

Home and Kitchen

Home and Kitchen


  • 原价 ¥109.00
    原价 ¥109.00 - 原价 ¥109.00
    原价 ¥109.00
    现价 ¥73.00
    ¥73.00 - ¥73.00
    现价 ¥73.00

    Wahei Freiz 烤盤 17X22 公分鐵 Ra-9505 - 日本製造

    Wahei Freiz

    隆重介紹 Wahei Freiz 烤盤烘烤蒸汽再加熱 Rancini 方形 17X22 厘米鐵 Ra-9505 - 日本製造。這款多功能平底鍋是烹飪美味佳餚的完美工具。它由耐用的鐵製成,可讓您燒烤、烘烤、蒸汽、重新加熱,甚至製作蘭西尼。其方形形狀和 17x22 公分尺寸,非常適合任何廚房。這款...

    原价 ¥109.00
    原价 ¥109.00 - 原价 ¥109.00
    原价 ¥109.00
    现价 ¥73.00
    ¥73.00 - ¥73.00
    现价 ¥73.00
    节省33% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥225.00
    原价 ¥225.00 - 原价 ¥225.00
    原价 ¥225.00
    现价 ¥193.00
    ¥193.00 - ¥193.00
    现价 ¥193.00

    杉山金屬熱砂機 - 日本美食

    Sugiyama Metal

    使用杉山金屬熱砂機體驗正宗的日本料理風味。這款廚房工具可讓您輕鬆製作傳統日本料理熱砂美食。這款製砂機由耐用的金屬製成,採用直火 Ih 技術,可確保快速均勻的加熱,打造美味佳餚。無論您是初學者還是經驗豐富的廚師,杉山金屬熱砂機都是製作令人驚嘆的熱砂美食的完美選擇。用這種日本美食提升您的烹飪體驗。

    原价 ¥225.00
    原价 ¥225.00 - 原价 ¥225.00
    原价 ¥225.00
    现价 ¥193.00
    ¥193.00 - ¥193.00
    现价 ¥193.00
    节省14% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥44.00 - 原价 ¥44.00
    原价 ¥44.00
    ¥61.00 - ¥61.00
    现价 ¥61.00

    Lec 日本 Gekiochi Kurokabi-Kun 浴室除霉手柄 - 2 件清潔劑


    Lec 日本 Gekiochi Kurokabi-Kun 浴室除黴劑手柄 2 件清潔劑是保持浴室無黴菌的強大解決方案。憑藉其研磨手柄,即使在難以到達的區域,它也能有效消除頑固的黴菌和黴菌。這款兩件式清潔劑旨在深入滲透水泥漿,確保徹底清潔。這款除霉劑易於使用且高效,將使您的浴室煥然一新。用這款神...

    原价 ¥44.00 - 原价 ¥44.00
    原价 ¥44.00
    ¥61.00 - ¥61.00
    现价 ¥61.00
  • 原价 ¥46.00 - 原价 ¥46.00
    原价 ¥46.00
    ¥104.00 - ¥104.00
    现价 ¥104.00

    Lec 日本除霉劑 Handy S-731 - 浴室清潔解決方案


    Lec Japan 手持式黴菌去除劑 S-731 是一款強大且易於使用的解決方案,可去除浴室中的黴菌和黴菌。專為高濕度地區設計,無需擦洗或使用刺激性化學物質即可有效消除黴菌。使用這款安全有效的除霉劑,讓您的浴室保持乾淨清新。使用 Handy S-731 防止未來黴菌和黴菌堆積。

    原价 ¥46.00 - 原价 ¥46.00
    原价 ¥46.00
    ¥104.00 - ¥104.00
    现价 ¥104.00
  • 原价 ¥199.00
    原价 ¥199.00 - 原价 ¥199.00
    原价 ¥199.00
    现价 ¥188.00
    ¥188.00 - ¥188.00
    现价 ¥188.00

    Chefmade 日本帶蓋麵包模具 - 不沾烘焙工具,11.5x11.4x10cm 超薄磅型


    使用 Chefmade 日本帶蓋麵包模具在家製作美味的麵包。由於其巧妙的設計,這種不沾黏的烘焙工具可以輕鬆釋放煮熟的麵包。其纖巧的磅型形狀尺寸為 11.5x11.4x10 厘米,您可以在舒適的自己的廚房中輕鬆製作美味的麵包。附帶的蓋子有助於保持水分,並為成品麵包增添美麗的外觀。使用 Chefm...

    原价 ¥199.00
    原价 ¥199.00 - 原价 ¥199.00
    原价 ¥199.00
    现价 ¥188.00
    ¥188.00 - ¥188.00
    现价 ¥188.00
  • 原价 ¥96.00
    原价 ¥96.00 - 原价 ¥96.00
    原价 ¥96.00
    现价 ¥90.00
    ¥90.00 - ¥90.00
    现价 ¥90.00

    Cz-Ing 4 腔不沾鬆餅鍋|碳鋼烘焙模具托盤|日本


    隆重介紹 Cz-Ing 4 腔不沾鬆餅盤,是烘焙美味鬆餅的必備品!這款烘焙模具托盤由優質日本碳鋼製成,可確保均勻的熱量分佈和持久的耐用性。不沾塗層確保鬆餅輕鬆脫模,不會發生任何粘連。平底鍋能夠一次製作四個鬆餅,還配有兩個盤子,方便儲存和運輸。今天就開始用這款特殊的烘焙模具來製作令人垂涎的鬆餅吧!

    原价 ¥96.00
    原价 ¥96.00 - 原价 ¥96.00
    原价 ¥96.00
    现价 ¥90.00
    ¥90.00 - ¥90.00
    现价 ¥90.00
  • 原价 ¥144.00
    原价 ¥144.00 - 原价 ¥144.00
    原价 ¥144.00
    现价 ¥121.00
    ¥121.00 - ¥121.00
    现价 ¥121.00

    Cotta 日本原廠鬆餅模具 - 12 件 灰色 - 30X20X2.5Cm - 85666


    使用 Cotta Japan 原創鬆餅模具在廚房中發揮創意。這款高品質矽膠模具可讓您一次製作 12 個美味的鬆餅。不沾表面和易於釋放的特性使其成為任何麵包師的絕佳選擇。其耐用的結構和高達 230 攝氏度的耐熱性使其非常適合烤箱和微波爐使用。使用這款多功能且易於使用的模具每次都能製作出完美的鬆餅。

    原价 ¥144.00
    原价 ¥144.00 - 原价 ¥144.00
    原价 ¥144.00
    现价 ¥121.00
    ¥121.00 - ¥121.00
    现价 ¥121.00
    节省16% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥109.00
    原价 ¥109.00 - 原价 ¥109.00
    原价 ¥109.00
    现价 ¥106.00
    ¥106.00 - ¥106.00
    现价 ¥106.00

    Cz-Ing 日本鬆餅盤 - 不沾碳鋼烘焙模具托盤(4 腔,3 盤)


    使用 Cz-Ing 日本鬆餅盤在廚房發揮創意!這款不沾碳鋼烘焙模具托盤有 4 個腔體和 3 個盤子,可讓您製作美味的鬆餅、煎餅等。碳鋼塗層確保您的烘焙食品輕鬆脫模。無論您是烘焙甜味還是鹹味食譜,這款多功能平底鍋都是您廚房的必備品。

    原价 ¥109.00
    原价 ¥109.00 - 原价 ¥109.00
    原价 ¥109.00
    现价 ¥106.00
    ¥106.00 - ¥106.00
    现价 ¥106.00
  • 原价 ¥102.00
    原价 ¥102.00 - 原价 ¥102.00
    原价 ¥102.00
    现价 ¥85.00
    ¥85.00 - ¥85.00
    现价 ¥85.00

    Cotta 日本甜甜圈模具套裝 - 6 件


    使用 Cotta Japan 甜甜圈模具套件,將您的廚房變成美味甜甜圈的天堂。這 6 個模具由頂級日本不銹鋼製成,經過雷射切割,可實現精確切割和細節處理。三種經典形狀 - 圓形、心形和星形 - 創意甜甜圈製作的可能性是無限的。 Cotta Japan 甜甜圈模具套裝易於清潔並方便存放在儲物袋中...

    原价 ¥102.00
    原价 ¥102.00 - 原价 ¥102.00
    原价 ¥102.00
    现价 ¥85.00
    ¥85.00 - ¥85.00
    现价 ¥85.00
    节省17% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥61.00
    原价 ¥61.00 - 原价 ¥61.00
    原价 ¥61.00
    现价 ¥60.00
    ¥60.00 - ¥60.00
    现价 ¥60.00

    Cz-Ing 日本 4 腔不沾鬆餅盤碳鋼烘焙模具托盤


    使用 Cz-Ing Japan 4 腔不沾鬆餅盤盡情享受烘焙藝術。這款烘焙模具托盤由優質碳鋼製成,確保每次都能獲得完美的效果。其不沾表面和四腔設計使烘焙鬆餅、煎餅等變得輕而易舉。這款平底鍋易於清潔,可用洗碗機清洗,確保帶來整潔的烘焙體驗。使用 Cz-Ing Japan 4 腔不沾鬆餅盤提升您的...

    原价 ¥61.00
    原价 ¥61.00 - 原价 ¥61.00
    原价 ¥61.00
    现价 ¥60.00
    ¥60.00 - ¥60.00
    现价 ¥60.00
  • 原价 ¥228.00 - 原价 ¥228.00
    原价 ¥228.00
    ¥252.00 - ¥252.00
    现价 ¥252.00

    Cotta 英式鬆餅模具套裝 - 6 件 - 日本 91413


    使用日本的 Cotta 英式鬆餅模具套裝製作美味的自製英式鬆餅。這款 6 件套裝包括耐用的鋁製模具,帶有不沾塗層,易於脫模和快速清理。符合人體工學設計的手柄可以安全地運輸您的鬆餅。使用這款方便且高品質的模具套件,在舒適的自己的廚房中享受自製英式鬆餅的味道。

    原价 ¥228.00 - 原价 ¥228.00
    原价 ¥228.00
    ¥252.00 - ¥252.00
    现价 ¥252.00
  • 原价 ¥102.00
    原价 ¥102.00 - 原价 ¥102.00
    原价 ¥102.00
    现价 ¥85.00
    ¥85.00 - ¥85.00
    现价 ¥85.00

    Cotta 原始鬆餅模具 6 件 - 灰色 日本 26X17.5X3.5Cm 85667


    準備好用 Cotta Original 鬆餅模具烘烤美味的鬆餅!這款 6 件組由優質灰色日式陶瓷製成,可確保卓越的保溫性和均勻的烘烤效果。每個模具尺寸為 26 x 17.5 x 3.5 厘米,一次最多可以製作六個鬆餅。無論您喜歡經典食譜還是想發揮自己的創意,Cotta Original 鬆餅模...

    原价 ¥102.00
    原价 ¥102.00 - 原价 ¥102.00
    原价 ¥102.00
    现价 ¥85.00
    ¥85.00 - ¥85.00
    现价 ¥85.00
    节省17% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥132.00
    原价 ¥132.00 - 原价 ¥132.00
    原价 ¥132.00
    现价 ¥126.00
    ¥126.00 - ¥126.00
    现价 ¥126.00

    Cotta 日本蒂芙尼鬆餅模具 - 12 件黑色 - 26x20x2.4cm - 4.8x2.4cm - 88656


    隆重介紹 Cotta Japan 蒂芙尼鬆餅模具 - 烘焙愛好者的必備品!這款 12 件組包含各種尺寸和形狀的模具,讓您輕鬆製作美味的鬆餅。不沾黑色表面確保輕鬆取出鬆餅,而堅固的結構保證長期使用。使用 Cotta Japan 蒂芙尼鬆餅模具 12 件黑色提升您的烘焙水平 - 每次都能製作完美鬆...

    原价 ¥132.00
    原价 ¥132.00 - 原价 ¥132.00
    原价 ¥132.00
    现价 ¥126.00
    ¥126.00 - ¥126.00
    现价 ¥126.00
    节省5% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥123.00 - 原价 ¥123.00
    原价 ¥123.00
    ¥127.00 - ¥127.00
    现价 ¥127.00

    Super Kitchen 6 腔矽膠鬆餅模具盤紙杯蛋糕盤 - 不粘,灰色

    Super Kitchen

    Super Kitchen 6 腔矽膠鬆餅模具盤紙杯蛋糕盤灰色,是烘焙美味佳餚的必備品。它採用不沾矽膠製成,可確保輕鬆去除紙杯蛋糕、鬆餅和甜甜圈,而不會造成任何破損。六個腔體的尺寸完美適合均勻烘烤。這款可用於烤箱的平底鍋採用現代混合灰色日本顏色,為您的廚房增添時尚氣息。使用這款高品質鬆餅模具板...

    原价 ¥123.00 - 原价 ¥123.00
    原价 ¥123.00
    ¥127.00 - ¥127.00
    现价 ¥127.00
  • 原价 ¥168.00
    原价 ¥168.00 - 原价 ¥168.00
    原价 ¥168.00
    现价 ¥149.00
    ¥149.00 - ¥149.00
    现价 ¥149.00

    Tiger Crown 6P 黑鋼鬆餅盤,矽樹脂塗層 - 耐熱高達 250°

    Tiger Crown

    Tiger Crown 鬆餅盤 6P 黑鋼日本矽樹脂塗層是一款高品質烤盤,可確保每次都能製作出完美的鬆餅。平底鍋由優質黑鋼製成,塗有先進的日本矽樹脂塗層,耐熱性高達 250°。其耐用且不沾黏的表面可輕鬆釋放和清潔。憑藉其 6P 黑鋼設計,您可以一次烘烤六個大鬆餅。使用 Tiger Crown ...

    原价 ¥168.00
    原价 ¥168.00 - 原价 ¥168.00
    原价 ¥168.00
    现价 ¥149.00
    ¥149.00 - ¥149.00
    现价 ¥149.00
    节省11% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥184.00 - 原价 ¥184.00
    原价 ¥184.00
    ¥297.00 - ¥297.00
    现价 ¥297.00

    PP Chef 不鏽鋼鬆餅盤組 - 2 個盤(6 杯)

    P&Amp;P Chef

    隆重介紹 P&P Chef 不鏽鋼鬆餅平底鍋套裝 - 2 個平底鍋(6 杯)。這款專業級套裝由優質不銹鋼製成,非常適合烘焙美味的鬆餅和紙杯蛋糕。這些平底鍋採用快速釋放和易於清潔的設計,可確保輕鬆清潔。可用洗碗機清洗,更方便。使用這款耐用且多功能的鬆餅盤套裝提升您的烘焙體驗。

    原价 ¥184.00 - 原价 ¥184.00
    原价 ¥184.00
    ¥297.00 - ¥297.00
    现价 ¥297.00
  • 原价 ¥117.00 - 原价 ¥117.00
    原价 ¥117.00
    ¥120.00 - ¥120.00
    现价 ¥120.00

    Super Kitchen 大矽膠鬆餅模具 - 12 個不沾紙杯蛋糕杯

    Super Kitchen

    隆重介紹 Super Kitchen 大型矽膠鬆餅模具 - 任何烘焙愛好者的必備品!這款 9.2 公分 Canelé 模具採用耐用且耐熱的矽膠製成,具有 12 個不沾杯,非常適合精美的紙杯蛋糕和鬆餅。這款可重複使用的烘焙器採用日本耐熱材料,確保持久使用。告別黏糊糊的髒亂差,輕鬆去除烘焙食品。使...

    原价 ¥117.00 - 原价 ¥117.00
    原价 ¥117.00
    ¥120.00 - ¥120.00
    现价 ¥120.00
  • 原价 ¥228.00
    原价 ¥228.00 - 原价 ¥228.00
    原价 ¥228.00
    现价 ¥211.00
    ¥211.00 - ¥211.00
    现价 ¥211.00

    Takashi Endo Store 白麵包盒 1.5 麵包日本 59-06

    Takashi Endo Store

    使用 Takashi Endo Store 白麵包盒為您的廚房增添一抹優雅。這款 1.5 吋麵包盒採用優質材料製成,可讓您的麵包保持新鮮且井井有條。時尚的白色設計和拇指細節為任何房間增添了精緻感。這款麵包愛好者的必備配件於日本製造,是為您的廚房增添時尚氣息的絕佳選擇。產品代碼:59-06。

    原价 ¥228.00
    原价 ¥228.00 - 原价 ¥228.00
    原价 ¥228.00
    现价 ¥211.00
    ¥211.00 - ¥211.00
    现价 ¥211.00
    节省7% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥233.00
    原价 ¥233.00 - 原价 ¥233.00
    原价 ¥233.00
    现价 ¥178.00
    ¥178.00 - ¥178.00
    现价 ¥178.00

    Mtate Torimatsu 日本 Altite 麵包烤盤 - 2 個麵包,1250603,5169Y

    Mtate Torimatsu

    Mtate Torimatsu 日本 Altite 帶蓋麵包烤盤是每個麵包師的必備品。這款專業級平底鍋採用優質 Altite 材料製成,可確保卓越的保溫性,甚至可以烘烤兩條美味的麵包。可拆卸的蓋子將水分鎖在裡面,從而使外皮更加蓬鬆、柔軟。這款平底鍋設計優雅,不僅實用,而且是任何廚房的絕佳補充。...

    原价 ¥233.00
    原价 ¥233.00 - 原价 ¥233.00
    原价 ¥233.00
    现价 ¥178.00
    ¥178.00 - ¥178.00
    现价 ¥178.00
    节省24% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥92.00
    原价 ¥92.00 - 原价 ¥92.00
    原价 ¥92.00
    现价 ¥66.00
    ¥66.00 - ¥66.00
    现价 ¥66.00

    來自日本的正宗 Hoon 甜甜圈 |探索胡恩山脈


    品嚐 Hoon Donuts 的正宗日本風味!我們的 Hoon 系列提供令人愉悅的抹茶、栗子和巧克力口味選擇,採用最優質的原料手工製作。這些甜甜圈採用特殊麵團製成,具有獨特的質地和風味,可滿足任何甜食愛好者的需求。無論是作為零食還是甜點,來自日本的 Hoon Donuts 都是與親人分享的完美...

    原价 ¥92.00
    原价 ¥92.00 - 原价 ¥92.00
    原价 ¥92.00
    现价 ¥66.00
    ¥66.00 - ¥66.00
    现价 ¥66.00
    节省28% 节省%
  • 原价 ¥158.00
    原价 ¥158.00 - 原价 ¥158.00
    原价 ¥158.00
    现价 ¥147.00
    ¥147.00 - ¥147.00
    现价 ¥147.00

    Soratobu 煎鍋 - 矽處理鬆餅頂板(24 個迷你鬆餅模具)

    Soratobu Frying Pan

    Soratobu 煎鍋矽處理鬆餅頂板日本是一款多功能且高品質的廚房工具,可讓您輕鬆製作美味的迷你鬆餅頂。使用 24 個迷你鬆餅模具,您可以製作多種這些美味佳餚。平底鍋的不沾表面由矽加工材料製成,確保輕鬆烹飪和清潔。由於採用了矽膠材料,您的鬆餅頂每次都會煮得很完美。無論是特殊場合還是日常烘焙,這...

    原价 ¥158.00
    原价 ¥158.00 - 原价 ¥158.00
    原价 ¥158.00
    现价 ¥147.00
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    节省7% 节省%
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    原价 ¥107.00 - 原价 ¥107.00
    原价 ¥107.00
    现价 ¥103.00
    ¥103.00 - ¥103.00
    现价 ¥103.00

    日本 Altite 麵包 1 - Mtate Rimatsu 優質麵包,帶來愉快的體驗


    盡情享受日本 Altite 麵包 1 - Mtate Rimatsu 的愉悅體驗。這款優質麵包採用日式小麥粉和酵母製成,味道正宗。其輕盈蓬鬆的質地使其非常適合早餐或零食。誘人的香氣將充滿您的廚房,使其成為您家中的最愛。享受 Mt-Torimatsu 日本 Altite 麵包 1 - Mtate...

    原价 ¥107.00
    原价 ¥107.00 - 原价 ¥107.00
    原价 ¥107.00
    现价 ¥103.00
    ¥103.00 - ¥103.00
    现价 ¥103.00
  • 原价 ¥135.00 - 原价 ¥135.00
    原价 ¥135.00
    ¥140.00 - ¥140.00
    现价 ¥140.00

    Super Kitchen 12 腔大不沾矽膠鬆餅模具盤 - 易於清潔灰色

    Super Kitchen

    隆重介紹 Super Kitchen 12 腔大型不沾矽膠鬆餅模具盤,採用時尚灰色。這款高品質平底鍋旨在讓烘焙鬆餅變得輕而易舉。不沾矽膠材質確保輕鬆釋放和輕鬆清潔。憑藉其 12 腔室設計,您可以一次烘烤十幾個鬆餅。這款耐用的平底鍋採用日本技術製成,保證持久的性能。使用 Super Kitche...

    原价 ¥135.00 - 原价 ¥135.00
    原价 ¥135.00
    ¥140.00 - ¥140.00
    现价 ¥140.00
  • 原价 ¥73.00 - 原价 ¥73.00
    原价 ¥73.00
    ¥73.00 - ¥73.00
    现价 ¥73.00

    超級廚房甜甜圈模具 - 6 件裝矽膠蛋糕模具,耐熱、不沾黏、易於清潔 - 日本(1 件深灰色)

    Super Kitchen

    使用超級廚房甜甜圈模具矽膠蛋糕模具輕鬆製作完美的甜甜圈。這套 6 個深灰色耐熱不沾模具易於清潔,非常適合製作甜甜圈、鬆餅和其他糕點。無論您是家庭麵包師還是專業廚師,這款方便的套裝都將是您享用美味佳餚的首選。使用這款必備廚房工具進行烘焙!

    原价 ¥73.00 - 原价 ¥73.00
    原价 ¥73.00
    ¥73.00 - ¥73.00
    现价 ¥73.00

Elevate Your Space with Premium Japanese Home and Kitchen Essentials from Kiichin

Japanese home and kitchen essentials are celebrated for their quality, functionality, and timeless aesthetic. Bringing the elegance of Japanese design into your home means incorporating products that blend beauty with practical innovation, making everyday tasks a delight. At Kiichin, we curate a collection of Japanese home and kitchen items crafted to enhance your space, inspire your cooking, and add style to every corner of your home. Here’s what makes Japanese home and kitchen essentials so unique and why they’re a perfect fit for your lifestyle.

Why Choose Japanese Home and Kitchen Essentials?

Japanese design philosophy centers on quality, simplicity, and efficiency. Whether it’s a minimalist kitchen utensil or a beautiful ceramic dish, Japanese home products are created with meticulous attention to detail and functionality. Choosing Japanese home and kitchen items offers numerous benefits:
  • Exceptional Craftsmanship: Japanese products are known for their durability and precision, built to last and perform well over time.

  • Sleek, Minimalist Design: A focus on simplicity and functionality results in products that are elegant and easy to integrate into any home.

  • Sustainable and Eco-Friendly: Many Japanese brands emphasize sustainability, offering reusable, refillable, and environmentally friendly options.

  • Efficient and Space-Saving: Japanese home essentials are often designed with compact living in mind, making them ideal for any space.

Explore the Kiichin Japanese Home and Kitchen Collection

Our Kiichin collection includes a range of high-quality Japanese items for your home and kitchen. From stylish tableware to efficient storage solutions, each product is selected to bring beauty and practicality into your daily routines. Here are some of the essentials you’ll find in our collection:
  1. Kitchen Tools and Accessories

Japanese kitchen tools are known for their efficiency and unique design. Some must-have items include:
  • Knives: Japanese knives are renowned for their sharpness, balance, and durability, making them ideal for precision tasks in the kitchen. High-quality Japanese knives from brands like Shun and Tojiro are available to enhance your culinary experience.

Seki Magoroku Akane Knife

Buy now: Seki Magoroku Akane 210mm Japanese Knife

  • Cooking Utensils: Japanese cooking utensils are crafted to maximize function while minimizing space, often with ergonomic designs that make cooking more enjoyable.

  • Cutting Boards: Japanese cutting boards are lightweight yet sturdy, often crafted from durable wood or high-quality resin to reduce knife dulling.

  1. Japanese Tableware

The art of Japanese tableware emphasizes beauty, balance, and harmony, bringing elegance to every meal. Our collection includes:
  • Ceramic Dishes and Bowls: From minimalist bowls to delicately patterned plates, Japanese ceramic tableware elevates your dining experience.

Motoshige Caremic Japan Condiment Grater Plate

Add to your collection: Motoshige Caremic Japan Condiment Grater Plate

  • Tea Sets: Traditional Japanese tea sets are crafted with precision and attention to aesthetic details. They make a lovely addition to your table for both daily use and special occasions.

  • Chopsticks: Japanese chopsticks are made from fine materials like bamboo, wood, or even lacquered finishes, making them comfortable to use and easy to clean.

  1. Home Organization Solutions

Japanese homes often focus on maximizing efficiency in smaller spaces. Our organization products bring that same practicality to your home:
  • Storage Containers: Japanese storage containers are designed to be compact and easy to stack, helping you organize your kitchen or pantry with style.

Iwaki Japan Heat Resistant Glass Storage Container Green Set

Add to cart: Iwaki Japan Heat Resistant Glass Storage Container Green Set of 7 packs

  • Bins and Organizers: Perfect for keeping items neatly arranged, Japanese organizers come in various sizes and configurations to suit every space.

  • Multi-Functional Shelving: Japanese shelving solutions are typically modular and customizable, making them ideal for optimizing space in any room.

  1. Sustainable Kitchen Essentials

Japan has a strong focus on sustainable living, and our collection at Kiichin includes eco-friendly items that help reduce waste:
  • Reusable Food Wraps: Ditch single-use plastic wraps with eco-friendly, reusable food wraps that are durable and easy to clean.

  • Bento Boxes: Designed for convenience and sustainability, Japanese bento boxes encourage portion control and reduce disposable packaging.

  • Glass and Stainless Steel Containers: These eco-friendly containers keep your food fresh without relying on plastic, ideal for both storage and transport.

  1. Japanese Cleaning Tools

Japanese cleaning products are crafted to make household chores more efficient and enjoyable. Our selection includes:
  • Microfiber Cloths: High-quality microfiber cloths from Japan are perfect for cleaning glass, counters, and other surfaces without leaving streaks.

  • Dish Scrubbers: Japanese scrubbers are often made from natural materials like palm fibers or coconut husks, offering effective cleaning power without scratching.

Kamenoko Tawashi Coconut Fiber Dish Scrubber

Get your here: Kamenoko Tawashi Coconut Fiber Dish Scrubber

  • Compact Cleaning Brushes: With ergonomic designs, Japanese cleaning brushes allow you to tackle tough-to-clean areas with ease.

Benefits of Adding Japanese Home and Kitchen Essentials to Your Space

  • Enhanced Cooking Experience: Japanese kitchen tools and accessories improve efficiency and enjoyment in the kitchen.

  • Improved Organization: Storage and organization solutions help keep your home tidy, making it easier to find and use your essentials.

  • Eco-Conscious Lifestyle: Sustainable items reduce single-use plastic waste and align with environmentally friendly values.

  • Stylish Aesthetic: The minimalist and elegant designs of Japanese homeware add a sense of calm and style to your space.

Tips for Choosing the Right Japanese Home and Kitchen Essentials

  • Identify Your Needs: Think about which items would enhance your daily routines, whether it’s a quality knife, a set of stylish dishes, or an efficient storage solution.

  • Consider Durability: Japanese products are known for their quality, so investing in durable items will provide long-lasting value.

  • Embrace Sustainability: Opt for reusable and eco-friendly items where possible to reduce waste and support sustainable practices.

Shop Authentic Japanese Home and Kitchen Essentials at Kiichin

At Kiichin, we are dedicated to offering premium Japanese home and kitchen products that enhance your lifestyle. With a focus on quality, functionality, and elegance, our carefully curated collection brings the best of Japanese craftsmanship and design into your home. Explore our collection to find pieces that inspire and transform your space, making everyday tasks a pleasure.