Good Smile Company
原价 ¥352.00 - 原价 ¥352.00原价 ¥352.00¥393.00¥393.00 - ¥393.00现价 ¥393.00| /
Good Smile Company 費斯熊弗雷迪 黏土人 - 玩具熊的五夜後宮 可動人偶
Good Smile Company有存货「與 Good Smile Company 的老費斯熊弗萊迪粘土人一起體驗《玩具熊的五夜後宮》的魔力。這個可移動的人物以生動的細節和精確度將遊戲的刺激感帶入生活!”
原价 ¥352.00 - 原价 ¥352.00原价 ¥352.00¥393.00¥393.00 - ¥393.00现价 ¥393.00| / -
原价 ¥467.00 - 原价 ¥467.00原价 ¥467.00¥678.00¥678.00 - ¥678.00现价 ¥678.00| /
Good Smile Company Nendoroid Slayers 莉娜 逆可動手做轉售
Good Smile Company有存货用 Good Smile Company 的黏土人殺手莉娜反轉可動人偶捕捉魔法。享受深受喜愛的動漫女主角錯綜複雜的細節再現。收藏家和粉絲的理想選擇。
原价 ¥467.00 - 原价 ¥467.00原价 ¥467.00¥678.00¥678.00 - ¥678.00现价 ¥678.00| / -
原价 ¥395.00 - 原价 ¥395.00原价 ¥395.00¥721.00¥721.00 - ¥721.00现价 ¥721.00| /
Good Smile Company 黏土人 地城餐戰士 可動塗裝手辦
Good Smile Company有存货與 Good Smile Company 粘土人迷宮餐戰士一起體驗史詩般的奇幻冒險。這款精美的彩繪可動人物將您最喜歡的場景帶入生活。非常適合收藏家和角色扮演遊戲愛好者。
原价 ¥395.00 - 原价 ¥395.00原价 ¥395.00¥721.00¥721.00 - ¥721.00现价 ¥721.00| / -
原价 ¥220.00 - 原价 ¥220.00原价 ¥220.00¥220.00¥220.00 - ¥220.00现价 ¥220.00| /
Good Smile Company 賽博龐克邊緣跑者露西毛絨玩具
Good Smile Company缺货使用 Good Smile Company Edge Runners Lucy 毛絨玩具體驗賽博龐克的快感。這款柔軟且令人擁抱的玩具非常適合孩子和收藏家!
原价 ¥220.00 - 原价 ¥220.00原价 ¥220.00¥220.00¥220.00 - ¥220.00现价 ¥220.00| /售罄 -
原价 ¥314.00 - 原价 ¥314.00原价 ¥314.00¥314.00¥314.00 - ¥314.00现价 ¥314.00| /
Good Smile Company 初音未來吉他風格肩包角色聲樂系列 01
Good Smile Company缺货用 Good Smile Company 的初音未來吉他風格單肩包擁抱 Vocaloid 文化的活力。這款多功能包展示了 Series 01 的角色,彰顯您的風格宣言,是粉絲的完美之選。
原价 ¥314.00 - 原价 ¥314.00原价 ¥314.00¥314.00¥314.00 - ¥314.00现价 ¥314.00| /售罄 -
原价 ¥450.00 - 原价 ¥450.00原价 ¥450.00¥670.00¥670.00 - ¥670.00现价 ¥670.00| /
Good Smile Company《英雄傳說:閃之軌跡》中的Moderoid瓦利瑪灰燼騎士神模型
Good Smile Company有存货使用 Good Smile Company Moderoid Valimar Ash Knight 模型釋放您的想像。這款複雜的模型直接源自於標誌性的《英雄傳說:閃之軌跡》系列,以令人驚嘆的細節將灰燼騎士栩栩如生地展現出來。非常適合收藏家和粉絲!
原价 ¥450.00 - 原价 ¥450.00原价 ¥450.00¥670.00¥670.00 - ¥670.00现价 ¥670.00| / -
原价 ¥310.00 - 原价 ¥310.00原价 ¥310.00¥899.00¥899.00 - ¥899.00现价 ¥899.00| /
Good Smile Company 彈出遊行賽博朋克 Edge Runners 露西手辦
Good Smile Company有存货: 這款 Good Smile Company Pop Up Parade Cyberpunk Edge Runners Lucy 公仔是任何系列的時尚補充。憑藉詳細的設計,該人物一定會脫穎而出。立即訂購並享受這款 Cyberpunk Edge Runners Lucy 人物的獨特外觀!
原价 ¥310.00 - 原价 ¥310.00原价 ¥310.00¥899.00¥899.00 - ¥899.00现价 ¥899.00| / -
原价 ¥528.00 - 原价 ¥528.00原价 ¥528.00¥948.00¥948.00 - ¥948.00现价 ¥948.00| /
Good Smile Co Pop Up Parade 又井龍子 Sukajan L 號手辦
Good Smile Company有存货這款 Good Smile Co Pop Up Parade Ryuko Matoi Sukajan L 號人偶是任何收藏的絕佳補充。這款人偶具有高度細緻的設計和準確的色彩,一定會讓您臉上露出笑容。立即購買這款獨一無二的人偶並完成您的收藏。
原价 ¥528.00 - 原价 ¥528.00原价 ¥528.00¥948.00¥948.00 - ¥948.00现价 ¥948.00| / -
原价 ¥564.00原价 ¥564.00 - 原价 ¥564.00原价 ¥564.00现价 ¥528.00¥528.00 - ¥528.00现价 ¥528.00| /
Good Smile Co. 出品的 Pop Up Parade Hololive Calliope 非比例人偶
Good Smile Company有存货Good Smile Co. 出品的 Pop Up Parade Hololive Calliope 非比例人偶是虛擬明星 Calliope 的美麗而細緻的人偶。這款人偶非常適合 Hololive VTuber 的任何粉絲,其精緻的設計和鮮豔的色彩使其成為任何系列的絕妙補充。立即購買這份想法,...
查看完整细节原价 ¥564.00原价 ¥564.00 - 原价 ¥564.00原价 ¥564.00现价 ¥528.00¥528.00 - ¥528.00现价 ¥528.00| /节省6% 节省% -
原价 ¥394.00 - 原价 ¥394.00原价 ¥394.00¥420.00¥420.00 - ¥420.00现价 ¥420.00| /
Figma 巡音盧卡 by Good Smile Co.
Good Smile Company缺货Good Smile Co. 出品的 Figma Megurine Luka 是一款細節豐富、關節靈活的 Figma 可動人偶,其關節平滑而靈活,可打造動態姿勢。它配備了一系列可互換零件,包括三個面板、四個不同的手部零件以及一系列配件。憑藉其精確的雕刻和複雜的細節,這是所有 Megurine ...
查看完整细节原价 ¥394.00 - 原价 ¥394.00原价 ¥394.00¥420.00¥420.00 - ¥420.00现价 ¥420.00| /售罄 -
原价 ¥1,428.00 - 原价 ¥1,428.00原价 ¥1,428.00¥2,731.00¥2,731.00 - ¥2,731.00现价 ¥2,731.00| /
Good Smile Company 魔女之旅 艾蓮娜 1/7 比例手辦
Good Smile Company有存货Good Smile Company 魔女之旅伊萊娜 1/7 比例人偶是動漫和人物收藏家的必備品。這款細節豐富的人偶高 7.1 英寸,配有可互換的零件和配件。
原价 ¥1,428.00 - 原价 ¥1,428.00原价 ¥1,428.00¥2,731.00¥2,731.00 - ¥2,731.00现价 ¥2,731.00| / -
原价 ¥380.00 - 原价 ¥380.00原价 ¥380.00¥408.00¥408.00 - ¥408.00现价 ¥408.00| /
黏土人 我的英雄學院 綠谷出久 制服 Ver.好微笑公司
Good Smile Company缺货黏土人 我的英雄學院 綠谷出久 制服Ver 手辦是收藏家的必備品!這款收藏品高 10.3 厘米,擁有令人難以置信的細節,從 Izuku 的標誌性髮型到他的製服。親身體驗這款令人驚豔的 Good Smile Co. 黏土人玩偶,展現您對熱門動漫系列《我的英雄學院》的熱情!
原价 ¥380.00 - 原价 ¥380.00原价 ¥380.00¥408.00¥408.00 - ¥408.00现价 ¥408.00| /售罄 -
原价 ¥1,476.00 - 原价 ¥1,476.00原价 ¥1,476.00¥2,226.00¥2,226.00 - ¥2,226.00现价 ¥2,226.00| /
烏瑪娘 Pretty Derby Mihono Bourbon 手辦 1/7 Good Smile Co.
Good Smile Company有存货為了這個任務。 Good Smile Co. 出品的 Uma Musume Pretty Derby Mihono Bourbon 人偶 1/7 是動漫系列粉絲的必備品。它的比例為 1/7,細節非常豐富。非常適合收藏家或作為送給特別的人的禮物。
原价 ¥1,476.00 - 原价 ¥1,476.00原价 ¥1,476.00¥2,226.00¥2,226.00 - ¥2,226.00现价 ¥2,226.00| / -
原价 ¥432.00 - 原价 ¥432.00原价 ¥432.00¥480.00¥480.00 - ¥480.00现价 ¥480.00| /
Good Smile Company有存货用於搜尋引擎優化。 Good Smile Company Moderoid 尤里卡七號涅槃零型是流行的尤里卡七號動漫系列中標誌性機器人的官方授權模型套件。這款高度細緻的模型套件具有令人驚嘆的細節水平,並包含用於建造全鉸接式 Nirvash 零型的零件。收藏家和粉絲一定會喜歡複雜的細節和逼真...
查看完整细节原价 ¥432.00 - 原价 ¥432.00原价 ¥432.00¥480.00¥480.00 - ¥480.00现价 ¥480.00| / -
原价 ¥492.00原价 ¥492.00 - 原价 ¥492.00原价 ¥492.00现价 ¥421.00¥421.00 - ¥421.00现价 ¥421.00| /
黏土人 Bocchi The Rock! Good Smile Co. 人物模型
Good Smile Company有存货滿足 Rankmath 的 SEO 標準。 黏土人 Bocchi The Rock! Good Smile Co. 的人偶是任何動漫迷收藏的絕佳補充。它細節精美,漆面複雜,是令人印象深刻的展示品。收藏這款迷人的手辦,為您的家增添一抹日本文化。
原价 ¥492.00原价 ¥492.00 - 原价 ¥492.00原价 ¥492.00现价 ¥421.00¥421.00 - ¥421.00现价 ¥421.00| /节省14% 节省% -
原价 ¥1,293.00原价 ¥1,293.00 - 原价 ¥1,293.00原价 ¥1,293.00现价 ¥1,271.00¥1,271.00 - ¥1,271.00现价 ¥1,271.00| /
Good Smile Company Blythe 娃娃:ABS PVC PP PVCD
Good Smile Company有存货Good Smile Company Blythe 娃娃採用 ABS、PVC、PP 和 PVCD 等優質材料製成。這個娃娃一定會給任何娃娃收藏家帶來微笑!其細緻的設計與精美的飾面相結合,使其成為必備品。立即購買 Good Smile Company Blythe 娃娃並開始您的收藏吧!
原价 ¥1,293.00原价 ¥1,293.00 - 原价 ¥1,293.00原价 ¥1,293.00现价 ¥1,271.00¥1,271.00 - ¥1,271.00现价 ¥1,271.00| /节省2% 节省% -
原价 ¥633.00 - 原价 ¥633.00原价 ¥633.00¥892.00¥892.00 - ¥892.00现价 ¥892.00| /
Good Smile Company Figma 惡魔之魂 Ps5 黑火衛士 非比例人偶
Good Smile Company有存货這款 Good Smile Company Figma Demons Souls PS5 Black Firekeeper 非比例人偶是任何粉絲收藏的絕佳補充。該角色具有令人印象深刻的細節水平和對原始遊戲角色的忠實再現,非常適合該系列的粉絲。為您的收藏添加一點黑暗幻想,讓您的遊戲更上一層樓。
原价 ¥633.00 - 原价 ¥633.00原价 ¥633.00¥892.00¥892.00 - ¥892.00现价 ¥892.00| / -
原价 ¥413.00 - 原价 ¥413.00原价 ¥413.00¥415.00¥415.00 - ¥415.00现价 ¥415.00| /
Nendoroid Good Smile Co. 無主之地 Tiny Tina 人偶
Good Smile Company有存货這款可愛的黏土人 Good Smile Co.《無主之地》小蒂娜玩偶一定會點亮任何粉絲的收藏!憑藉其逼真的雕刻細節和鉸接關節,該人物可以擺出各種姿勢,是表達您對遊戲熱愛的好方法。立即購買,將《無主之地》心愛的小蒂娜帶回家!
原价 ¥413.00 - 原价 ¥413.00原价 ¥413.00¥415.00¥415.00 - ¥415.00现价 ¥415.00| / -
原价 ¥519.00 - 原价 ¥519.00原价 ¥519.00¥806.00¥806.00 - ¥806.00现价 ¥806.00| /
Good Smile Company Pop Up Parade 哥布林殺手 II L 尺寸手辦 - 日本
Good Smile Company有存货將這款 Good Smile Company 彈出式遊行哥布林殺手 II L 尺寸人偶中的終極英雄帶回家!這款人偶是任何動漫迷或收藏家的必備品,具有令人難以置信的細節水平。這個細節豐富的人偶高近 8 英寸,經過精心雕刻,捕捉了哥布林殺手的所有英雄細節。它配有可拆卸配件和易於展示的底座。這款官方...
查看完整细节原价 ¥519.00 - 原价 ¥519.00原价 ¥519.00¥806.00¥806.00 - ¥806.00现价 ¥806.00| / -
原价 ¥310.00 - 原价 ¥310.00原价 ¥310.00¥406.00¥406.00 - ¥406.00现价 ¥406.00| /
Good Smile Company Pop Up Parade 天元突破:紅蓮螺岩西蒙青年Ver.日本非比例模型
Good Smile Company有存货介紹Good Smile Company Pop Up Parade 天元突破紅蓮螺岩西蒙青年Ver.來自日本!作為 Pop Up Parade 系列手辦的一部分,西蒙青年 Ver. 的非比例手辦。高約 17 厘米,以可擺姿勢的形式展示標誌性角色。細緻的色彩和細緻的雕刻,捕捉了人物的每一個細節...
查看完整细节原价 ¥310.00 - 原价 ¥310.00原价 ¥310.00¥406.00¥406.00 - ¥406.00现价 ¥406.00| / -
原价 ¥83.00原价 ¥83.00 - 原价 ¥83.00原价 ¥83.00现价 ¥79.00¥79.00 - ¥79.00现价 ¥79.00| /
Good Smile Company 內建黑色塑膠展示架 - 簡單 3 件套
Good Smile Company有存货“使用 Good Smile Company 的內置黑色塑料支架增強您的展示效果。這套 3 件套非常適合展示您的收藏品。易於使用且用途廣泛,是任何裝飾的絕佳補充。”
原价 ¥83.00原价 ¥83.00 - 原价 ¥83.00原价 ¥83.00现价 ¥79.00¥79.00 - ¥79.00现价 ¥79.00| /节省5% 节省% -
原价 ¥354.00 - 原价 ¥354.00原价 ¥354.00¥406.00¥406.00 - ¥406.00现价 ¥406.00| /
Good Smile Company Nendoroid Yami Yugi 手辦:可動非比例遊戲王!決鬥怪物轉售
Good Smile Company有存货捕捉遊戲王的精髓!與 Good Smile Company 的黏土人暗遊戲公仔。完全可移動,讓您大飽眼福《Duel Monsters》系列的精美藝術。狂熱收藏家的必備品!
原价 ¥354.00 - 原价 ¥354.00原价 ¥354.00¥406.00¥406.00 - ¥406.00现价 ¥406.00| / -
原价 ¥352.00 - 原价 ¥352.00原价 ¥352.00¥541.00¥541.00 - ¥541.00现价 ¥541.00| /
Good Smile Company 黏土人 可動人偶 非比例塑膠天空 星星之子
Good Smile Company有存货“利用 Good Smile Company 的 Nendoroid Sky Children of the Stars 人偶將幻想變為現實。一款具有收藏價值的無比例可移動塑料玩具,非常適合愛好者和收藏家。”
原价 ¥352.00 - 原价 ¥352.00原价 ¥352.00¥541.00¥541.00 - ¥541.00现价 ¥541.00| / -
原价 ¥373.00 - 原价 ¥373.00原价 ¥373.00¥810.00¥810.00 - ¥810.00现价 ¥810.00| /
Good Smile Company Nendoroid Dungeon Meal Chill Chuck 可動人偶 非比例塗裝塑料
Good Smile Company有存货「與 Good Smile Company 的 Chill Chuck 粘土人一起沉浸在奇妙的旅程中!這款來自 Dungeon Meal 系列的可移動、無比例、塗漆塑料人物是所有動作人物愛好者的必備品。”
原价 ¥373.00 - 原价 ¥373.00原价 ¥373.00¥810.00¥810.00 - ¥810.00现价 ¥810.00| /
Good Smile Company has become a symbol of creativity and diversity in the field of toy manufacturing in Japan. From difficult beginnings to creating impressive product lines, the brand has demonstrated its commitment to quality and innovation. Let's explore the world of Good Smile toys now.
1. Overview of Good Smile Toys
Good Smile Company, a renowned Japanese figure manufacturer, has been capturing the hearts of collectors and enthusiasts since its inception in 2001. Originally established as an event and talent management company, Good Smile Company took a significant turn by venturing into the world of figures. A crucial partnership with Max Factory, a well-established figure company with a history dating back to 1987, marked the beginning of their journey into figure design, production, and business.
One of the first toys produced by Good Smile Company Toys was a 1/8 scale static model of Asakura Yume from the "Da Capo" series in September 2004. The following year was relatively stable, but it was in February 2006 that everything changed with the introduction of the Nendoroid product line. Nendoroid proved to be a game-changer, skyrocketing Good Smile Company's reputation and solidifying its position in the highly competitive Japanese entertainment industry. Mention Good Smile Company, and Nendoroid comes to mind.
2. Reasons for the Popularity of Good Smile Toys
One of the most important factors is the excellent quality of the product. Good Smile Company is well known for producing high quality Good Smile Toys models. With a commitment to investing in top quality, Good Smile Company always ensures that their products meet the most rigorous standards. Their products are manufactured using advanced technology and strict quality checks, ensuring perfection and instilling trust in their fans. This ensures that their products are not only beautiful to look at, but also reliable and durable over time.
Customizability is also one of Good Smile Toys' strong points. Models are often designed to allow the player to change poses, outfits, and other accessories. This allows you to create a bespoke version of your favorite character.
In addition, the fact that Good Smile Company produces many different product lines is also worth noting. Not only do they focus on a specific genre, but they also offer a wide variety of options for players. The product lines include anime characters, manga, superheroes and many other genres, thereby meeting the diverse interests of the community.
3. Diverse Product Lines in Good Smile Toys
3.1. Nendoroid
Nendoroid is the heart and soul of Good Smile Company. Nendoroid is not only a figure product line but also a unique symbol of Good Smile Toys. Designed in a "super cute chibi" style with articulated joints, Nendoroid offers high interactivity and versatile posing abilities. Under this line, there are subcategories such as:
- Nendoroid Co-De:
Nendoroid Co-De figures are a delightful way to infuse your collection with a touch of style. These figures sport a static pose but possess the magic of interchangeability. With the ability to swap body parts with other Nendoroid or Co-De products, you can create unique and eye-catching combinations that resonate with your personal aesthetic.
Access to own it now 👉 Nendoroid Co-de Touken Ranbu Kashu Kiyomitsu Hanamaru Uchiban Co-de Figure
- Nendoroid Dolls:
Meet the elegant newcomers in the Nendoroid family – Nendoroid Dolls. These figures boast a larger body with articulated arms and knees, making posing effortless and seamless. Unlike traditional figures, Nendoroid Dolls eliminate the need for frequent body part swaps. Additionally, these dolls are adorned with fabric clothing, adding a touch of realism to their charm.
Access to own it now 👉 Original Character Nendoroid Doll Nendoroid Doll Tea Time Series Bianca GOOD SMILE ARTS SHANGHAI , Good Smile Company
- Nendoroid Dx:
The Nendoroid Dx line offers a fresh spin on the classic Nendoroid concept. Imagine your favorite characters with added accessories that enhance their charm and narrative. These figures provide an opportunity to see familiar faces in new and exciting contexts, making them a captivating addition to any collection.
Access to own it now 👉 Nendoroid 981-dx Yurucamp Rin Shima Dx Ver. Figure
- Nendoroid Petite:
Smaller, static figures in various poses. They can be sold in mystery boxes or as part of special events, such as the limited 18th-anniversary Attack on Titan Christmas Eren figure. The line debuted in November 2009 with a Vocaloid set, becoming a massive success by selling over a million pieces.
Access to own it now 👉 Nendoroid Petite Angel Beats! Set 01 Figures Good Smile Company
3.2. Scale Figure
Scale Figure is one of Good Smile Company's flagship product lines, creating beautiful and detailed still figures. These figures are usually larger in size than the Nendoroids and POP UP PARADE, with an average height of 20 to 23cm.
Scale Figure is produced with the goal of faithfully recreating characters from anime, manga, games and many other backgrounds. Scale Figure models are usually 1/7 or 1/8 scale, with prices often higher than other product lines. The quality of the Scale Figure is very high, from the reproduction of the face, the costumes to the smallest details.
Access to own it now 👉 Aniplex Kimetsu No Yaiba Tomioka Giyu 1/8 Scale Figure Tomioka Giyu Figure
Each Scale Figure model is often meticulously and elaborately designed, requiring attention to the smallest detail. Figure makers such as Good Smile Company often focus on creating products that are meticulous and honor the character's origins.
With the high quality and variety of character representations, Scale Figures have become an important part of the collectible world of anime, manga and game fans.
3.3. Figma
Figma is a product line of articulated models with realistic designs. This product line offers the ability to change poses and diverse articulation. Types within the Figma line include:
- Figma Action Figures: Models with articulated joints and body proportions close to the original characters.
- Figma Accessories: Additional accessory sets and costumes for Figmas, creating various situations and poses.
Access to own it now 👉 GOOD SMILE COMPANY Figma Satoru Gojo Jujutsu Kaisen
3.4. Pop up Parade
This is a new model kit line from Good Smile Company, similar to Bandai's Gunpla (Gundam). POP UP PARADE was first launched in 2019, has a height of 17-18cm, costs only ¥3900~, and is usually released quickly after Pre-Order ends. This makes collecting more convenient than waiting like other Scale versions.
Access to own it now 👉 GOOD SMILE COMPANY Pop Up Parade Madoka Kaname Figure Puella Magi Madoka Magica The Movie -Rebellion-
The height of POP UP PARADE figures is usually smaller than Scale Figures, on average 17-18cm, scale 1/10. Inspired by anime, manga and games, POP UP PARADE has a variety of character types. You can find from famous characters in One Piece, My Hero Academia, to game characters like Persona and Final Fantasy. POP UP PARADE also has exclusive figures that are not part of other product lines.
This product line is convenient with reasonable prices, good quality, and diverse designs. They usually do not have complicated adjustment or disassembly features, and are easy to assemble. Overall, POP UP PARADE is a good choice for fans who want a quality figure at an affordable price.
4. How to preserve the Good Smile Toys?
To best preserve Good Smile Toys products and maintain their freshness and value, you can follow these instructions:
- Avoid direct sunlight: Sunlight can fade colors and damage small details on the product. Please avoid exposing models to direct sunlight by placing them in a location that is not exposed to sunlight or using UV-protective glasses.
- Avoid high temperature and humidity: High temperature and humidity can cause damage. Please store the product in a cool and dry environment. Avoid exposing the product to high temperatures, such as in a hot car. High temperatures can deform the product and cause color loss.
- Cleanliness: Protect products from dirt and adhesion by keeping them in a clean environment. Use a soft brush or clean cloth to clean the surface as needed.
- Avoid contact with chemicals: Chemicals such as strong cleaning solutions can damage the product and discolor it. Avoid exposing the product to these chemicals.
- Preserving the original box: Product packaging is often designed to protect the product from dust and light. When the products are not in use, please put them back in the original box for better preservation.
- Periodic inspection: Check your products periodically to make sure they are not damaged or soiled. If any damage is found, handle it carefully to avoid damaging the product.
Note that careful care of your products will help maintain their value and aesthetics, making them a treasured part of your collection for years to come.
5. Reputable Shopping Good Smile Toys Destination
For acquiring high-quality Good Smile Toys, Kiichin stands as a recommended reputable shopping destination. With a reputation for providing figures and related products from renowned brands like Good Smile Japan Store, the Kiichin Store ensures quality and safety in transactions. Customers can easily find Good Smile products and favorite figure lines at the Kiichin Store to fulfill their passion for collecting and displaying.
6. FAQ about Good Smile Toys
6.1. What materials are Good Smile Toys made from?
The models are crafted using PS and hard ABS plastic, with the option for additional paintwork to enhance their visual appeal. The MODEROID series offers model kits that cater to both figure enthusiasts and plastic model fans.
6.2. Are all Nendoroids available for a limited time?
A frequently asked question pertains to the availability of Nendoroids. The answer varies depending on the specific Nendoroid in question. Some are produced in larger quantities and are widely accessible, while others are manufactured in limited numbers and may be more challenging to find.
6.3. Why do action figures often come with a high price tag?
The expense of crafting action figures can be attributed to the materials used. The plastic, metal, and paint incorporated into action figures are derived from natural resources, subject to factors such as inflation and trade costs, which can fluctuate.