復金屬剪刀(甚至是舊剪刀)的鋒利度。其寬大的頂部可以輕鬆安全地插入剪刀,而陶瓷磨刀石則提供了出色的鋒利度。請注意,這款磨刀器不相容厚度超過 4 毫米的剪刀、異常形狀的剪刀或左手剪刀。京瓷株式會社總部位於京都,是...

    原价 ¥152.00
    原价 ¥152.00 - 原价 ¥152.00
    原价 ¥152.00
    现价 ¥142.00
    ¥142.00 - ¥142.00
    现价 ¥142.00


Upgrade Your Cooking Experience with Premium Kitchen Tools and Utensils

Transform your kitchen into a culinary haven with high-quality kitchen tools and utensils available at Kiichin. From versatile gadgets to precise tools, our carefully curated selection brings you the best of Japanese craftsmanship, designed to make your cooking and food prep more efficient, enjoyable, and inspiring.

Discover Essential Japanese Kitchen Tools

Japanese kitchen tools are renowned for their exceptional quality, functionality, and timeless design. Crafted with precision and durability, these utensils help streamline your cooking process while maintaining the elegance and style that Japanese kitchenware is known for.

Why Choose Japanese Kitchen Tools?

Japanese kitchen tools are an excellent choice for anyone who values quality and efficiency in the kitchen. Known for their exceptional durability, ergonomic designs, and innovative features, Japanese utensils make food preparation easier and more enjoyable. Here’s why they’re a must-have:
  • Precision and Control: Many Japanese kitchen tools, from peelers to graters, are designed to provide you with the utmost control and accuracy in every cut, slice, and chop.

  • Durability: Japanese utensils are made from high-quality materials that withstand years of regular use, making them a worthwhile investment for any kitchen.

  • Aesthetic Appeal: With sleek, minimalistic designs, Japanese kitchen tools not only function excellently but also add a touch of sophistication to your kitchen.

Top Kitchen Tools and Utensils at Kiichin

Explore our collection of must-have kitchen tools that will elevate your cooking experience and make meal prep a breeze:

Japanese Peelers and Graters

Peelers and graters are essential tools for any kitchen. Japanese peelers are known for their razor-sharp blades that allow for precise peeling with minimal effort. Our selection includes tools that can handle everything from vegetables and fruits to hard cheeses and spices.

Tsuboe Japan Stainless Steel Curved Grater 

Shop now: Tsuboe Japan Stainless Steel Curved Grater 

Versatile Tongs and Spatulas

Our Japanese tongs and spatulas are perfect for flipping, stirring, and serving. With comfortable grips and sturdy designs, these tools are essential for any cooking style, from stir-frying to grilling. Made from high-quality materials, they offer excellent heat resistance and durability.

Nonoji UD Stainless Steel Pasta Tongs

Add to cart: Nonoji UD Stainless Steel Pasta Tongs

Traditional Japanese Mortar and Pestle (Suribachi)

The Suribachi is a traditional Japanese mortar and pestle, designed for grinding ingredients to release intense flavors. Its textured interior is perfect for grinding sesame seeds, herbs, and spices, making it a staple tool in Japanese cuisine.

Kitchen Tools & Utensils Yamacol Traditional Japanese Seto Ware Surbachi Mortar Surkogi Pestle

Get your here: Kitchen Tools & Utensils Yamacol Traditional Japanese Seto Ware Surbachi Mortar Surkogi Pestle

High-Quality Knives and Cutting Boards

Japanese knives are some of the most respected tools in the culinary world. At Kiichin, we offer a range of Japanese knives crafted with precision and balance, making them ideal for various cutting techniques. Pair these with a high-quality cutting board, and you have a kitchen setup designed for efficiency and precision.

Explore Japanese Knives Collection now !

Rice Paddles and Sushi Making Kits

For fans of Japanese cuisine, a rice paddle and sushi-making kit are essential. Our rice paddles are crafted to handle sticky rice effortlessly, while our sushi kits provide everything you need to roll perfect sushi at home.

Ebm Hinoki Cypress Sushi Press Mold - 21cm Wooden Sushi Maker

Make Sushi easier than ever with Ebm Hinoki Cypress Sushi Press Mold - 21cm Wooden Sushi Maker

Benefits of Investing in Quality Kitchen Tools

Investing in premium kitchen tools is about more than just convenience—it’s about enhancing your entire cooking experience. High-quality kitchen utensils make cooking more efficient, help maintain food quality, and elevate the final presentation of your dishes.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Quality tools make food preparation faster and more precise, allowing you to focus on the art of cooking.

  • Preserve Food Texture and Flavor: Japanese tools are designed to handle delicate ingredients with care, helping you achieve the best flavor and texture.

  • Saves Money in the Long Run: Durable, well-made tools reduce the need for frequent replacements, making them a smart investment.

How to Care for Your Kitchen Tools

To ensure longevity, proper care is essential for your kitchen tools. Follow these tips to keep them in optimal condition:
  • Hand Wash: Many Japanese tools are best washed by hand to preserve their sharpness and finish.

  • Dry Immediately: Avoid leaving your tools wet, as it can lead to rust or degradation of the material.

  • Store Properly: Use protective covers for knives and store utensils in a dry place to maintain quality.

Shop the Best Kitchen Tools at Kiichin

At Kiichin, we are dedicated to providing our customers with top-notch Japanese kitchen tools and utensils that blend functionality, durability, and beauty. Whether you're an experienced chef or a home cook, our selection of Japanese kitchenware will help you elevate your cooking and enjoy the process even more. Visit our website to explore our full range of kitchen tools and discover how Japanese craftsmanship can transform your culinary experience.

Experience the difference of Japanese kitchen tools with Kiichin. From high-performance peelers to precision-cutting knives, our collection is designed to meet all your culinary needs. Explore our range today to find the perfect tools that make cooking both enjoyable and efficient.