- Agc Techno Glass (3)
- Akagawa Kibutsu (6)
- Akebono (12)
- Akebono Sangyo (1)
- Aoki Hamono (8)
- Aoyoshi (1)
- Arnest (1)
- Asai Store (13)
- Asano (4)
- Bruno (1)
- Chefmade (1)
- Cotta (6)
- Cz-Ing (3)
- Ebematsu (61)
- Ebm (16)
- Endo Shoji (4)
- Entec (1)
- Feather Safety Razor (1)
- Fuji Horo (2)
- Fujihoro (6)
- Hikimoto (8)
- Hoon (1)
- Ikenaga (3)
- Ikenaga Iron Works (1)
- Iwachu (1)
- Iwatani (3)
- Japanese Nagomi (1)
- Kai Corporation (131)
- Kataoka (1)
- Kokubo Industry (1)
- Kubodera (4)
- Kubodera Light Metal Industry (1)
- Lec (3)
- Majimaya Confectionery Tool Store (1)
- Miyabi Urushi Kogei (11)
- Mt-Torimatsu (1)
- Mtate Torimatsu (1)
- Nihon Metal Works (7)
- Nihon Yoshokki (5)
- Nishiki Kasei (6)
- P&Amp;P Chef (1)
- Pentel (1)
- Prince (2)
- Rokuhan (6)
- Sakai Takayuki (2)
- Sanneng Japan Food Utensils (2)
- Santo (1)
- Schick (3)
- Shimomura (1)
- Shimomura Kougyou (4)
- Shimomura Planning And Sales (1)
- Shimotori (38)
- Shimotori Corporation (2)
- Shinkousha (3)
- Soratobu Frying Pan (5)
- Sugiyama Metal (1)
- Sulton (1)
- Sun Art (2)
- Suncraft (10)
- Super Kitchen (4)
- Takashi Endo Store (1)
- Tanabe (2)
- Tanaka Food Machinery Co., Ltd. (1)
- Tiger Crown (4)
- Tigercrown (26)
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- Wahei Freiz (3)
- Wakabayashi (1)
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- Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi) (1)
原价 ¥182.00原价 ¥182.00 - 原价 ¥182.00原价 ¥182.00现价 ¥143.00¥143.00 - ¥143.00现价 ¥143.00| /
Suncraft 310 毫米鋸齒蛋糕刀 - 輕鬆切割蛋糕的完美選擇
Suncraft有存货隆重介紹 Suncraft 310 毫米鋸齒蛋糕刀,這是輕鬆切割蛋糕的完美工具。這款長鋸齒狀刀片旨在處理任何類型的蛋糕,從海綿蛋糕到雪紡蛋糕再到卡斯特拉蛋糕。每次使用後請洗手以保持其鋒利度。 Suncraft Company Limited 位於日本關市,自 1948 年以來一直生產優質刀片和廚具。
原价 ¥182.00原价 ¥182.00 - 原价 ¥182.00原价 ¥182.00现价 ¥143.00¥143.00 - ¥143.00现价 ¥143.00| /节省21% 节省% -
原价 ¥31.00 - 原价 ¥31.00原价 ¥31.00¥43.00¥43.00 - ¥43.00现价 ¥43.00| /
高級 6 件套裝 Shimotori 一次性糖霜袋,方便蛋糕裝飾
Shimotori有存货隆重介紹優質 6 件套 Shimotori 一次性糖霜袋,它是輕鬆蛋糕裝飾的完美伴侶。這些高品質的袋子經過精心製作和對細節的關注,旨在承受嚴酷的烘烤。舒適的手柄和乾淨的邊緣尖端確保每次都能獲得專業的效果。這些糖霜袋易於清潔和存放,是專業麵包師和初學者的理想選擇。使用 Shimotori Cor...
查看完整细节原价 ¥31.00 - 原价 ¥31.00原价 ¥31.00¥43.00¥43.00 - ¥43.00现价 ¥43.00| / -
原价 ¥88.00 - 原价 ¥88.00原价 ¥88.00¥98.00¥98.00 - ¥98.00现价 ¥98.00| /
Rokuhan Z Gauge S032-3 商業建築模型套件
Rokuhan有存货使用 Rokuhan Z Gauge S032-3 商業建築模型套件探索微型化現實的樂趣。在舒適的家中將城市景觀帶入生活。愛好者的理想選擇!
原价 ¥88.00 - 原价 ¥88.00原价 ¥88.00¥98.00¥98.00 - ¥98.00现价 ¥98.00| / -
原价 ¥127.00原价 ¥127.00 - 原价 ¥127.00原价 ¥127.00现价 ¥113.00¥113.00 - ¥113.00现价 ¥113.00| /
Rokuhan Z Gauge Shorty 500 模型鐵路列車類型 Eva St008-3
Rokuhan有存货使用 Rokuhan Z Gauge Shorty 500 模型鐵路列車類型 Eva St008-3 體驗前所未有的微型鐵路。非常適合尋求高品質、精確細節和卓越性能的火車模型愛好者。今天就開始你的賽道冒險吧!
原价 ¥127.00原价 ¥127.00 - 原价 ¥127.00原价 ¥127.00现价 ¥113.00¥113.00 - ¥113.00现价 ¥113.00| /节省11% 节省% -
原价 ¥119.00 - 原价 ¥119.00原价 ¥119.00¥142.00¥142.00 - ¥142.00现价 ¥142.00| /
Rokuhan Z Gauge Shorty Emd F7 南方鐵路內燃機車模型
Rokuhan有存货使用 Rokuhan Z Gauge Shorty Emd F7 南方鐵路柴油機車探索模型鐵路。細節準確,易於使用,非常適合任何火車愛好者的收藏。
原价 ¥119.00 - 原价 ¥119.00原价 ¥119.00¥142.00¥142.00 - ¥142.00现价 ¥142.00| / -
原价 ¥93.00原价 ¥93.00 - 原价 ¥93.00原价 ¥93.00现价 ¥85.00¥85.00 - ¥85.00现价 ¥85.00| /
Rokuhan Z Gauge A108-1 20 英尺海運貨櫃組 - 2 件
Rokuhan有存货使用 Rokuhan Z Gauge A108-1 20 英尺海運貨櫃套裝探索微型鐵路世界。這款 2 件套裝為您的模型火車增添了細節,保證數小時的創造力和樂趣。非常適合愛好者和收藏家!
原价 ¥93.00原价 ¥93.00 - 原价 ¥93.00原价 ¥93.00现价 ¥85.00¥85.00 - ¥85.00现价 ¥85.00| /节省9% 节省% -
原价 ¥806.00 - 原价 ¥806.00原价 ¥806.00¥818.00¥818.00 - ¥818.00现价 ¥818.00| /
Rokuhan Z Gauge Jnr 103 系列天藍色 4 節車廂火車組 - 基本低駕駛室模型
Rokuhan有存货使用 Rokuhan Z Gauge Jnr 103 系列 4 節車廂火車組體驗無縫火車建模。採用引人注目的天藍色精心打造,採用基本的低駕駛室設計,實現逼真的細節和不妥協的性能。
原价 ¥806.00 - 原价 ¥806.00原价 ¥806.00¥818.00¥818.00 - ¥818.00现价 ¥818.00| / -
原价 ¥127.00原价 ¥127.00 - 原价 ¥127.00原价 ¥127.00现价 ¥107.00¥107.00 - ¥107.00现价 ¥107.00| /
羽毛安全刮鬍刀 Chokin Cross 粉紅色 - 高品質刮鬍刀 CC-P
Feather Safety Razor有存货使用 Feather Safety Razor Chokin Cross Pink 體驗卓越的刮鬍效果。這款高品質刮鬍刀可確保精確控制和平滑滑動,實現完美刮鬍效果。非常適合日常美容需求。
原价 ¥127.00原价 ¥127.00 - 原价 ¥127.00原价 ¥127.00现价 ¥107.00¥107.00 - ¥107.00现价 ¥107.00| /节省16% 节省% -
原价 ¥36.00 - 原价 ¥36.00原价 ¥36.00¥67.00¥67.00 - ¥67.00现价 ¥67.00| /
Schick Hydro 200G - Schick 光滑剃須凝膠
Schick有存货使用 Schick Hydro 200G 刮鬍凝膠體驗順滑舒適的刮鬍體驗。其保濕配方可提供最大程度的保護,讓您每次都能享受貼面、清爽的刮鬍體驗。
原价 ¥36.00 - 原价 ¥36.00原价 ¥36.00¥67.00¥67.00 - ¥67.00现价 ¥67.00| / -
原价 ¥91.00原价 ¥91.00 - 原价 ¥91.00原价 ¥91.00现价 ¥75.00¥75.00 - ¥75.00现价 ¥75.00| /
Schick Quattro 4 刀片拋棄式刮鬍刀雙裝
Schick有存货使用 Schick Quattro 4 刀片拋棄式刮鬍刀雙包體驗順暢刮鬍子。專為舒適和貼面剃須而設計,非常適合旅途中的美容。立即升級您的刮鬍程式。
原价 ¥91.00原价 ¥91.00 - 原价 ¥91.00原价 ¥91.00现价 ¥75.00¥75.00 - ¥75.00现价 ¥75.00| /节省18% 节省% -
原价 ¥103.00原价 ¥103.00 - 原价 ¥103.00原价 ¥103.00现价 ¥97.00¥97.00 - ¥97.00现价 ¥97.00| /
Kai DL6237 銀色果凍模具 7x7x3.5 公分(5 件套)日本製造
Kai Corporation有存货這套 5 個 Kai DL6237 銀色果凍模具在日本製造,尺寸為 7x7x3.5 公分。非常適合製作和展示您最喜歡的果凍甜點 - 為您的家人和朋友提供特別的款待。
原价 ¥103.00原价 ¥103.00 - 原价 ¥103.00原价 ¥103.00现价 ¥97.00¥97.00 - ¥97.00现价 ¥97.00| /节省6% 节省% -
原价 ¥127.00原价 ¥127.00 - 原价 ¥127.00原价 ¥127.00现价 ¥122.00¥122.00 - ¥122.00现价 ¥122.00| /
Kai DL6234 不銹鋼布丁/果凍模具 5 件套日本製造
Kai Corporation有存货Kai DL6234 不銹鋼布丁/果凍模具 5 件組是您廚房的完美補充。這些模具在日本製造,由優質不銹鋼製成,防銹,確保您的甜點每次都看起來完美。這些模具易於使用和清潔,將幫助您輕鬆製作美味佳餚。
原价 ¥127.00原价 ¥127.00 - 原价 ¥127.00原价 ¥127.00现价 ¥122.00¥122.00 - ¥122.00现价 ¥122.00| /节省4% 节省% -
原价 ¥43.00 - 原价 ¥43.00原价 ¥43.00¥47.00¥47.00 - ¥47.00现价 ¥47.00| /
凱矽膠杯鬆餅模3個 DL6243
Kai Corporation有存货這款「凱矽膠鬆餅杯3件套DL6243」是烘焙愛好者的絕佳產品。這款 3 件裝杯子鬆餅模具採用優質食品級矽膠製成,靈活耐用,讓您輕鬆取出烘焙食品,而不會粘連或破裂。這套裝快速且易於清潔,非常適合製作美味誘人的鬆餅和紙杯蛋糕。
原价 ¥43.00 - 原价 ¥43.00原价 ¥43.00¥47.00¥47.00 - ¥47.00现价 ¥47.00| / -
原价 ¥28.00原价 ¥28.00 - 原价 ¥28.00原价 ¥28.00现价 ¥27.00¥27.00 - ¥27.00现价 ¥27.00| /
Kai Corporation 巧克力模具組合 3.5x3.5x1.3cm DL6183
Kai Corporation有存货Kai Corporation 的這款巧克力模具組合非常適合製作美味佳餚。模具尺寸為 3.5x3.5x1.3 厘米,包含在 DL6183 套件中。使用這款令人驚嘆的模具組合創造出獨特的巧克力美味。
原价 ¥28.00原价 ¥28.00 - 原价 ¥28.00原价 ¥28.00现价 ¥27.00¥27.00 - ¥27.00现价 ¥27.00| /节省4% 节省% -
原价 ¥91.00原价 ¥91.00 - 原价 ¥91.00原价 ¥91.00现价 ¥46.00¥46.00 - ¥46.00现价 ¥46.00| /
Kai Corp DL6221 餅乾刀男孩
Kai Corporation有存货Kai Corp DL6221 男孩餅乾切割機是快速輕鬆切割均勻餅乾的絕佳選擇。我們的產品採用優質材料設計,提供可靠且愉快的體驗。有了我們的 Cookie Cutter Boys,您每次都可以製作出完美的餅乾。
原价 ¥91.00原价 ¥91.00 - 原价 ¥91.00原价 ¥91.00现价 ¥46.00¥46.00 - ¥46.00现价 ¥46.00| /节省49% 节省% -
原价 ¥32.00原价 ¥32.00 - 原价 ¥32.00原价 ¥32.00现价 ¥27.00¥27.00 - ¥27.00现价 ¥27.00| /
Kai Brand 不銹鋼布丁果凍模具 DL6236 (中) 日本
Kai Corporation有存货Kai Brand DL6236 不銹鋼布丁果凍模具(中)是在日本製作甜點的完美工具。其耐用的不銹鋼結構確保您可以使用多年,而其中等尺寸非常適合為您的家人或朋友烘焙甜點。使用這款模具輕鬆製作美味佳餚。
原价 ¥32.00原价 ¥32.00 - 原价 ¥32.00原价 ¥32.00现价 ¥27.00¥27.00 - ¥27.00现价 ¥27.00| /节省16% 节省% -
原价 ¥24.00原价 ¥24.00 - 原价 ¥24.00原价 ¥24.00现价 ¥21.00¥21.00 - ¥21.00现价 ¥21.00| /
Kai Corporation 曲奇餅熊 DL6201 日本製造(小)
Kai Corporation有存货這款 Kai Corporation 餅乾切割機 Bear DL6201 是塑造餅乾麵團的完美方式。這款小型熊形刀具在日本製作,為每種食譜帶來一點熊形可愛感。發揮創意並確保您的零食具有完美的形狀。
原价 ¥24.00原价 ¥24.00 - 原价 ¥24.00原价 ¥24.00现价 ¥21.00¥21.00 - ¥21.00现价 ¥21.00| /节省13% 节省% -
原价 ¥58.00 - 原价 ¥58.00原价 ¥58.00¥58.00¥58.00 - ¥58.00现价 ¥58.00| /
Kai Corp 飯糰 6 型圓形
Kai Corporation缺货Kai Corp Onigiri Type 6 Circles 非常適合任何零食。這些美味的日本飯糰採用優質原料製成,是適合任何場合的美味佳餚。享受 Onigiri Type 6 Circles 獨特的風味和質地,成為令人滿意的小吃。
原价 ¥58.00 - 原价 ¥58.00原价 ¥58.00¥58.00¥58.00 - ¥58.00现价 ¥58.00| /售罄 -
原价 ¥118.00 - 原价 ¥118.00原价 ¥118.00¥123.00¥123.00 - ¥123.00现价 ¥123.00| /
Kai Dl6139 18cm方形塔盤 可拆底
Kai Corporation有存货這款 Kai DL6139 18 公分方形塔盤具有可拆卸底部,可輕鬆釋放蛋撻和甜點。它由重型碳鋼製成,具有強度和耐用性,適用於所有滾刀類型。不沾塗層確保易於釋放和易於清潔。非常適合製作各種美味佳餚!
原价 ¥118.00 - 原价 ¥118.00原价 ¥118.00¥123.00¥123.00 - ¥123.00现价 ¥123.00| / -
原价 ¥52.00原价 ¥52.00 - 原价 ¥52.00原价 ¥52.00现价 ¥39.00¥39.00 - ¥39.00现价 ¥39.00| /
Kai Corp 耐熱紙模鬆餅模具 3 色 6 件組 DL6180
Kai Corporation有存货這款 Kai Corp 耐熱紙模鬆餅模具 6 件套 DL6180 是烘焙愛好者的理想選擇。這些模具有 3 種顏色可供選擇,耐熱且可快速均勻地烘烤。不再擔心鬆餅卡住或烘烤不均勻。購買這套 6 件套,立即開始烘焙!
原价 ¥52.00原价 ¥52.00 - 原价 ¥52.00原价 ¥52.00现价 ¥39.00¥39.00 - ¥39.00现价 ¥39.00| /节省25% 节省% -
原价 ¥103.00原价 ¥103.00 - 原价 ¥103.00原价 ¥103.00现价 ¥97.00¥97.00 - ¥97.00现价 ¥97.00| /
Kai Corp Kai House 蛋糕模具 方底 15 公分 DL6118
Kai Corporation有存货Kai Corp Kai House 蛋糕模具方底 15 公分 DL6118 是一款專業級烘焙工具,旨在製作美味、完美的蛋糕。這款耐用的蛋糕模具具有 15 公分深的方形底座,每次都能為您提供一致的效果。 DL6118 模具易於使用,是業餘和經驗豐富的麵包師的理想選擇。
原价 ¥103.00原价 ¥103.00 - 原价 ¥103.00原价 ¥103.00现价 ¥97.00¥97.00 - ¥97.00现价 ¥97.00| /节省6% 节省% -
原价 ¥27.00原价 ¥27.00 - 原价 ¥27.00原价 ¥27.00现价 ¥25.00¥25.00 - ¥25.00现价 ¥25.00| /
Kai Corporation 曲奇餅熊(大) DL6202 日本製造
Kai Corporation有存货這款來自 Kai Corporation (DL6202) 的大型日本製造餅乾切刀熊是任何廚房的完美補充。其細緻的設計和耐用的結構使其成為烘焙愛好者和餅乾愛好者的必備品。快速且易於使用,它將幫助您在幾分鐘內製作美味佳餚。
原价 ¥27.00原价 ¥27.00 - 原价 ¥27.00原价 ¥27.00现价 ¥25.00¥25.00 - ¥25.00现价 ¥25.00| /节省7% 节省% -
原价 ¥91.00原价 ¥91.00 - 原价 ¥91.00原价 ¥91.00现价 ¥46.00¥46.00 - ¥46.00现价 ¥46.00| /
Kai Corp Dl6228 心型餅乾切刀(小)
Kai Corporation有存货這款 Kai Corp Dl6228 心形餅乾切刀(小)非常適合烘焙自製餅乾。其體積小,非常適合裝飾和切割可愛的形狀作為零食和零食。這款刀具耐用且易於使用,是任何廚房的絕佳補充。
原价 ¥91.00原价 ¥91.00 - 原价 ¥91.00原价 ¥91.00现价 ¥46.00¥46.00 - ¥46.00现价 ¥46.00| /节省49% 节省% -
原价 ¥87.00原价 ¥87.00 - 原价 ¥87.00原价 ¥87.00现价 ¥79.00¥79.00 - ¥79.00现价 ¥79.00| /
Kai Dl6248 矽膠甜甜圈 12 顆 耐熱波德波心
Kai Corporation有存货Kai Dl6248 矽膠甜甜圈 12 件耐熱 Ponde Wave Heart 是一套完整的 12 個矽膠甜甜圈,非常適合烘焙。憑藉其耐熱設計,它們可以承受高達 446°F 的溫度,使其成為烘焙各種甜點的理想選擇。獨特的池塘波浪心形為任何甜點增添了額外的樂趣,使其成為有趣的烘焙體驗的絕佳選擇。
原价 ¥87.00原价 ¥87.00 - 原价 ¥87.00原价 ¥87.00现价 ¥79.00¥79.00 - ¥79.00现价 ¥79.00| /节省9% 节省%
Discover Premium Japanese Bakeware for Your Kitchen
If you’re passionate about baking and seeking high-quality bakeware to elevate your kitchen, look no further than Kiichin's exclusive collection of Japanese bakeware. Renowned for its craftsmanship and innovative design, Japanese bakeware is a favorite among home bakers and professional chefs alike. From durable baking pans to uniquely shaped molds, our selection offers everything you need to create delicious pastries, cakes, bread, and more. Discover how Japanese bakeware can transform your baking experience!
Why Choose Japanese Bakeware?
Japanese bakeware is celebrated for its attention to detail, durability, and user-friendly features. With a focus on even heat distribution, many Japanese baking pans and trays help prevent hot spots, ensuring that your baked goods cook consistently every time. Whether you're a novice or an experienced baker, high-quality tools can make a noticeable difference in the final product.
Top Japanese Bakeware Products at Kiichin
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Our non-stick baking pans are ideal for cakes, brownies, and savory dishes. Made with top-quality materials, they offer easy release and minimal cleanup, so you can focus on baking without the hassle.
Shimomura Iron Okonomiyaki & Pancake Pan
- Muffin and Cupcake Trays
Specialty Molds for Japanese Treats

Shimotori Japanese Stainless Steel Rice Mold
Add to cart: Shimotori Japanese Stainless Steel Rice Mold
Bread Loaf Pans

Ebm Altaite Loaf Pan
Add to your bakeware collection: Ebm Altaite Loaf Pan
Silicone Baking Mats and Accessories
Reduce waste and save time with our silicone baking mats. These reusable mats are non-stick, heat-resistant, and ideal for rolling dough, baking cookies, or roasting vegetables. Plus, they’re easy to clean and store!
Kai Dl6248 Silicone Donut 12pcs Heat Resistant Ponde Wave Heart
Elevate your baking experience with Kai Dl6248 Silicone Donut 12pcs Heat Resistant Ponde Wave Heart
Benefits of Using Japanese Bakeware from Kiichin
Durability: Crafted with high-quality materials, Japanese bakeware is built to last, offering excellent value for frequent bakers.
Precision and Control: Japanese bakeware’s focus on heat distribution provides better control over your baking results, leading to perfectly baked goods every time.
Unique Designs: Japan is known for its attention to aesthetics, and Japanese bakeware often features unique designs that bring elegance to your kitchen.
Versatility: Many of our bakeware items can handle a variety of baking tasks, from cakes to cookies to bread, making them versatile additions to your kitchen.
Tips for Baking with Japanese Bakeware
Preheat for Perfect Results: Make sure to preheat your oven to the specified temperature to allow the bakeware to distribute heat evenly.
Grease Lightly: While many Japanese baking pans are non-stick, a light coat of oil or butter can improve release and enhance flavor.
Handle with Care: Although durable, treating your bakeware gently will extend its lifespan. Avoid using metal utensils on non-stick surfaces to prevent scratches.
Elevate Your Baking Experience with Kiichin
Whether you’re an aspiring pastry chef or someone who enjoys baking on weekends, investing in Japanese bakeware from Kiichin is a step toward better, more enjoyable baking. With our curated collection, you can explore new baking possibilities and create impressive dishes for family and friends. Explore our Japanese bakeware collection at Kiichin and transform your kitchen into a professional baking space today!